The Study (Research)

Glorious research! This subforum is basically for any material you're working on, be it a project, a magickal system, a set of tarot spreads, a ritual involving Hindu gods, that kind of thing. You're quite free to post unfinished work here, allowing others to see how you're getting along, to scrounge for ideas, or to give comments, feedback and suggestions! This subforum is similar to the Questions and Answers subforum, with one important difference - here, the emphasis is the feedback and evaluation. You could use this subforum to ask people to comment on a specific post before you ask for it to be moved to the Essays subforum; to tell people about a vision you had and what you're doing to interpret it; to ask people to critique a ritual you've written; that kind of thing.


  • This subforum does NOT require completely researched ideas - that's precisely why it's here, to engender discussion on it so the researcher can develop it a little more.

  • Make sure your posts are clear, concise and well written. Don't waffle about talking about irrelevant things, get straight to the point (but provide interesting asides, by all means!) and remember the rules of grammar, punctuation and spelling. It matters less here than in, say, the Essays subforum, but it's still important in order for people to take your ideas seriously.

  • You have a whole thread. Use it. Split up your tutorial into steps to help people along, or (for something bigger) split it up into different posts by making a new thread and posting several times to reserve the thread for yourself. This makes it a whole lot easier on the reader. If you've discovered a little more about your topic since starting the thread, you're allowed to edit the first post and bump the thread (once is enough!).

  • Distinguish between fact and fiction, and between fact and personal opinion. Imagine how well a post on the Necronomicon would go if I didn't tell anyone it weren't real. Especially when the Necronomicon contradicts so many proven metaphysical facts. And when giving your opinions, let people know they're yours and yours alone.

  • Give links to references or more information. If someone thinks you're making up some stuff, they'll want to go to the pages you used for the info to check it. If they really liked your topic, adding links will give them a place to start learning more. Links are very important and I recommend everyone who writes topics here adds links to outside information. As well as this, if your post is not your own, make sure you give credit to the author where it's due!