Basically, this is just a reminder to obey all Gaia rules while posting in this guild to make sure it stays available for your enjoyment in the future. A full list of the rules can be found here.

In summary:

1. Be respectful to other members of the guild. If they break a rule, inform them politely that they have done so, and direct them to the rules sticky. If they continue to ignore guild rules, report it to a guild moderator.

2. Don't spam.

3. Try to keep things PG-13, just as a general guideline.

3. Post in Latin at all times, except in the discussion forum. If you're confused about a previous post, just put your comment/question in parentheses, but try to keep these to a minimum.

4. This is just a guideline, but you may want to stick to the forum for your level of familiarity with the Latin language to make sure that you understand the conversation.

5. On a similar note, read the sticky of grammatical constructions permitted in each forum, and stick to them. Don't post things that people at that level wouldn't be able to understand.

Gratias tibi ago propter tuam attentionem, et gaudete!

Forum summary:
This forum is basically a free for all (as threatening as a Latin- speaking free for all sounds). It's a scary place, where any kind of grammatical construction may be lurking around the corner... ninja