How Government was Achieved
WARNING: Rated R for Violence, gore and blood.

“Mirz, are the troops ready?” Sokara asked her blood red eyes staring intently at the plans laid out on the table in front her and her generals.
“Lady Sokara, they are ready when ever you need, they will follow you to death and beyond” Mirz replied, a tall gangly youth with shaggy white hair.
“Good we will march at dawn, my son” Sokara said her obsidian black skin gleaming in the moonlight along with her hair. “Go and get some rest and tell the warriors” with that she turned on her heel and left to consult with her most trusted advisor.
Sokara walked a little ways until she reached a tent with a black widow on the entrance flaps to symbolize the Spider Queen goddess Lloth. Lloth was the goddess of the dark elves. Sokara stopped at the flaps and ringed a bell. Within a few seconds an unusually tall and very handsome drow answered.
“My Lady, please come in” he said holding the flap open and moving aside in one graceful move. Sokara walked in with unnerving grace for her young age and sat down on one of the crudely constructed chairs around a small round table.
“Narilk, what news have you concerning the movement of the High Elves?” Sokara asked never moving her head but still watching him move out of the corner of her eye.
“I know for certain that the High Elves are going toward the Battle Field of the Ancients” Narilk said sitting across from the queen of the Drow. He folded his hands awaiting her to speak. He was also nervous when in close range with Sokara Amon’Shi, the queen of the Drow and also the most brutal of them all.
“We will meet them at mid morning at the Battle Field of the Ancients” She said at last. “We go at dawn” and with that she got up and left. After she left, Narilk relaxed a little.

Sooner then Narilk had hoped for, dawn came and soon enough Sokara was calling for all of the dark elf army to get up and march toward the Battle Field of the Ancients. As he came out of his tent, Sokara rode up to him on her Syrabuan warhorse named Horatrim.
“Come, its time” She said as Narilk’s horse, Ilbrium came led by a middle-aged drow with big lavender eyes. The Drow handed over the reins to him and walked away. Narilk stared after him as he got up on Ilbrium.
They started to ride without a word to one another. They rode out of the Black Forest and on the rode leading to the Battle Field of the Ancients. They rode nonstop until they got there and as Sokara had predicted they met the High Elves there at mid morning. The High Elves had golden tan skin with blond hair and blue or green eyes while their dark elf cousins had black skin with red eyes and white hair.
The High Elves looked at the Drow with confusion and a tint of fear in their eyes as their cousins looked at them with an ancient hatred. Sokara smiled as she felt the tension in her warriors rise and she waited for the time to tell them to attack.
My brave warriors She thought with a smile on her lips Attack my warriors with all your might she said telepathically to them all, all 10,000 of them. The warriors heard and without question, obeyed their queen and charged at their enemy. Some drew scimitars, others cocked bows with poison-tipped arrows and others still attacked with poisonous Du’Blades of Telk’Tewin, the main above ground city of the drow.
After three waves of High Elves were cut down, they began to react by picking up their own weapons. Their High Elf Queen Arila, stayed behind them and watched as both sides clashed and both dark and high elf were slaughtered before her. But she wasn’t interested in watching them; she was busy looking for her immortal enemy, Queen Sokara of the Drow. Arila then spotted her and charged at her on her Aration Warhorse.

Out of the corner of her eye, Sokara spotted the flash of steel from a blade she longed had a hatred for. She whipped her horse around just in time to parry the blow from Arila’s elven rapier. The force from the blow knocked both of them off their horses but they both were up on their feet in a flash.
Scimitar and rapier clashed against each other with sparks flying as each hit connected. They continued until they grew weary. They both backed up, not willing to turn their back on each other.
“I will win and rule over all of Tartanius” Sokara said panting heavily.
“I think not, Sokara, it is I who will rule and you will be my slave” Arila said panting heavily as well.
Angered at this Sokara rushed at Arila in a blinding rage, attacking with a strength no ordinary elf could achieve. Arila tried to counter but she was too slow and Sokara slashed her side open. Arila clutched her side as she fell to her knees.
“You will be my servant for the rest of our immortal lives” Sokara said pointing the blade of her scimitar at Arila’s neck.
“If you think I will serve you, you are mistaken” Arila screamed at her, thrusting her blade out but it was a mistake. Sokara simply flicked her wrist and slit her enemy's throat. Arila fell to the ground and died choking on her own blood. Sokara smiled and licked the blood from her blade and gained all of Arila’s knowledge. When Arila died, all of the High Elves felt it and weak kneed they fell to the ground and bowed to the superior power of their darker skinned kin. The Dark Elves shouted in Triumph. They had won all control of Tartanius.


Sorry if it's a big blob of text.
Written for Civics two years ago.