I'm giving you all first insight into a project I'm undertaking, its my new sci-fi OEL Manga serial, which I will release in chapters, care of free online hosting. There will be 3 chapters to the story; Alpha, Beta and Omega.

So heres the general plot out line to see what you think;

Data Link - Alpha

The year is 2x32 the city of Neo Manchester, new state of the art technology has been released into the world market, cybernetic implants being common place and biogenics still in its infancy, the latest applied augmentation technology (and that staple of modern sci-fi) is nanites, microscopic machines capable of rebuilding anything on the molecular level. The first people to receive these augmentations in a non military pursuit, are the police force, Neo Manchester has just had two recruits augmented with nano-tech, Officers Liam McKinsey and the previously blind Sara Onori, both of which are to act as field tests for the new technology before it is commercially rolled out.

However, something goes wrong, when interfacing with a machine Liam contracts a virus, that seems specifically designed to attack the systems of the nanites. Increasing strength, speed and aggression beyond safe levels, even altering his physical appearance. However Liam and Sara, decide its best to keep this a secret as the virus only takes over when Liam is under stress, but with the new case they have been assigned, to hunt done a 'mechanism' hacker known only by his handle; Nekrad, can Liam hold his emotions, he faces down the hacker who shut down his mother and father's life support machines?

Data Link - Beta

Liam has disappeared, believed to have been ripped apart by his own nanites during his capture of the hacker 'Nekrad', can Sara deal with the new wave of crime and terrorism ushered in by the 'nano' age? As the rate of violent crime soars and the protests of the now obsolete 'cybernetic' laborers send the city of Neo Manchester into spiraling chaos a new shadow organization known as the 'Royal Guard' takes over the police force, will it all be too much for Sara, and what of these rumors of a Vigilante with more strength then other nano augmented person, military or civilian, could they be the thought dead Liam McKinsey... or something more malevolent?

Data Link - Omega

The final chapter, Neo Manchester has become a war zone, the separatist forces, determined to break free of the rule of the corrupt politicians of the south, the revolution is in full swing and Liam McKinsey has been confirmed as the leader. Sara is pressed to chose between having her nanites shut down, becoming blind and following what she believes right or following orders and killing her former partner McKinsey. In the thrilling final chapter the mysteries of Nekrad, Liam's death and the Royal Guard is revealed.