post your OC's bio and stuff like this:

Character Name: Aryx

Homeworld:The World That Never Was

Statues:somewhat twilightish


clothes-jetblack pants and shirt as well as organization cloak

Weapon: whip of flames, magical fire whip**

Summons: none

Bio: Aryx approached the young keyblade wielder and said "so youre the one i was sent after, hmm youre not so tough" with a snicker she threw back her hood and exposed her firey red hair and green eyes.the young boy across from her glared as a keyblade appeared in his hands and he stood on gaurd. "what do you mean not so tough!?who are you!?" the boy yelled to her. aryx looked straight into his eyes and challenged him with a smirk, pulling out her great flaming whip and sending flames scorching towards him "well then, youd better..PROVE IT!!" she jumped over behind the boy just as he dodged the flames for a suprise attack. she threw her whip around his neck and threw him to the ground and stood on his chest as she choked him slightly. she knew how proud the leader would be if she defeated this boy, but her mood was changed when she looked at him for the second time, really noticing his features. he had somewhat spikey brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. suddenly she felt herself let go of the whip and stand back, leaving the keyblade wielder speechless " aryx, also known as the extra of the organization.."her words made the boy stand sharply and hold his weapon to her neck "so youre one of them? you were sent to kill me? well looks like you let your gaurd down.." he glared at the young woman who was now looking to the ground, she flicked her whip once more and then was gone.
aryx arrived back at the castle and in no time was standing before xemnas "how could you fail me? i thought you of all would never fail me.." he lookes at her with disgust then turned to a pink haired man standing nearby "marluxia, finish the job.."the man nodded and was gone in a black cloud. "and you" he now turned back to aryx "can get out of my hall" the girl lowered her head and strode out of the great hall and out into the cold night air.."why couldnt i do the job?whats wrong with me?" she glanced to the sky then was taken over by rage "marluxia!" she growled before disappearing into a shrowd of flames. in a moment she was back in the spot where she had fought the boy "darn, where are they now maybe--" she stopped short when she heard the sound of marluxias mocking voice "how weak you are! how could aryx have failed!? ha what a joke you are!" aryx emerged from the shadows and snuck up on the scythe wielding man "guess who?" she whispered in the mans ear before wrapping her whip around him and encasing him in flames. "noooo" the man screamed as he disappeared in smoke" aryx walked over and helped the boy up "well, they deffinately wont have me now" she smirked and decided to join the keyblade wielder in his travels, helping to defeat the members of organization xiii as well as many others.
Picture:User Imageclosest thing i got ><