Yes, I have created a thread for my work alone.... I decided I want to share my work with the Emo Guild and created a post for it.... Some of the work is titleless (Actually most of it is) But you'll just have to deal with it...

Feedback is Loved BTW.... Thankies all!

Suicidal Love

The cold wind blew the 3 boys hair as they stood by the freshly dug grave. The first clutched his umbrella and held his head low, attempting to defend him self against the cool wind. The second was also holding an umbrella and had his arm around his friend who huddled under the umbrella as well. The third’s glasses were stained with wetness, both of rain and tears. “It’s going to be okay Kyle,” the second said, placing his arm around his friend. “I-I-I don’t know,” Kyle slurred. “It’s just that I well had a thing for her Kieran and you know that,” ”We’re all going to miss Jackie, Kyle,” Added the first with a monotone voice. “We all know that Ryan,” Kieran said to him. Kyle sighed. “Let’s just go,” he said, half of anger and half sadness. “I can’t take this anymore,” The 3 boys left the cemetery and before stepping into the car, looked back at the grave and the one next to it. A flower sat upon the grave; a flower placed there only a week earlier by the girl who was just buried next to him. The boys name was Aiden and had died a week earlier because of suicide. Jackie’s one dying wish was that she be buried next to him, even though they were in a fight at the time of his death.

You see, this is only the end of a story… A story that begins a month ago in the parking lot of a local high school; Somerset High to be exact…. This is where all the trouble began.

Jackie tossed her locker open and pulled out her science book. “Hey Jackie, you want to go see a movie this weekend?” Kyle asked with a small smirk on his face. Jackie shut the locker and pulled her bag over her shoulder. “I’ve told you a million times Kyle, I don’t like you like that,” “Fine, fine,” he said, seemingly defeated again. He followed his friend into the parking lot. She dug her keys out of her pocket and opened her car door and sat on the driver’s side. Sighing, Kyle sat in his car next to hers. She heard 2 more doors open and close and Kieran was sitting next to her in the passenger side; Ryan was in the same spot in Kyle’s car. They began to pull out of the parking lot, “You should just go out with him Jackie, he’s never going to quit,” He said. “You know I don’t like him, I love Aiden and you know that,” “Well, yeah I know that, but you should just give the guy a chance,” “But I mean, I really, really like Aiden and,” “Jackie!” A boy with black, shaggy hair came running towards them and tossed open the back door, climbing in. “Hey Aiden,” Jackie smiled. “What’s up?” “Oh nothing much, just a bunch of beatings from the jocks is all,” he smiled that smile that Jackie loved so much. “You kick a**?” she asked. “A weeks detention worth,” he smiled again pulling out 5 slips of paper from his bag. They all laughed and drove home. After they dropped Kieran off, Aiden climbed into the front seat. Then, it happened.

“Aiden,” Jackie said sweetly. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you,” “Yeah?” He said lowly. ”You seem depressed and you’re all sniffy all the time…. Are you doing something you shouldn’t?” “Ummm I’m addicted to Meth… Does that fall into that category?” He asked sniffing his hand. “It’s not like anyone cares or nothing,” “No one cares?” Jackie said. “What about me and the guys? We care,” She sighed. “Aiden, we can’t pull you out of these messes all the time,” They had pulled up to his house and she leaned over to look him in the eyes. Sure enough, his eyes were bloodshot. “Damn you, getting high at school…. You know what, I’m sick of this…” She pushed him out of her car. “I and the guys are sick of you and your problems Aiden! Either clean up or get new friends,” She said driving off angrily even though it killed her inside.

“He’s addicted to Meth,” she cried into her phone. “Addicted you guys,” “What?” Kyle said. “Knew it,” Ryan said. All Kieran did was sigh. “I’m sick of this guys, I’m not helping him out this time, he’s on his own for once,” She hung up her phone quickly and ran off to have a good cry.

Jackie sat in her room with tears in her eyes. She picked up the phone; whilst resisting a temptation to strangle her self and dialed 1800Suicide. She just couldn’t take this stress. She chatted with the person on the line and eventually hung up after an hour. After that, she just lay there; thinking of what she could do. It was almost nothing. She then realized they had to send him to rehab. After a few phone calls, and a few tears, Aiden was set up for rehab.

Apparently, rehab wasn’t enough. Aiden committed suicide with a note that was taped over his heart in the shape of a heart and a knife sticking through it. It read:

Dear Jackie,

Your right, I do have way too many problems…. But you were wrong on another aspect; the fact that I had friends. Friends care for each other, even when we’re in trouble. You know, I used to love you; but I don’t know anymore Jackie. Are you the same girl you used to be? Anyways, someday we’ll meet again and we can be together; that is, if you’re still the Jackie I remember…..

I Love You

Upon reading the note, Jackie broke into tears. If only she had listened to him. Then he wouldn’t be dead and they could be happy and together. However, a week later they had to face his funeral.

The four friends showed up at the church to pay their respects to their friend. Dressed all in black, they bowed their heads. It didn’t take long for Jackie to loose control and begin crying. She latched herself onto Kyle’s shoulder, something he enjoyed but considering the circumstances couldn’t.

At the cemetery, Jackie placed a small rose on his grave before loosing control of her tears and running towards her car.

At home, Jackie literally lost her mind. She couldn’t live without Aiden. So she changed into normal clothes, grabbed a razor, some vodka, and drove herself back to Adien’s gravesite.

She laid herself across the stone. “Aiden, this is MY ENTIRE FAULT!” she screamed as she slit her wrist with the razor. Her scream filled the air. “I should be dead not YOU!” She screamed while slitting the other. Her wrists steadily began to give off a heavy flow of blood. She tried to grasp the bottle of vodka, but it slipped out of her hands because of the blood and crashed into her face. Glass shattered her eye and she fell limp over the gravestone.

About an hour or so later, the now 3 friends took a walk to the cemetery to see their best friend again, not expecting to see what they saw. “Jackie!” they all said, running over to her. Checking her pulse and looking into her glassed eyes told that she was dead.

“No,” Kyle said slowly. “This can’t be happening, it just can’t. Jackie wouldn’t do this to herself.” Soon the coroner’s office came to pick up her body; the body that would forever splash the nightmares of Kyle because that was his worst nightmare, his one love dying.

Later that week, the diminished number of friends was down to 3 and they all went to church to pay respects to their best friend or in Kyle’s case, love. Before closing the casket, Kyle placed a letter in her hands. It read,

I’ll be there with you soon. Don’t worry about it. I love you so much that I’d die to be with you. I can’t live without your company and I’m doing it tonight. I hope to see you in the afterlife,

-Kyle <3

After the casket closed and Kyle walked away a thought appeared in his mind. He shouldn’t kill himself; it would just lead to more tragedy and more deaths. With that he sent a mental message to Jackie that wherever she was, he’d find her eventually even if it was a while from now. He turned and thought that for a split second he saw Jackie running up to him to give him a hug, but she soon disappeared. However, the warmth of a hug moved over his body and someone whispered in his ear, “I’m proud of you,” Kyle didn’t need and explanation for that, he knew it was Jackie’s ghost cheering him up as she always did. Death couldn’t stop her from doing anything.



They say to smile like you mean it.
And dance like no one's watching.
And love like you've never been hurt.

Then I really shouldn't smile;
Cause I really don't mean it
I really shouldn't dance;
Becuase everyone's watching
And I really can't love all that well;
Cause I've been hurt.

I've been hurt
I've been lost
I've been cold
I've been left out in the dark
I've been pushed
I've been shoved
Until there's nothing left
Nothing left inside of me

To hurt
To loose
To be cold
To be forgotten
To be pushed
To be shoved
Until there's nothing left

Cause when nothing left to hurt
There's nothing left to love