Alright, well sometime near the end of my summer vacay my 2nd cousin-in-law mentioned how she was really feeling the strain with only her and my 2nd cousin working at their coffee shop/clothing store, and mom and I though, "Hey, why don't I go up for the entire summer next year and help her out. I can help around the house at my Nana and Papa's place too, it'll be fun."

Well... the plans were made, and it's snuck up on me.

I'm leaving at aproximately 4:50 tomorrow (friday July 6th) morning. For the entire summer.

I'm taking my laptop with me, but my Grandparents seem to have some sort of Computer-related allergy, and so unless there's someone nearby I can pirate a signal from, I'm shot.

I'll be able to get on every now and then I'm sure, but definately not as regularly as I have been.
