My Rules baby:

1. Acknowledge the awesome character that is Rock Lee.
2. Don't make any Smut related Topics. (least not till I make a sub for that)
3. Plz be friendly
4. You don't need any fancy speech for your join request so don't worry about being declined, everyone gets accepted.
5. Alot of Lee fans aren't real Sasuke friendly, so do be careful of what you say, unless you want an argument to start.
6. If I see any arguing, you may be subjected to being removed from the guild temporary or perminantly depending on how frequently this happens.
7. And last...ThE

(Rules Added By `[Viper])
8. (added to rule 2) Keep activity here to PG-13, children watch the show and join this guild.
9. (added to rules 5 & 6) This is now a "Naruto Fan Guild", do not flame anyone, because more than likely, they have a fan in here. (Go to the SHU Subforum)
10. All Gaian versions of the Naruto Characters are licensed to `[Viper], do not use without permission.

I reserve the right to add rules at any time.

Okay now, on to cool stuff.

The guilds main attention catcher is Vipers New Comic. Its not very "New" but its still very good, and you can usually catch most members posting in there. Theres also a 3 words story game, the person above you game, as well as another game that I haven't seen for a while but will scrounge up for you all.

If you have any suggestions on improvements for the guild just pm me or my vice captain Viper. ThE ThE is now the Vice Captain.