Byako Inquirer

Race Report
by Jobsco the Reporting Golem

Watched with much anticipation, the first ever race in Byako history was held recently. Members from all clans turned out to try and win the fabulous prize: the ownership of the Tarlow Highlands. The representatives were as follows: Lutia for the Jarian Clan, Ansem for the "mystery clan" (now revealed to be the Tenth Sea Library), Brett for the Hunter Clan, Beginner for Clan Kabina, and lastly Cadwallander for Clan Kanareshii.

The race began with close-knit leads, but by the end (largely thanks to the mysterious boosts gained from dragon's fire and other unexpected sources), only one came out on top. The winner was none other than Cadwallander of Kanareshii. He was followed by Ansem, Beginner, Brett, and Lutia. This means that the island falls under the jurisdiction of Clan Kanareshii. Despite the pointless show of violence at the end and abundant trash talking, we hope that the clans can come together again to put on another spectacular show.

An Interview With the Winner
Recorded by Ace Stenographer Stiny (the golem esq.)
Nos(trodamus Amadeaus O'Maley) to Cadwallander

Nos - A boy falls out from a portal, standing up slightly and muttering, "I must've missed by a few feet..." A golem falls out shortly after, squashing him beneath its stony bulk. "Would you mind GETTING OFF OF ME NOW!" he shouted from underneath it.

The boy stood up and dusted off his clothes, "I am Nostradamus Amadaeus O'Maley, Nos for short, representing the Byako Inquirer. And you are?"

Cad - As Cadwallander was making preparations for takeoff, he heard a small thud behind him, shortly followed by a loud crash and lots of yelling. By the time he turned around, the little boy had already gotten to his feet, apparently unfazed.

He paused for a moment, slightly confused, then broke into his infamous, honest grin.

"Hey, that's a pretty cool name!" he said as he offered his hand in greetings. "I'm Cadwallander!"

Nos - "Ah," he said with a sly grin. "You must be the winner of the race. SO, what are your thoughts on winning control of a whole island for Clan Kanareshii?"

Cad - "Wow! You heard about that already?" He scratched the back of his head. "I guess word travels fast around here, huh? Anyway, it was really something! I never expected to win, much less get a whole floating island for ourselves."

Nos - "Well, do you or your clan have any plans for it?" he said, "Trust me, word gets around fast." He cracked a smile.

Cad - "Actually... I haven't told them yet. In any case, I really have no idea what we'd do with it." Cadwallander's delighted grin turned into a slightly nervous one. "Wonder what they'd have to say about it..."

Nos - "I'm sure they'll be proud. Any personal plans then? Any random ideas?"

Cad - "Hmm..." The gears in Cadwallander's head ticked away, following the strange oddity of clockwork that was his brain. Then he had a vision -- an obstacle course, perfect for practicing his stunts and tricks. Azure sky... Perfect clouds... He grinned like an idiot, lost in thought.

Nos - Nos sat patiently waiting... for about thirty seconds. "What is it?"

Cad - "Huh?" He immediately snapped out of his daydream. "Oh, nothing. Hey, maybe it can be our huge backyard or something!" ....yeah. He honestly had no idea.

Nos - "Fair enough... What do you think helped you most with your win?"

Cad - "Well... it's hard to say, really. I think it was mostly luck, to tell the truth. This beauty here isn't called the 'Avion Chanceux' for nothing!" He laughed as he gently patted the red-orange fuselage.

"Oh, that reminds me..." Reaching into the cockpit, he pulled out...a teddy bear. "I think Steve helped out, too! Right, Steve?" He paused for a moment -- nothing but silence came from the teddy bear. "Yep!"

Nos - "Clearly." nodded Nos in acceptance. "Never underestimate the power of luck and teddy bears. Any words for your competitors?"

Cad - "Hmm..." He thought for a moment. "It was a great race and I hope we can compete again sometime in the future! Maybe..." Then came his infamous pose -- he winked and grinned, giving the thumbs up.

Nos - Nos nodded in agreement. "Any last words?"

Cad - "Biplanes are so cool! Right, Steve?" He turned, grinning at the teddy bear.

Nos - Nos looked at the teddy bear suspiciously, but only shrugged. "Well, I think that just about covers everything." He reaches a hand forward to shake Cadwallander's. "Thank you for your time."

Cad - "Hey, no problem!" he said, shaking Nos' hand. "Come visit us anytime!"

Nos - "It'd be a pleasure. The offer is mutual," he says before sinking through another portal.

Rulers of the City (Part 1)
by Anonymous

Your reporter has traveled undercover to get the full story on the rulers of our city of Byako and has acquired some quite interesting pieces of information. This first article was a challenge, but through much journalism, the Jarian Clan Leader Lutia Fury's secrets have been divulged.

She apparently has only been in the city for three years and sources say that she traveled a lot, starting from the desert village where she became a weapon master. She has been seen wielding weapons of outrageous size in both hands at once and is believed to be ambidextrous. Even more amazing is her sheer acrobatic ability while doing so. Combined with the strange ability to pull seemingly any weapon from thin air, she is a powerful force.

But this report wouldn't be complete without weaknesses!
No, folks, we will not stop -- we will divulge it all in our stories no matter what the clans want to hide!

Our magical experts have noted that Lutia has an extraordinary deficiency in magic and is incapable of learning any of the magical arts. Furthermore, some of the weapon masters who have seen her note her lack of armor when she goes into combat.

Next issue, we will delve deep into the Hunter Clan to uncover the secrets of Desta Onsevive.

Stay tuned!

Darke Party Report
by Nia

I was attending the party at the Darke Mansion, expecting to have a story on the social inner workings of Byako, only to be caught up in something much darker.... Kren, a darkling of some notoriety, was found murdered! I cannot release evidence or possible suspects at this time without harming the investigation, but I took the opportunity to dig up some information on the victim.

Kren is of a species known as Darklings, manipulators of darkness whose most noted qualities are their ability to create shadow minions (Shadowlings) and disappear into shadows. Kren was the dean of the Dark Arts Academy and head of the research facility that replaced it.

I will continue my investigation and release a full report as the facts unfold.

User Image
Ally Guild Interview
by Reporter Mc Generic

Reporter: I'm a reporter for the Byako Inquirer and you have been selected for the guild interview!

Now tell us a bit about your guild.

Mifmemo: Um.... You mean Fallen Universe, right?

Reporter: you have more than one guild? *checks* Yes, Fallen Universe.

Mifmemo: Okay, well, it's a guild for all types of RPing. Unfortunately, it hardly has any members and very few are active.. The main forum "Random Thought" is for anything that's not an RP or that doesn't fall into one of the subforums. There are six subforums: "Playing God", "Crew of Fallen Universe Only", "Medieval Magic", "Flickering Street Lights", "Party Time!", and "Bump Here Please".

Playing God: This subforum is for god based games or games run strongly by the creator. Example- the creator controls all the NPCs and the main plot.

Crew of Fallen Universe Only: For the mods to do stuff.. hasn't been used much, sadly..

Medieval Magic: This subforum is for RPs that take place in a medieval setting, usually incorporating some sort of magic.

Flickering Street Lights: This subforum is for modern based RPs, whether they have magic related stuff or not.

Party Time!: This subforum is for parties... I think the ex-sub-captain made it before he quit. It hasn't been used much..

Bump Here Please: Also made by the ex-sub-captain.. for bumping.. though I'll probably change it into something else seeming as it's only one thread that would be used for bumping.

Other than that, I could describe some of the currently active RPs if you want..

Reporter: That would be fine. Tell us about some of your more noteworthy RPs.

Mifmemo: Okay.. well, there are only two truly active RPs in the guild right now: they are "Escape from Sina" and "The Dying Ceizns".

Escape from Sina: The plot of this story is that you are stuck in a mental hospital, except, you're not crazy.. or at least it's not the reason you're at Sina. People with special powers carry a mark making it easy for them to be spotted, and the government is sending these people to a remote location, Sina. So the point is to escape from Sina.

The Dying Ceizns: The actual plot of this story hasn't been revealed yet, but pretty much the Ceizns are a race that just appeared one day. The Ceizns are notable for their larger than normal sized eyes that are pale blue with white specks, their very fine white hair with pale blue streaks, their pale complexion, and their complete lack of speech. So, the story starts twenty years after they first appeared. They are very few and their true purpose will be revealed soon.

Other than that, the few other RPs are either seldom replied to or dead.

Reporter: What inspired you to create this guild?

Mifmemo: Well.. Originally it was a party guild.. but it died really quickly.. so I tried to make it into something I would enjoy as well as something that would attract members.. unfortunately it still doesn't have many members..

Reporter: Aside from those two RPs, is there anything else of note within your guild that you would care to mention?

Mifmemo: Hmmmmmm.... well... I don't know... umm... ^^;; I can't think of anything important..

Reporter: And is there anything you would like to say in closing?

Mifmemo: Ummmm.. Not really......

Reporter: Thank you for that enlightening interview.


A New Threat?

From: Concerned Near the Necropolis
Dear Inquirer,

I just want to warn everyone about this Lich King fellow... Any thing that can control all of the undead in the Necropolis must be dangerous. Sure, he hasn't done anything yet, but we all know it's only a matter of time. I mean, just look at him -- HE'S HORRIBLE!

What we really need to do is to get one of these lazy clans to come through and wipe out all those stinking undead. All they ever do is spread disease, attack the living, and ruin the crops in the rural district. Seriously, they don't even deserve to exist. May the goddess of youth and fertility protect us.