Name: Asami
Sex: Female
Age: 17
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 119
Village: Myakura

PVt: 100%
EVt: 090%
ATK: 100%
DEF: 090%
PWR: 70%
RES: 090%
AGL: 130%

Application Type: ADVANCED
Beginner Talents: teleport

Talent Proficiency: whip user

Talent Mastery: Martail arts
Technique Style:Fire Dance

Speciality Technique(s): :Fire Shifting

Trademark Techniques(s): Flames don't hurt Asami.
Bloodline Limit:
Current Bloodline Potential:
Bloodline Weakness:
Bloodline Abilities:

Demon: Kitsune
Demon Arts: Uses flames to heal


Character Picture
Character Description: Asami is slimmed into shape. Her skin is a creamy light brown color, supporting the shine in her golden eyes. Her silky red hair is waist length. It is tied lowly with a red ribbon. Her front hair is short though, it sleeks inward towards her neck. Her strapless red top is up to the mid waist as she wears a black top beneath. She has on a black short that has a mini red skirt over it, covering the short, except for the top and bottom of it. Her red boot is up to the knees, but the black socks extend to her thighs