Byako Inquirer

Darke Manor Finale
By Nia

I continued to examine the mystery to keep you updated on events pertaining to it. With Kren's body found dead impaled by a spear of light and the only certainty being that one of the guests did it, the case grew more interesting. Suddenly, when the supposed detective had a break in the case, Caylem, a magician of unknown power, ran from the scene and following after was the majority of the remaining guests. With none of the suspects left, it seems the case has gone cold...

Except I, your reporter with information handed to me by a little girl named Dime, have cracked this case wide open!
Send your theories to the paper and we will reveal the party involved in the next issue of the Byako Inquirer.

Was it:
Caylem the mute magician and master of slight of hand?
Yarn the bounty hunter with mysterious gauntlets?
A Darkling
An Assassin
Earl Darke, the man who put this party together and invited Kren specifically?

History of Dungeon Square
By City Historical Community
adapted by Nia

Some people have been asking about the origins of the dungeon square, so we took a little time to look into its history.
Many years ago, there was a painter who had an odd vision, believing that everything should work in every dimension,
and he became a consultant with some of the architects who were rebuilding a torn down district of the city. What the engineers didn't know was the level of insanity the crazed artist would go to to achieve his vision.
Combining old magics with artistic vision, he had the place built in a madcap fashion. It was so bad that it went against the laws of physics, pulling it out of this plane, but being a part of the city it was still connected after a fashion... Eventually monsters moved in and it became a horror story of the moving part of town filled with danger and
difficult to escape from
could appear anywhere.
You could be walking down an alleyway and be along its wall way streets,
or driving a cart through the market and getting lost.
To this day the artist is said to still inhabit this place.....

War Around Byako
by Sitbon

Recently, a war broke out amongst the streets of Byako when the nation of Nibelheim and what we assume to be a rebel movement invaded Byako, intent on taking its resources.
Details are unknown, but witnesses claim to have seen the Kanareshii building destroyed, though no evidence of this is confirmed.
The Hunter mercenaries and the Jarian weaponists waged a combined war against the interlopers, determined to pull them from the city and seemed to have succeeded. Both factions were driven away, leaving only debris across the city that the Jarians quickly gathered to prevent any problems.
Some sources say a sympathizing faction within the Mechanized District assaulted the Jarians and that Lutia, the Jarian's
leader, herself went there to deal with the problem.

Sudden Snow Storm
by Samuel S. Susano

It's a white day around Byako, folks! We have been suddenly hit with a cold spell originating from the Frosty Mountain Region,
causing an unknown amount of snow to fall across the entire city and blanketing it in the cold stuff.
Theories suggest that this sudden cold spell was natural while some people from the rural areas are claiming a malicious entity was behind it.
Regardless, there's snow everywhere and many of our citizens seem to be enjoying the change of season.
Danger seems minimal, though it is suggested that those with flight craft or space ships keep yourselves grounded until this season spell has passed to avoid complications.

Rise of Bounty Hunters
Hei M. Dal

There has been a sudden rise in the bounty hunting element within the city. An unknown faction has been hunting down criminals, specifically within the overlooked Port Dark Water, a place avoided by Byako's more upstanding citizens.
The number of people involved is unknown, though rumors say that some of the more organized members of the criminal element are not amused.
Rumors have also been surfacing, saying that there might be a clan taking control of the district and hunting down bounties
throughout the city.
We questioned Yarn McZiln, a famed bounty hunter whose allegiance belongs to the Jarian Clan, for her opinion on this new development.

Yarn: Well, they're cleaning up that damn port and unless you've been there, you have no idea what kind of elements have been festering around there. As a citizen of Byako, I wish them luck in their endeavor and, as a fellow bounty hunter, I hope there's a challenge in chasing downthose bounties.
I have also been told by the Jarians, whom I have an arrangement with, that they are welcome within the city and that Lutia wishes to contact them.

We attempted to get a hold of the Hunter Clan, whose mercenaries have been known to hunt down people for a price in the past, for an opinion, but we were refused an interview.
However, our sources tell us that they sent a winged lemur who goes by the name of Blitzen to eliminate this new bounty hunting group.
In the end, it appears this new group will be met with differing opinions, but seems to be working for the interests of the city.
Only time will tell.

Tenth Sea Library: Friend or Foe?
by Jobsco the Reporting Golem

The Tenth Sea Library is a previously overlooked element whose intentions are unknown. The existence of this clan operated library was unknown until there recent involvement in the big clan race. Though some believe they have operated long before this under a different leader, our sources have only revealed him to be a summoner.
Regardless, they are currently under the leadership of Ansem, who says that they are dedicated to preserving the library and keeping the books under supervision, though some sources claim otherwise... The members of the clan are all-powerful individuals, nefarious within their fields. Some question why they would work in a mere library.
However, according to elemental sources, the library has a total of two hundred floors and contains an untold number of books.

They have been accused of being involved in the recent clan attacks that were coordinated with that unusual meteor that came close to leveling the city. Brett, a mechanist from the Hunter Clan, claims that Ansem himself waged an attack upon Kabina. Ansem denied this, claiming he has a friendship with Princess Aki going back to their childhood.
As Kabina town has closed their gates to outsiders ever since the attack, all information from Kabina town has been cut off and this this cannot be confirmed or denied.

Monsters had flooded the city and, lead by a cloaked figure, were seen chasing a magic door suspected to be the Jarian Headquarters. The Jarians refuse to reveal details about the event. Some claim that a similar figure was seen roaming the halls of the library, but nothing can be confirmed.

A seraphim whose name is unknown was reported by a myriad of sources to have destroyed the fortress of the Immortal Spirit army. Miso, who seems to have survived, accused the Tenth Sea Library of staging the attack and the whole thing erupted in a brawl. However, Ansem says that this seraphim acted independently of the clan's goals.

The Faita mansion, Hunter fortress, ISA castle and the city of Diz were all destroyed in that very same attack and while there is some evidence, there is nothing that proves the Tenth Sea Library was directly involved. Tt leaves the people to draw their own conclusions.

User Image
Interview With a Lich
by Reporter X to the Lich King (Leeshay)

Reporter: Thank you for sitting down with me mister Lich King.

Lich King: Its no problem, I assure you. So, what is it you wanted to ask me about?

Reporter: Well, you are an up and comer in Byako power structure. You are lord of the undead part of the city, correct?

Lich King: Yes, I control all of the "Little Necropolis" area, though I would like to expand my influence, as do all leaders. Between you and me, though, I have no "official" title to the area. It would seem the city's leaders feel that the "Undead" have no property rights. I'm just lucky that no one is foolish enough to try rising against me. Then again, there's not much to be gained from that area.

Reporter: So, what are you hoping to accomplish with the "Little Necropolis"?

Lich King: Well, as you must be well aware of, most living creatures are not particularly fond of the undead. I hope to alleviate those tensions by establishing the "Little Necropolis" as a place where the undead may live in peace, with a fair amount of exclusion from mortal affairs. Also, I'm working on something to remove the need to "feed" as a requirement for sustaining un-life, but those plans keep getting interrupted.

Reporter: Mister Lich King, tell me a little about yourself.

Lich King: Please, call me Leeshay. Where to begin... Well, as you know I am very old, 2674 to be exact. I'm not actually native to Byako, and I'm not about to tell you where exactly I was born. In fact, I doubt it still exists. One of my greatest passions has always been the accumulation of knowledge. I have traveled to a great many worlds, simply in that interest. Unfortunately, for some reason mortals seem to fear beings of my power, and I have been run out of most.

Reporter: A long time traveling...Did you ever meet a...woman?

Lich King: Well, of course I met plenty of women. But I suppose you mean in the definition of a love interest. What you mortals fail to realize is that the conception of a "Soul Mate" is vastly overblown. I assure you, you can find multiple people who fit that criteria in any given world. Still, there is one woman I've had my eye on till this day... for more reasons than romance.

The biggest problem with all relationships is time. Not only do most partners die of aging, but in the cases of those who possess some form of immortality, it can get tiring. The rigid static of both personalities makes all of the flaws stand out horribly and, FYI, Vampires can be the worst about it.

Reporter: Ah. Do you hold any affiliation with any of the other clans in Byako?

Lich King: You mean other than that mess of a library? Not particularly. They're all desperate attempts by those with no sense of direction to control what is beyond their grasp. If you ask me, they're all bound to fail.

Reporter: You have no plans for domination yourself?

Lich King: Though I would most certainly like to be in power, I'm afraid I can tell you nothing of it at the time. Unlike the clans, I rely on a series of short term objectives that are easily flexible. Remember, I have time on my side.

Reporter: What can you tell me about the servants of yours?

Lich King: Well, right now most of my minions are still deep in their graves, but two have really shown themselves. First off there's the reaper. I don't actually know to much other than that she was a woman when she was alive and that she has proven herself to be fiercely loyal. She also loves privacy, as I've never her seen her without the cover of her cloak... she's a mysterious one to say the least.

Then there's Mr. Black, or Legion. He's a demon who has agreed to help me in order to return to his home plane. He has the ability to control vermin and is able to share their senses, apparently. He also seems to be immune to poisons, toxins, and disease -- a good thing if you're to work with rotting corpses.

Reporter: Is that all you know about the reaper?

Lich King: There's a bit more... but most of it is fairly obvious from the name. Hm hm hm... I can assure you this much though: I have far less of a need for souls than what they're taken from. I'd like to think I'm far more benevolent than that...

Reporter: So you only take the bodies?

Lich King: I only TRY to take the body. Can I really be blamed if an occasional unsettled soul ups and spawns a ghost or specter of some sort?

Reporter: Of course not. Is there anything else you would like to inform the readers of?

Lich King: Yes, I would like to make sure they are prepared to come in contact with the undead... hm hm hm.

Reporter: Well, thank you sir, for sitting down with me.

Special Historical Artifact
Here is a poem about the history of two very prominent clans...

The Hunter and Jarian Clan Battles
Ten trillion beings make Byako their home.
High above the farthest cloud is a fortress.
Everyone wonders what the fortress could be.
Humans, demons, fairies and dragons people say.
Underneath was their greatest foe.
Neither those below nor Hunter above can win,
'Till the leaders of both can become friends.
Ever more the two fight, strengthening and weakening all the while
Running up bills of extravagant cost, they buy more force.
Apathy takes hold.
No person saw the end coming, save one.
Demetrius, a member of the Hunters saw fit to release
Jamus Toling.
A blazing battle to hold, locked between the
Rivals, warring as they have always before done.
Incident will bring destruction.
Announced Demetrius.
No being stood against Jamus as he let loose his powers.
Clad all in white, he let a brilliant light seep from him.
Less than a moment later the battle field was barren.
All that had stood tall against the fight
No longer stood with the living.
Balance was restored.
A single duet survived the light,
Two out of many millions,
The strongest of all,
Like a river returning to an ocean, all
Else was gone.
Silence comes after the end, but a silence this strong only brings gloom... and despair...

By Unknown Writer
Found By Destar Onesevive in the Hunter vaults.

Rulers of the City Part 2
by Anonymous

Welcome to our second edition!
Since our last issue, we have looked around asking every source available to us and have uncovered some valuable information on Desta Onesevive of the Hunter Clan.

Originating from some unknown dimension, she was apprenticed to Starjian Orion, God of Destruction, and left that reality with her brother shortly before the dimension suffered from an 'accident.' She trained with Starjian, learning his arts,
until one day when they were in a diner in a quiet part of Byako. When the orders were mixed up and he received a pie, he freaked out and left Desta behind in the city, where our information is a little shaky.

Somehow she acquired the Flying Fortress and founded the Hunter Clan mercenaries. From their savings, she acquired a casino from the 'slime father' and has been saving their funds for mysterious reasons... She currently runs her clan operations through a spaceship known as Aria that seems to have belonged to Starjian at some point.

She claims that her pink hair is natural, though our sources tell us that all of Starjian's followers have 'the pink mark,' so we
cannot be certain. In terms of abilities, she seems to be Lutia's polar opposite:
where Lutia is a master of a wide range of weaponry,
Desta is a veteran wielder of duel sword style;
where Lutia is unable to use magic,
Desta appears to have psychic powers and a lesser version of Starjian's transmutation abilities;
and where Lutia has a small select group of chosen individuals,
Desta controls an army of mercenaries, monsters, Starunes and the funds to acquire a good portion of the city's muscle.
She is a formidable warrior, but made even more so with her vast fortune and private army.

Now to delve into her weaknesses...
First of all, her psychic powers are limited to contacting people -- she has a connection to telepathy for short periods of time.
Second, her transmutation abilities are vastly inferior to Starjian's, limited to something within her size, weight and density.
Third, without her forces she is seriously handicapped.
Finally, she seems to have a weakness involving plushies.

Tune in next time when we delve into the secrets of Ansem from the Tenth Sea Library!