Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 9:50 am
- Bachelors Cap - 100 Bachelor's Credits - Add to Wishlist "A Bachelors degree is an undergraduate academic degree given for a course or major that usually lasts for three or four years."---------- - Bachelors Gown - 300 Bachelor's Credits - Add to Wishlist "A Bachelors degree is an undergraduate academic degree given for a course or major that usually lasts for three or four years."---------- - Masters Cap - 150 Master's Credits - Add to Wishlist "A masters degree is an academic degree given for completion of a postgraduate or graduate course of one to three years length."---------- - Masters Gown - 300 Master's Credits - Add to Wishlist "A masters degree is an academic degree given for completion of a postgraduate or graduate course of one to three years length."---------- - Doctorate Cap - 150 Doctorate's Credits - Add to Wishlist "A doctorate is an academic degree signifying the highest level of education possible."---------- - Doctorate Gown - 300 Doctorate's Credits - Add to Wishlist "A doctorate is an academic degree signifying the highest level of education possible."----------