Winter Clan is in need of some members. Anyone is welcome. Just follow the Rules and Request to join.

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We Roleplay, Have fun and we have lots of friends!

As you journey through a forest that was dark and cold in the darkness of the night, wolves are heard around your surroundings as you quietly go through your way. With the snow falling slowly from the sky with a full moon to make the wolves howl, everything around you suddenly goes into complete darkness as the clouds from the sky began to block your light. To have you stop at your tracks to wait for a few moments to wait for the clouds to clear away, a small light from far away began to appear. With the small light gently glowing from where you stood, a young girl at the age of sixteen began to appear with a small lamp in her hands. “A new comer?” she said in hint of surprise to approach you slowly on uncertainty to cause her dark brown eyes to sparkle in curiosity on whom you were. “Please, do not be alert on who I am” the young girl said to place one of her hand upon her chest when she spoke. “I am the young priestess of the young maiden castle of Senritsu, I assume that you are lost and that you need a place to stay?” her voice was curious when she continue on to talk, her eyes only began to sparkle a bit more at this to continue on staring at you before a sweet smile appeared upon her face. “If you wish to follow me for a place to stay…there are some rules that you must follow before I take you to your destination from this gentle weather”


“Rules are quite simple to follow and all isn’t difficult to remember, the care takers of the castle who are the owners wish for you to be literate and active.” The young girl began as the light of the lamp that she holds began to blow away suddenly.

“Rule one: Please be sure to write in five complete sentences when you join this guild, this guild is a roleplaying guild where people are literate and aren’t lazy typers. The owner of the castle wishes for you to be well-mannered in your roleplays. She does not wish for anyone to write in ‘r’ for are or ‘u’ for you, put a ‘*’ as your actions, or write in a script. We have passed the grade where we can write in full complete sentences so please do not embarrass yourself. This guild is meant for wonderful people who write beautifully in their roleplays. You’re grammar doesn’t have to be perfect either, but it would be wise to check your spelling and errors before you post in a roleplay you are in. As long that we understand each other then things will be perfectly fine.

Rule two: Please be sure to read the rules. It’s very important that you do because if no one follows the rules that we made for our castle to be well protected by pests and predators. We will be sure that your welcoming to the castle isn’t welcoming. We like our members to be safe and happy in our castle. We do not wish for anyone to harm anyone at all once they have entered the guild.

And finally…

Rule three: The only thing that we all ask of you is to be literate and active in the guild that you are joining. We are currently looking for unique roleplayers who give a little spice to make things entertaining and fun for the other roleplayers who has been the guild for awhile. The more people who join our guild, the more fun it will be for everyone to enjoy at their stay at the castle”

After the rules were done, small white orbs began to float off the snowy ground slowly to give some light from where they stood. With a sweet smile still continuing on the young girl face, her hands began to rise slowly in front of her and it made the orbs suddenly glow light blue. No longer holding the lamp that she once hold when she appeared, her hands were slowly going towards you with her palms facing up as her eyes stares right at you with a gentle look. “If you are still interested on joining me to the castle, please take my hands to enter. All you have to do is send a request of a sample of your roleplaying and put snow angel towards the end your roleplaying in capital letters. You’re roleplaying sample must be five to six sentences long and that I hope you made your choice of coming with me”

Where you have left off of this roleplay, please send a request to join. If you have any questions or concerns about the Winter Clan Guild, please send a PM to XxForever A SinxX. Do not to hesitate to send her a PM. She will do her best to answer your questions when you have PM her. Until then…I hope you join the guild and have a nice day.

That's what's on the Front page.

Have a nice day! and I hope you will join the Winter Clan!