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Another fanfic >.< Will I ever cease?

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 9:04 am
Another fanfic. I emailed some of it to a friend and she was gonna kill me if I didn't post it gonk So here it is, instead of romance, I went for comedy, but being my blonde self I had to add slight romance. Whadda ya gonna do >.< So here it is~

One fine day in the village of Konoha, the Hokage, Tsunade, was complaining about the lack of women in Konoha. “Seriously We need more women, and I think we should import someone from a foreign village,” she told her assistant Shizune.
“Tsunade-sama, I will get right on that,” she said, trying to make the Hokage happy. She then left to make arrangements for a women to come and stay in Konoha. She looked through some papers on Tsunade’s desk to find a brochure to a place called, “America.” Apparently, they had a lot of people willing to come and stay in Konoha because of anime obsessions, and they also wanted to meet their obsessive characters. She saw a few numbers on the back, and called them with their new phone(don’t ask, they have phones okay >.< It is my fanfiction ). When someone picked up, she asked in a friendly voice what they needed from America.. Shizune told them she needed a young girl to come to Konoha immediately. The girl gave a small laugh, then said she would go, just to see what these ninjas were about. Shizune was glad. She still had a lot of work to do...for Tsunade.

When she got off the train(yes they have those too -_-;; ), she was too excited to keep in her excitement. She screamed happily, because no one else would ever get to go to this great looking place. They had a Mount Rush Moore and even a ramen shop They didn’t have those back where she lived, except if you were willing to spend all your time getting there. So she looked around until she reached the big tower that Shizune had told her about. She stepped inside, then located the office. She saw a beautiful women with blonde hair and hazel eyes, sitting at a desk. Standing beside her was a women with short black hair and a pig by her feet. “I’m the girl you sent for, Mei. When can I become a ninja?” she asked eagerly to the blonde haired women. She just laughed and told her she would need new clothes. She asked why, because she was only wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. “Well, around here, we usually wear something we can move around in easily, I’ll give you some money to buy something for yourself. And as for the ninja part, I’ll assign you teammates and a trainer later. Now go and relax,” she said, then waved her out. She walked out, then looked around for a clothing shop. She found one, eventually, then purchased a short, black shirt that was tight and only came to her elbow on the arms, some black fingerless gloves with the Konoha symbol on them(which she thought looked more like a snail that fell over rather than a leaf), and black pants that came up to her ankles. She was given some “ninja” sandals, a kunai holster, and a butt pouch. She changed, then went back to the Hokage’s office. The blonde haired women, whose name turned out to be Tsunade, introduced her to her new team. Her trainer was a rather strange man. He wore green spandex that gripped his muscular body tightly, with a green vest and orange legwarmers.
“Hello I am your youthful instructor Maito Gai I lead Team 9, which consists of some great kids. They’re all 13, what about you?” he said cheerfully. But she wasn’t listening. She was staring at his huge eyebrows, complete with eyelashes, and odd bowlcut of shiny hair. She just swallowed, then nodded. “Great Come with me, and might I say you look quite youthful ” he said, then led her to a forest and there she saw three tough looking ninjas.

“Tenten, Lee, Neji, this is Mei. She is our new squad member ” he told the three ninjas. She looked over them for a while. One was another girl, in a pink top and blue pants. But what was on her head? So Mei questioned, “Excuse me,” then the girl looked at her with a smile. “Did you know you have two doughnuts stuck to your head?” The girl blushed madly, then sighed. She couldn’t hit this new girl, rude or not. “No, they aren’t doughnuts, they’re buns. I like to wear my hair up usually,” she replied. “Oh, great ” Mei said with a cute smile. She then looked at the next one. He had white, cold eyes, long black hair, and a beige top. Apparently he had no taste, but she hesitated to tell him so. Instead, she looked at the one on the end. He looked exactly like the other man, her sensei, except shorter, and a bit cuter. He blushed as she looked at him with her warm smile.
“I-I am Rock Lee. Please, call me Lee,” he said politely. She laughed, then told him to quit being so damn polite and be more fun. He smiled, then gave her a thumbs up and a smile. “Oh my God Do that again ” she said, fascinated. She then took out her camera, and started taking pictures of him in his pose, and telling him to keep it up. He soon got into it, and started flexing and looking serious, as she encouraged him. The others looked at them as if they were morons. She finally stopped, then turned her attention back to her sensei. He simply said, “The one in pink is Tenten, the white-eyed one is Hyuuga Neji, and the adorable one is my precious student, Lee.
“So, playing favorites huh?” she asked. “N-no. Of course not ” he said. “Oh, sure, sure. That’s why you give Lee such an introduction instead of those two. Very sneaky.” she said, then Gai simply ended the discussion with a nod. She then watched everyone train and spar with each other. Lee was extremely good, but couldn’t beat that Neji. But she still screamed and cheered for him anyway. He was a good kid and loyal too. She smiled thinking about it, until Gai called her over.

“Ah, yes, now then, I have something to offer you, Mei,” Gai said as the others trained and he was instructing Mei. “What Sensei?” she asked. She had started to like this man. He was energetic and practically glowed in confidence and inspiration. “Well, my theory is, if you look like something, you can become it if you set your mind to it. If you truly believe what you think you are, you will become like it,” he started. “Yeah, so what?” she answered. “Well, applying this logic, if you look like me and Lee, you will become as strong as us, right?” “I suppose so...” she said, confused, until he pulled out a green spandex suit and some orange legwarmers. She looked at it for a second, then her eyes became twinkly. “OH MY GOD~ THAT IS SO COOL ” she screamed enthusiastically. He laughed, then told her she could have it. He also gave her a red headband instead of her standard blue one. He told everyone to go home and get some rest and meet there tomorrow. Lee had replied with a quick, “Yosh ” and a salute pose, so she did the same with a wink. The only thing that Tenten and Neji thought was how they would have another Gai fangirl. They sighed at the thought and left for home.

Tis a long chapter one. I have more, if you want more later. ;D
PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 4:34 pm
No one yet huh? Alright, I'll post...CHAPTER 2 >.<

She had taken home the spandex, tried it on, then looked in the mirror. She liked it, it was soft and comfortable, but a bit hot. It was summer, and she knew how to sew from the cosplay outfits had made, so she modified it. She had made the top short sleeved and a miniskirt out of the bottom. She tried everything on, and thought it looked cuter, more feminine. Satisfied, she went to bed. She just hoped her sensei didn’t have a nosebleed. She had seen many a nosebleed at beautiful girls or pervy things. But Gai was too, self proclaimed “cool,” to have a nosebleed from her in a miniskirt. Right?

She was wrong. Her sensei and Lee both had small nosebleeds when she showed up. “W-what have you done to my spandex suit?” Gai demanded. “I made it cuter?” she said innocently with a wink and cute, come-on smile. Gai(and Lee secretly >.<) blushed, then regained his cool composure. “Er, well, it’s too late now, so you can wear it,” he said. She gave a small, happy giggle and hugged her sensei. “Oh, thanks a ton Gai-sensei~ ” she said, hoping to work her way into one of his favorites(she’s not a kiss-up ). He blushed, then returned the hug. He never...hugged a girl before. Everyone had found him quite strange, except Lee, and this girl. He smiled, but told them they had to train extra hard today. So they all separated and trained. Mei trained with Lee, in all their spandex glory, and Tenten trained with Neji. Lee and Mei sparred lightly. He would throw a light kick, she would block, then get behind him and kick him to his head. He blocked, then threw a low sweep kick that knocked her to the ground. He leaned over her, then asked if she was okay. She grabbed him by the shoulders and thrust her foot into his stomach, sending him over her. She ran over, hoping she didn’t hurt him. She then stood over HIM and asked if he was okay, exactly the same way he had. He blushed, then got up. “Eh, well, you are very good...” he said, then looked at her smile.

“Good job everyone I’m so happy to have now FOUR youthful students to train. And even Kakashi doesn’t have that Ha ” Gai said when it had started to darken outside. “Tomorrow, I think I will give you all the day off from training. Mei, the rest of the team will show you around Konoha.”
“Really? That’s great Thank you Gai sensei ” she told him happily. She couldn’t wait. She loved her new teammates. Tenten, the only other girl member, and her first friend, always talked about their crushes and where they got their outfits. Tenten loved her rendition of the spandex, she thought it had been made feminine and cute, which made Mei’s confidence soar. And as for Neji, he was a bit stiff. He never said much, so she always teased him. He would tolerate it, but if he felt the fun-meter go up too much he just left. And Lee was her best friend. He was always nice to her, and he helped her train. He would spar lightly with her, and she would cheer him on when he fought Neji. Gai was outrageous. He was always talking about youth and training. And running to sunsets. And turtles. He was strange, but she, like Lee, idolized him.
“Right Now, go home and rest my youthful, beautiful students ” he said, then lead them to the village running. She went home, then changed out of her spandex and into a white shirt and sleep pants from home. She smiled, thinking of how lucky she got in this town so far. Good friends, a nice little village, and her ability to make her sensei have a nosebleed. She laughed, remembering the incident. She crept into bed, then awaited the day ahead.

Well, that's what I have for chapter 2. Chapter 3 is in the making, shu sha!



PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 6:43 pm
Well, here's anudda chapter. Boy am I generous


Anyway, here ya go~

When she awoke, it was already nine. She sleepily got out and went to her shower, then woke herself up under the faucet. She still had to meet her teammates, so she quickly ran her fingers through her hair. When she was out and dried, she slipped back into her long, white shirt, then put her hair up. When she went out of the bathroom, she saw something at the window. She walked over, and sitting out on a tree near her window, was Lee, with a flushed face. “U-um, Mei-chan, I wasn’t, you know, um, really, I didn’t, um, see anything, I, er, we were wondering where you were, and I came to check, and you were in your shower, and I wasn’t, well, peeping or anything,” he stuttered, very embarrassed. “No, Lee, it’s okay, I’m sorry, I’ll change and we can go, okay? Just wait here...” she replied, trying to keep her composure. She then watched him jump down and onto the street. She sighed and looked at what she might want to wear. She chose a light blue t shirt, a navy blue skirt, light blue legwarmers, and some dark hush kitty shoes. She wore a light blue headband on her head with a heart on it with matching earrings. When she was ready, she stepped out the door to find Tenten in a blue, Chinese top and some jeans, Neji in his usual, tasteless outfit, and Lee in his same spandex. She wondered if it was somehow stuck to him and it was impossible to take it off. Then she thought what if that would happen to her. “...first?” Tenten said. “Huh? Sorry, what?” Mei said, lost in her obscure memories. “I said, what do you want to do first? Eat, meet people, or explore?” Tenten replied. “Oh, um, let’s go meet some more people. I saw some strange people yesterday. Like this guy in an obnoxious orange suit, and ugly-a** lines on his face. And this other guy with a huge scar on his nose. I’m super curious ” she said eagerly. “Alright, you can meet more genin. Let’s meet the rookie nine first though, they’ll be your key crew,” she said matter-of-factly. She lead them to an old building, kind of like a school. “This is the ninja academy. This is where chuunins teach the students under genin. It’s also a place to hang out. This where we’ll find the rookie nine,” she said, like a tour guide might. She then yelled out for everyone to come out and meet someone. Nine kids came out, each very unique. “Everyone, this is Mei, she’s new, and she’s on our team. Be extra nice to her ” she said, then urged her to say hi to everyone. She went up and looked at every one of them. One was a blonde, in the orange jumpsuit and lines on his cheeks, beside him a cute girl with bubble gum pink hair. Next to her was another girl, but she had blonde hair with an unnecessarily long bang, and wore a purple outfit. By her were two boys, one with hair in a ponytail wearing a green vest that Gai wore, and one larger one with swirls on his cheeks, an earring and brown hair. Near them, a girl with the same eyes as Neji and a winter coat in the middle of spring was talking with two boys. One with red triangles adorning his cheeks and a puppy under his chin, the other wearing sunglasses and had large, brown hair sticking up. She said hi to everyone, learned names, and made more friends. She soon felt hungry. “What do you guys eat around here?” she asked. “We have a nifty ramen shop nearby,” Lee said. “Maybe we could go there?” Mei smiled, then agreed. They headed off to the ramen shop. When they ordered, they broke their chopsticks and slurped away. Lee had slurped too fast and nicked the top off his nose with the end off the noodle, which made Mei laugh. He blushed with a smile, then continued. Once they were done and paid, they left to spend the rest of the day training (Lee’s idea). Mei went home and changed into her spandex, then stood in front of her mirror. Her blonde hair fell down to her shoulders, and her blue eyes shone. She grabbed her headband, tied it around her waist, then went back to the training ground. She challenged Lee to a match and he accepted. Mei and Lee were sparring, when she had gotten behind him in a full-nelson(her arms interlocking with his and meet at the back of his head while she’s behind him). He struggled to get loose, and then he blushed as he felt her squeeze tighter as he struggled. He thought about warm hands on his neck, and her breasts barely on his back. As he fought back a nosebleed, she asked if had had enough. He told her no, then twisted out of her grasp. Then with a jump back, he gave her a sweep quick, which brought her to the ground. She got up quickly, then threw a double kick to his stomach, then the head. He blocked the first to his stomach, but didn’t expect the second one, which caught him in the face. She smiled. “Lee, let’s quit for today. I’m totally beat ” she said, helping him up. “Okay, let’s go get some rest for the youthful day tomorrow ” he said, his eyes flaming with determination. She laughed, then went over to Gai.
“Huh? Is everything okay Mei?” he asked when she walked over to him. “Hm? No, ‘course not Everything’s great. I love it here. Everything is so peaceful, but still exciting. And my new team is great It’s going great though,” she told him reassuringly. He smiled and told her that he was glad. She then sat down on a huge rock beside him, and asked why Lee looked like him. She had been very curious. He laughed and said, “Well, Lee and I have been extremely close for a long time. When he was about eight years old, I saw him practicing, and told him concentration was key for success. You know that shinobi have three abilities, right?”
“Yes, genjutsu, ninjutsu, and taijutsu.”
“Well, Lee doesn’t have the ability to release chakra to preform ninjutsu or genjutsu. When I met him, his taijutsu wasn’t great either. But he still managed to get into my genin squad. Since then, I have been training him. But even before that he was practicing day in and out. He is the absolute epitome of hard work.” Mei just looked at him. She hadn’t known. She was the same, only taijutsu. She realized how hard it must have been on him. She sighed, then looked up to the sky. It was a brilliant shade of orange and pink and red. It was going to be dark soon, so she told Gai she was heading for her apartment. He wished her a good night, then she set off.

Well, tell me if ya like it. It's fun to write it I have to say

PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 4:24 pm
Not bad! I like it. blaugh  


Chatty Gekko

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:36 pm
Not bad! I like it. blaugh
Yay! A comment! Ohmigod yay~! I'm thinking of making this one into a pilot, then making some miscellaneus chronicles. But I have an ending, just so ya'll know ;D  
PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:26 pm
Not bad! I like it. blaugh
Yay! A comment! Ohmigod yay~! I'm thinking of making this one into a pilot, then making some miscellaneus chronicles. But I have an ending, just so ya'll know ;D
Very cool!  


Chatty Gekko

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Chatty Gekko

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:14 am
Are you going to put up any more chapters?  
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