I was thinking during my study a couple of days ago in school, and i thought of this poem. Now i don't normally write poetry, prefering song lyrics (Which are poems in and of themselves i guess) but i thought i would see if anyone had any opinions on this? Good? Bad? Constuctive Critisism is always appreciated. smile


"Who are you?" A man once asked me.
Though I knew it was to me
That he addressed this question,
I had to pause and think.
He had wanted my name,
Of that there can be no doubt,
But how can I suffice to be a name?
It's a simple thing really, a name,
But is it really me?
Is that who I really am?
No, it can't be, for I am more,
More then this mere autonym.
I am too complex to be but one word,
One meaningless, insignificant word.
I cannot be summed up so easily.
Words for all their power, can't describe me.
So I turned to him, curiosity in his eyes,
And smiled saying, "I can only show you."