Name: Money J
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Rank: Genin
Village: Hidden Leaf

Eye color~ Hazel
Hair color~ Dark Brown almost black
Skin color~ Light Brown

Clothing: he wears a ninja top, and custom karate pants. all of his outfit is blue/silver, and on his face he wears a half mask like kakashi's this is also blue/silver. Finally blue/silvercamo Jordan 18's.

1.Genjutsus: Kawarimi no Jutsu (Replacement Technique)
Bunshin no Jutsu (Cloning no Jutsu)

2.Suiton (Water Element):
Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu (Water Clone no Jutsu)

Houshou (Crushing Fist)
Shougeki Shou (Rising Impact Palm)

4.Hyouton (Ice Element):
Hyouton Kokuryuu Boufuufetsu (Black Dragon Blizzard)

Custom Nunchuku
2 custom full tang katanas
Double Bladed Kunai

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