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Rociel - Inorganic Angel

PostPosted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:41 am
Please read the Role Playing Introductions thread before attempting to post here...

Free form rp! As in... post whenever and as whoever you like. Do your best to make sure you're in-line with the rest of the rp though. And since this is a EVERYONE'S INVITED thing not everything can be taken so seriously eek

Good luck to us all!

The mansion sat surrounded by the mass number of thick oak wood forest trees, autumn air howling through them as their counter part, threatening to shroud and consume the archaic premises, to lose it forever to all human eyes upon this large island in the middle of no where.

The mansion stood about four stories high with a bell tower to the left. It was a rather peculiar site as from the outside you could see your average row of windows before you come to a room wall/window made entirely out of glass, visibly thick enough to be sound and bullet proof, and then there comes a section of the wall where there aren't any windows at all...

The mansion was beaming with its own twisted personality and sense of humour with the absurd hallways and dead ends, secret stairwells, hidden passages, dungeons, torture chamber in the cellars and god knows what else.

The helicopter that brought you here departs in a noisy flurry, leaving you in the large bare frontcourt yard. A barren desert of just white pebbles juxtaposed with dark dead twigs carry on before the forest barrier hits in the not too far distance.

A high pitched screeching noise comes from inside the house. You feel as if someone's watching you out of one of the windows on the first floor... but instead of eyes you see steam. The screeching stops and you remember why you're here. The invitation you received…
PostPosted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 9:26 am
There was at least one person who, despite the offered transportation, was traveling by a more conventional if far more mundane means. The black carriage drawn by two equally dark horses traveled up the long carriage way to the secluded mansion.

It wasn't that Cain hadn't wanted to board the very strange and alien-looking contraption they had been provided with, despite having never seen or heard of anything remotely resembling such a thing before. But, as things were, a certain someone was very much against using this so-called. . what was it again? Helipter? Something like that. . .but digressing, Riff had surprised him by absolutely refusing to step foot onto it. He couldn't recall a time that he'd ever seen the taller and stoic man look so pale.

So for perhaps the first time, Cain's enthusiasm had been foiled by his servant. For a moment or two, the young count had considered just leaving the other man there, but after a bit of consideration decided that Riff was only looking out for his well-being, and now that he thought about it. . .it did seem rather dangerous, didn't it? That didn't stop him from sulking on the carriage ride over, however.

Sitting on one side of the carriage, with his body leaning against the corner of the seat, the youth gazed a bit sourly at his steward. Most of the carriage ride had been dominated by silence between the two, for Cain was upset in being thwarted, and he knew that Riff knew he was upset.

Heaving a sigh, the dark haired male reached towards the small curtain covering the carriage's window and drew it back, glancing outside for the umpteenth time that evening. The landscape was as bleak as it had been ten minutes ago, and the ten minutes before that. But now, slowly, their destination was coming into view, and although it was possibly no more than a third the size of his own manor house, it was still an imposing residence.

Today was turning out to being more bizzare than Cain had suspected from the small, white invitation he'd received a few days before.

((There was a lot more I wanted to put in here, and I'm still not sure if I'm satisfied with this post. . .but eh. . .it's something, right? I was amused by the thought of Riff all but dragging Cain off of the helicopter. XP

Oh no! I missed the part about it being an island. x____X Uhm, Cain's carriage magically travels on water! AHA! XD


Rociel - Inorganic Angel

PostPosted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 10:12 am
((XD!!! I love it! I can just imagine it.. and the whole pouting in the carriage XD))

A single white feather falls delicately if not daintily upon marble pebbles before a pair of high plat formed black boots land just as delicately beside it.

Travelling up a slender androgynous frame was covered from toe to head in PVC as Rociel wore his less formal Atziluth uniform. The time had come for when that rather ambiguous invitation had got the better of his curiosity, a million possibilities plotted within his head.

The thought of Katan was the first to be considered. The silver haired lackey of his he had not seen... for quite some time. The feel of the lanky figure constantly there, constantly looming over him. Though as time went on it felt less like the protective suffocating encasing but more like the lingering to disappearing till one day Katan was no longer near him. No longer there to watch over him. No longer there to scrutinise him. Not longer there to call him beautiful and no longer there... to stand with trays of tea...

The menacing black crop, held by a just as menacing black gloved hand, tapped impatiently against his leg as he looked over the invitation again. The white paper would crumble in his hand as he scrunches it up and tosses it to the ground. As if Katan would ever issue out such a ridiculous thing... it was more likely Sevotharte sending out a "negotiation" meeting... or more likely offering himself a chance to beg.

Thin, lightly painted lips curled up at one side into a faint smirk at his own amused thoughts before his yellow eyes glinted sharply over his shoulder and beneath the rim of his official eagle emblem hat... The persons in the carriage he noticed before would soon arrive... whoever they were....

His eyes pierced through the trees and found a young boys, surprisingly very vibrant eyes, focused in his direction... the mansions direction. But what made Rociel stay instead of whisk some things up inside, was the glimpse of silver hair beyond the emerald eyes...  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 11:44 am

Kurai glanced down at the mansion, from her place on the back of one of her best dragons, in awe. Though she had seen many palaces and other impressive places, they never ceased to amaze her.

She indicated to the dragon to slow down as they got nearer. She had refused the helicopter ride, knowing her dragons were much faster then any human machine.

As they finaly came to the mansion, the dragon circled around it to finaly land next the helicopter. Hm... So it HAD arrived first... Mind you, she had left a little late... She hated oversleeping sometimes...

Getting off the dragon's back, she pet it's head likely, "Good girl. You can head back now. You'll hear from me when I need a ride back."

With a nod, the dragon obeyed, it's large wings nearly making enough wind to knock her down.

She took out her invetation and glanced at it, hoping to maybe find anything she had missed about who would have sent it. However, the invetation was still just as uninformative as it was before.

Sighing, she finaly took a glance at the helicopter to see who was already here...

((ooc: ....Did Kurai and Rociel ever meet in the manga? I can't really remember... *needs to re-read her manga*))  


Vi Sparklemist

PostPosted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 12:19 pm
Julian nearly threw himself out of the strangest mean of transport he had ever used. Or seen, for that matter. As the giant, birdlike creature slowly stopped it's noise, he tried looking as comfortable with the situation as he could, even though his ears screamed the same way as that... monster, and a slight feeling of sickness kept attacking him.

The ride across the deep blue had been more than horrible. Not only had he been bothered by the quite unique way of transportation, but the thought of leaving Martin back at Aluked had been tormenting him as well. Who knew what he was up to at this very moment?

You are here because you have to, he thought to himself for the eleventh time. Martin will live without you. He knew it was true. If he kept locking himself away in the castle, people would get suspicious. And nosy idiots hanging around was the last thing they needed. Still, it didn't mean he had nothing to do back there. Aluked needed him, as well as it needed Martin.

With one last glance towards the demonic helicopter, he decided not to think more of the place he hated so badly, yet couldn't leave other than a few times each year without feeling bad. He was here, and there was no escape. But exactly where was 'here'? The surroundings did remind him of those back home, yet the mansion was designed nothing like Aluked. What kind of people lived here? And why had he never heard of them?

A shape moved in the corner of his sight, finally! He cleared his throat, thinking he was watched. It had to be someone who was sent out to greet him. But as he turned, he started wondering. Why did the person just stand there, staring like a fool into the forest? And what about those awful-looking clothes?

He felt his patience failing him. Like fragile glass, just as it reaches the ground and shatters; This was it.
He had spent way too much time inside that mechanical bird, away from Aluked - where he should be, to get such worthless attendance.

He had only taken a few steps, when another mechanical vehicle, this one resembling a dragon, landed beside the one he had travelled with.

"What is this, some sort of creep-contest?" He muttered, as a kid jumped off. He turned back to the staring fool.
"Hey you! Are you going to introduce yourself today, or may I return home, having some decent service?"

(( Heh, Rociel, you haven't by chance watched 'House on the Haunted Hill' lately? whee

btw, I got the feeling Rociel didn't come with the helicopter, and I haven't got time to fix the post. Don't kill me sweatdrop ))  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 4:59 am
A few days ago, upon the invitation’s arrival, Snow Owl had been working on mastering the last of Paganini’s 24 Caprices, when a knock sounded on the door. The melodious strains of the violin ceased almost immediately, and the youth called for the person outside to enter. The man was not the Card Master, as he had expected, but rather one of DELILAH’s servants, who had an envelope addressed to him in his hands. The youth’s interest had been piqued, but he accepted the envelope without a change in his expression, keeping his face bland until the door clicked shut

Somehow, the contents had prompted the reclusive Fool of DELILAH’s major arcana to attend the Tea Party, or so it was called in the letter, and he was now sitting in the precarious contraption that managed to fly. Snow Owl’s fingers danced along his violin’s fingerboard, forming the notes for the infamous Devil’s Trill sonata by one of the only two famous composers whose compositions posed a challenge to his genius. The pilot in front had given him a curious look when he had brought his violin on board, but never questioned further. Now, however, the man was regretting his allowing the passenger to bring his instrument on board. The sound of the violin, playing trills and other fanciful ornaments, made his head begin to ache an hour after the youth had begun. He had already turned his head back twice to tell his passenger to keep quiet and let him fly in peace, at that.

Yet Snow Owl couldn’t have cared less about what the man wanted. Even the Card Master, with his authority over the rest of DELILAH, did not command him, so it didn’t make any sense why he should listen to this man’s request. The bow drew across the strings in a blur, coaxing music from the four strings with seemingly effortless ease, partly to spite the pilot, but more importantly, to give him something familiar that he knew to put him at ease on what he saw as a potentially dangerous journey into territory he had never ventured into before.

About an hour or so later, the helicopter finally stopped, and someone outside drew the door open. Snow Owl stepped out, allowing the midday sun to shine through his tinted glasses, setting the silver frame glittering. His hair, snowy white in contrast with his black outfit of a long coat, high-necked collarless shirt, pants and heavy, raised boots, whipped around his face, while his black coat did the same around his slim form, in the strong winds caused by the helicopter’s whirling blades.

He raised a pale hand to brush the irritating strands out of his eyes, the other holding his violin case, while taking in the view of the mansion that lay before him. It wasn’t quite as big as some of the residences he had seen in England, but it was still a fascinating place. There was something about, which promised that his time spent here would not be a waste of time.

The sound of hoof beats somewhere in the distance caught his attention, and he turned in that direction, curious as to whom it contained. There was the nagging feeling somewhere inside him that promised that he would be surprised at who was going to step out of it…

((I think I got carried away... redface ))  

Shura Yukihime


PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 8:25 am
((Hmm. . .should I wait for the Riff player to post? sweatdrop I'd feel rude just going on ahead and not giving them the chance to let him interact. . ))  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 9:16 am
Oh good, we're all waiting on you and Riff instead of me! XD

Because i'm so slow... i'm incredibly patient as well so i'm perfectly fine with waiting for a Riff post ^^ .. actually quite glad, i love everyone's posts, i'm getting to learn about new characters (Julian and Snow Owl)! But i'm slow on figuring out what to do next.

((ooc: ....Did Kurai and Rociel ever meet in the manga? I can't really remember... *needs to re-read her manga*))

Lol yeah i feel that way too... the only interaction i can remember where Rociel visibly notices Kurai is... i can't remember o_o ... there's the whole Rociel wanting her head... but they never spoke... wow, you would have thought atleast once...

Vi Sparklemist
(( Heh, Rociel, you haven't by chance watched 'House on the Haunted Hill' lately? whee

btw, I got the feeling Rociel didn't come with the helicopter, and I haven't got time to fix the post. Don't kill me sweatdrop ))



*takes medication* Haha, it's cool, i didn't actually say Rociel didn't come in a helicopter. And House on the Haunted Hill? Haven't seen it... are we ripping it off? XD  

Rociel - Inorganic Angel


PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 10:11 am
Rociel - Inorganic Angel
((ooc: ....Did Kurai and Rociel ever meet in the manga? I can't really remember... *needs to re-read her manga*))

Lol yeah i feel that way too... the only interaction i can remember where Rociel visibly notices Kurai is... i can't remember o_o ... there's the whole Rociel wanting her head... but they never spoke... wow, you would have thought atleast once...

((Do you think they would recognise each other?))  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 7:03 pm
((Should we set up an OOC or something...? Just a thought... Or let the Character introductions one double up as an OOC?))  

Shura Yukihime


PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 8:10 pm
((I think for now we're using the Character Introductions page.))  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 8:39 pm
((Hmm. . .should I wait for the Riff player to post? sweatdrop I'd feel rude just going on ahead and not giving them the chance to let him interact. . ))

(Gomen gomen...Ive been very busy with school lately -_-;; I havent been keeping up with the boards. Here is Riff's post!! )

::Riff had found nothing odd about the situation when he had answered the door and accepted a handful of letters from the messenger boy.
He sorted through the envelopes. There was a pink one, scented faintly of roses...he recognized the name of the sender as one of the gentleladies that Cain had met at a recent party, a tailor's bill...mundane things, but a singular creamy white envelope caught his attention.

It bore no distinguishing features except for Cain's name scripted on the front in an elegant hand. He turned it over in his fingers, pondering.
He placed the letters on a silver tray and presented them to Cain, as usual.

For some uncanny reason, Riff felt a chill run through him as Cain picked up the white envelope. It was a gut feeling, the world would be turned on end the moment his master opened that letter.

Riff felt his stomach drop one notch when Cain pulled an invitation to some mysterious island out of the envelope.
His stomach plummeted another notch when Cain accepted the information.
His stomach was in his feet when he saw the infernal contraption come whirring out of the sky at them like some great black armored demon. There was no way in hell he was letting his Lord on that thing!
He insisted they go by coach if they had to go to this highly suspicious party::

And so, Riff found himself accompanying Cain on the long carriage ride. The whole trip was held in a heavy and uncomfortable silence.
Cain was visibly upset and he knew he was responsible for making his lord unhappy.
He hated making Cain unhappy, it pulled at the deeply rooted guilt in him. It was at times like these that he wanted to throw himself at Cain's feet and beg for forgiveness...but for what? Cain would probably find this amusing that he was prostrating himself for something so trivial...but this young man's approval meant so much to him...

His gloomy mulling was interrupted when he felt the carriage begin to slow. He peered out the window then and saw the peculiar old house nestled in the dark shelter of thick trees. He blinked and realized he did not know where they were at all, he couldn't track their route. He furrowed his brow as the carriage rolled to a stop, the wheels ground into the gravel of the path underneath, the horses whinnied softly, their tack tinkling in the deep quiet of the forbidding place. He opened the carriage door and climbed out.
The air was cool and damp on his skin, the sun overhead was obscured by trees.
He extended his hand to Cain to help him from the carriage, his eyes on that strange cottage up ahead::  


Dapper Fairy

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 7:06 am
((It's alright. n.n I'll go ahead and post now, since I won't have access to a computer again for a couple days.))

The young count accepted Riff's offered hand, and gracefully hopped out of the carriage door and onto the ground. He mustn't have been too angry at the other, for otherwise he would have brushed off any help at all. Pushing the rim of his hat farther up with the handle of his cane, he too observed the place that was their destination.

"Cheerful, isn't it?" Cain's shoes crunched slightly over the dead leaves and gravel that made up the house's 'lawn'. A glance upwards told him that there were other 'guests' here, judging by the silhouetes against the sky. But right now, there was something else that had caught his attention. There were two, very curious piles of dead vegetation sittting to either side of the porch, and it was one of these that the youth was headed towards.

Upon reaching one, Cain seemed to study it for a moment or two. It was actually very thickly grown ivy that had died, but not before completely covering whatever it was it had been planted around, and so taking his cane in hand, he stuck the end into the bramble. Immediately, there was the sound of wood knocking against something solid. So setting his cane to the side, Cain very carefully grabbed the nearest handfulls of dead vine and pulled. After only a little resistance, it began to snap and come free. . .exposing the top of whatever it was it was covering.

The black, stony visage of a gargoyle glared out from the rest of the ivy. It wasn't a very handsome statue to have guarding one's front door. . .but common none-the-less. "Curious."

Then, dusting his hands together to rid them of any crumbled leaves clinging to them, he turned to his servant with a small smile. "Well, shall we see to why we've been summoned to such a mysterious place?"  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 3:56 pm
Ludwig sat near the window of the strange contraption sent to convey him to someplace where his presence had been requested. He reviewed his invitation again, but as before he could asertain very little information from it. Wilhelm sat next to Ludwig and was steadfastly refusing to look out the window. The servant had protested loudly when the heli-something or other had come to convey them, but Ludwig dragged him onboard anyway. Infact, Ludwig was rather enjoying the ride. Aside from the occasional jolt now and then, the ride was rather intriging. After all, how often does one get to see everything from above the world?

Ludwig glanced out the window once again and saw what apeared to be their destination. Drawing ever sharper into view was a small island with a rather intriging mansion upon it. Ludwig smirked ever so slightly and thoughtfully stared at the now apparent destination. The mansion had an amnious look to it, and had a feel of hidden intriges; intrigues which Ludwig planned to make full use of.

The transport hovered above the island, and began to make it's decent. The person controlling the machine had requested that he and Wilhelm fasten their 'seat belts', but as Ludwig didn't know what this was, he mentaly shrugged the request off as unimportant. His companion, however, had made a rather frantic request for an explanation of 'seat belts'.

Once the convoyence had landed and its two occupants were let out, Ludwig took a calculating glance around him. Wilhelm stumbled out with the baggage, dropped on the ground, and insisted that he would never get so far up into the air again. Ludwig shot a withering glance at his servant, and continued scruntinizing his surroundings. He hadn't been the first to arrive, and judging from the remaining transports, he wasn't the last.

((Waahh~ I missed the start of this. Please accept my apologies. I have finals coming up in two weeks so I've been busy. I also had to meet with my family for Thanksgiving.

A few rp notes: please forgive my spelling errors. I'm probably the worst speller of the English language (and it's my native tongue). Also, I hope it's okay that I put Wilhelm into the story. He and Ludwig seem to be rather unseperable, but I can change my post if it's neccessary.))



Dapper Fairy

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 10:01 pm
((It's alright. n.n I'll go ahead and post now, since I won't have access to a computer again for a couple days.))

The young count accepted Riff's offered hand, and gracefully hopped out of the carriage door and onto the ground. He mustn't have been too angry at the other, for otherwise he would have brushed off any help at all. Pushing the rim of his hat farther up with the handle of his cane, he too observed the place that was their destination.

"Cheerful, isn't it?" Cain's shoes crunched slightly over the dead leaves and gravel that made up the house's 'lawn'. A glance upwards told him that there were other 'guests' here, judging by the silhouetes against the sky. But right now, there was something else that had caught his attention. There were two, very curious piles of dead vegetation sittting to either side of the porch, and it was one of these that the youth was headed towards.

Upon reaching one, Cain seemed to study it for a moment or two. It was actually very thickly grown ivy that had died, but not before completely covering whatever it was it had been planted around, and so taking his cane in hand, he stuck the end into the bramble. Immediately, there was the sound of wood knocking against something solid. So setting his cane to the side, Cain very carefully grabbed the nearest handfulls of dead vine and pulled. After only a little resistance, it began to snap and come free. . .exposing the top of whatever it was it was covering.

The black, stony visage of a gargoyle glared out from the rest of the ivy. It wasn't a very handsome statue to have guarding one's front door. . .but common none-the-less. "Curious."

Then, dusting his hands together to rid them of any crumbled leaves clinging to them, he turned to his servant with a small smile. "Well, shall we see to why we've been summoned to such a mysterious place?"

(Bloody hell...I think I have time to take a breath now and post >_< )
::Riff's nose twitched a little as the chill, clammy air filled his nostrils and trickled down his throat. It was like breathing soup...

He followed behind Cain, reaching out once to fix the young Count's muffler against the icy gusts of wind.

As they neared the old house, he could smell damp, rotting woodwork and musty stone as well as the dry, sweet smell of dead vegetation.
This place was clearly in disrepair.
It struck him then to wonder who had sent the invitation if this place looked like it had been deserted for a long while...he voiced his concern::
Master Cain...who do you think sent the invitation, this place looks like no one has lived in it for many years...

::he watched as Cain exposed the grotesque door guard. He stared at it as he passed. Maybe he was being paranoid, but he couldnt help but get the impression that the gargoyle was a portentious doorman indeed. What kind of evils was it keeping out...or keeping in?
He noticed Cain was getting ahead of him and he had to jog to keep up. He squelched down a foreboding feeling and went to grasp the tarnished bronze handle on the door that must have been red at one point, but its paint has since long flaked away, leaving a dusty, faded ghost of its color behind on the warped wood. He found the door unlocked and pushed it open::
Wait, Master Cain...let me go in first...  
Gothic Fairyland - the official Kaori Yuki guild

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