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knights of the flying dragons
The knights of the Flying Dragons

once upon a time there were 3 brave warriors called Gerry, Esme and Beth they were the most skilfull and the best worriors in the world.
The king of the land (luivia) called Philip was very upset because his son Prince Kassian his heir to the throne was stolen along with his faithful servant nevada by his evil twin brother luciffer.The king wanted to ask these 3 brave warriors so he sent out his faithful servant to tell them about the stolen prince.

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Lil Smee
Community Member
comment Commented on: Tue Apr 24, 2007 @ 01:46am
Kassian was happy. He had just caught a wild boar and killed it with only his sword and shield to protect him. He had no scratch and no blood covered him.
I'm getting better at hunting, Kassian thought to himself with pride.
Kassians five guards tightened around him, and Kassian's personal guard Navada unsheathed his sword.
"What is it?" Kassian asked. But then he heard- approaching hoofbeats.
Fifteen men burst into the clearing and surrounded Kassian before he had even unsheathed his own sword.
Kassian's voice rung through the afternoon air like a bell cuts through silence.
"Who dares halt Prince Kassian Quickblade, heir and only son to the throne of Luivia?"
"Our names are of no importance, boy," replied one of the men, who was dressed richly in expensive materials and armour.
Kassian flinched. I may be young, but I am not a boy.
Although Kassian was only sixteen, he was as tall as his father, with an athletic body that had been shaped by years and years of training in his father's castle. Kassian had grown up to be a warrior, and he would take up that way of life now.
"If you do not move, I will kill you all!" Kassian shouted.
One of the men's guards laughed and strung his bow. Again, before Kassian could begin to attack, an arrow hit him in the shoulder and he fell from his horse, to the hard, frosty, winter ground below. Kassian did not even feel the impact as he was unconcious before he hit the ground.

comment Commented on: Tue Apr 24, 2007 @ 06:56pm
Beth walked through the village, he cloak blowing out behind her, her clothes were simple, a plain dress typical of a farm girl completly different to what she was used to. She pulled up the hood of her cloak to prevent recognition by the kings guards, she had been on the run of over a week now having escaped the castle which was her home, a strong wind whipped her straight red hair into her eyes, the wind bringing tears to her blue eyes. Her skin had coloured slightly red from the harsh wind hitting it, hiding her freckles, knowing she looked a mess, she kept her head down. She gently rubbed her temples, she had a headache. Someone grabed her shoulder from behind, and before they could do anymore she had them pinned against a building, a small, intricatly patterned dagger pressed against their neck, anger blazing in her eyes. She pressed a little harder, and a small cut appeared, drawing a narrow line of blood.

Angel Bixxa
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comment Commented on: Tue Apr 24, 2007 @ 11:54pm
Gerry had quite tanned skin as she was not from around luivia but she was brought up there, she was extremely strong and bright she didnt know what sh was, she was brought up in Luivia since she was a baby, She was brought up by a family that found her crying under a sparkling tree, all Gerrys life she had been looking for her real parents and wondering what she was, her hair was always tied back with a beautiful sparkling diamond tiara, because her long uniquely straight hair always went into her face, she wore a necklace which was very religious and wore another one underneath which held a special power inside which she had never used because she didnt now what great power was there, she also wore a strong gold scaled armour and underneath she wore a long sleaved top wearing black trousers underneath with deep pockets which kept long lost memories of her past. she stood looking out at the veiw of the land of luivia inside a small village filled with young spirited children running around playingshe kept walking..., she stopped for one moment and thought of something she hadent ever before, where was she born? It had never occoured to her before she only jsut thought when she looked at this one particular child stiiting in the corner, she went up to the little boy pushing through the crowd of people before him but then as she approached him she began to feel as if her strengh was draining she pushed her way still trying to him she felt as if there was something pulling her towards him,a few seconds later she fell limply to the ground.

comment Commented on: Wed Apr 25, 2007 @ 12:53pm
Esme sheathed her sword and sighed. She had been training on the King's battlefield all morning, and she had beaten all of her opponents within a minute of fighting them.
Who can match the blade of an elf? Only another elf, of course! Whats the point of my fighting humans? I'm going to win all but the best straight away!
Esme was an elf, and one of the few in the land. She didn't know any other elves, and had never seen any. She knew they lived deep the forests, but she had never been into the forests of luivia. She assumed that her elf mother or father had brought her out of the forest and given her up for adoption when she was a baby, because the old lady Esme lived with was certainly not her mother. One, she wasn't an elf, and two, she was too old to be her mother.
Esme swept her brown hair behind her pointed ears and tied her hair into rough plaits. She looked across the field, where men and women were practicing swordsmanship, and archery. Esme decided that because she could beat all these people at sword fighting, that she should try archery. It was not her strong point, but she wasn't bad at it. She had won a few competitions, and intended to improve her skills with the bow. Esme ran across to the other end of the training field, where a little boy looked at her amazed.
"How can you run so fast Esme?" a little boy asked her.
"I'm an elf," she replied, "We can run faster than humans."
"Oh yes! I can see now! Look at your ears!"
Esme sighed. She was always being goggled at because of her pointy ears.
"I've come to practice archery, can I join in?" Esme asked the man in charge of the bow range.

Lil Smee
Community Member
Lil Smee
Community Member
comment Commented on: Wed Apr 25, 2007 @ 12:55pm
"Sure," the man said, he was used to Esme. He saw her practicing everyday.
Esme shot a few arrows at the range, and began to relax into the swing of archery. She thought of her friends and wondered what they were doing.
I haven't seen Gerry and Bix for a week! I wonder how they are...
Esme missed her friends after being apart for a week. They treated her as normal, and were used to her being an elf.
Esme had just shot her last arrow when she heard a man approaching. Esme waited until he was close, and touched her on her back, then whipped round, pulling her sword out of her sheath. The man raised his sword in defence, and his eyes widened at Esme's ears.
Oh, not another! Can't some humans keep their eyes down?
Esme jabbed at his waist, which he blocked, but then she jumped, and landed behind him. He turned quickly, but Esme had anticipated this, and she flicked her sword at his wrist, and sent his blade spinning across the field.
"What do you want?" Esme asked.
"I am a friend! Why did you fight me?" the man asked.
"I do it to everyone I can't recognise. I didn't recognise your footsteps. They were different to all the people I know, so I realised I hadn't met you before. And if you are a friend, what do you want?"
"I have a message from the King. He wants Gerry, Beth and you to come at once to his chambers. He has an urgent quest for you and it can't wait."
"Thank you for bringing your message so well. I am sorry I had to attack you."
The man walked slowly away and picked up his sword. He slid it back into its sheath with a 'humph' and went off to find Gerry and Beth, watching Esme run back up the hill to the castle, in that wierd style, running as if her feet didn't touch the ground for long.
I can see why the King wanted her for his 'mission'. And if what i have heard is true, I can see why he'd want to other two as well. They are all widely known and praised in Luivia, for their skills.

comment Commented on: Wed Apr 25, 2007 @ 03:15pm
Beth immedietly recognised the girl, it was Gerry, one of her best friends.
She drew the dagger away and stepped back, wiping the blood from the edge of the dagger before sheathing it.
'What are you doing here?' she asked, watching Gerry rub the cut on her neck.
'I passed out again.'
'AGAIN? thats the third time!'
'I know, she said, but i was woken up by a palace guard, he told us we need to go to the castle.'
'Does he really think i'll go THAT easily?' she asked, 'He must be getting senile...' she whipped around to stare at gerry. 'Dont you DARE tekll him you saw me!' she panicked.
'Relax, im your friends remeber? Secrets safe with me.' and she disappeared.
For the second time that day someone grabbed her soldier, she repeated the same move and pinned them to the building. It was a palace guard, she pushed the blade harder agains his neck.
'Princess.' he said, attempting to bow, but being stopped by the dagger. 'You are wanted at the castle.'
'Well then,' Beth replied calming down, she pushed a bag of gold into his hand.'Its a shame you couldnt find me.'
She hadnt noticed while she was distracted that three more guards were grabbing her from behind. she was dragged up to the castle kicking and screaming.
They threw her through a door into a room richly decorated. Her father sat on a throne at the end. A disappointed look on his face.
'Really Beth, i expeted better from you.'

Angel Bixxa
Community Member
Lil Smee
Community Member
comment Commented on: Wed Apr 25, 2007 @ 05:00pm
The King looked around his throne room and dismissed the guards with a flick of his wrist. They bowed and backed out of the room.
"Welcome, elf. Welcome, daughter," he muttered. Esme could detect sadness in his voice.
"My name is Esme, sir," Esme said stiffly. She didn't like humans who couldn't see past the fact that she was an elf. The King had been kind many times to her, he let her use his training field everyday, but he couldn't call her anything but 'elf', however many times her spoke to her. She told him her name every time they spoke.
"Yes, yes..." he muttered, "But where is Gerry?"
Beth shrugged.
"Have either of you seen her?" the King asked.
"No, your majesty."
"Nope," Beth said, rubbing her arms where the soldiers had pulled her up to the castle.
"What have you called us for?" Esme asked. She hoped the King wasn't just wasting her time. He hadn't wasted her time before, but he still hadn't told her what they were both here for.
"I have something to tell you, daughter. And a favour to ask of you, elf," the King rose his voice and with effort the sadness receded slightly. Esme could tell he was trying to master his emotions. "My son, the Prince Kassian, has been kidnapped. All I know is that he was injured by the people who kidnapped him, and when he passed out, they took him and his servant away with them. He never came back from hunting."
Esme's quick brain began to calculate. He must want to send me to look for his son. There is no other reason he would have called. But what can I get out of this? What is he going to offer me for looking for his son?

comment Commented on: Wed Apr 25, 2007 @ 05:17pm
I will go just for Beth, if she wants me to. I will go on this mission for her. Esme thought.
"WHAT?" Beth shouted.
"It is as I said, daughter. Prince Kassian has been kidnapped."
"Kidnapped? Kassian?" Beth asked.
"Yes..." the King muttered, then held out his arms for Beth to hug him. But Beth ran to Esme, and hugged her friend.
"Will you help me look for him?" Beth muttered into her friend's shoulder.
"Of course," Esme said, and hugged Beth back.
"Thank you so much..." Beth whispered, wiping her nose on Esme's shirt, who jumped back and giggled.
"What are you doing? This is my best shirt!" Esme joked. She was really wearing her oldest leather shirt and trousers. It was what she wore for fighting on the King's fields.
"Sorry..." Beth said, but laughed.
"So." the King said, lowering his arms with a hurt expression on his face.
"So," Beth imitated him, but quietly, so only Esme could hear.
"I want you to look for him and bring him back, elf." the King said.
"Is that an order father? I would thank you not to treat my friends like this! And why do you just say elf? Do you not mean for me to go too?" Beth shouted at her father.
"You are to stay with me daughter! You are too important to go off on a mission like this."

Lil Smee
Community Member
Lil Smee
Community Member
comment Commented on: Wed Apr 25, 2007 @ 05:31pm
Esme lowered her head, and thought. So your daughter is too important, but I'll do. You will send me off maybe to die, but not your daughter? You know I do not do this for you. I will agree for my friend's sake.
"I will do as you say, my King," Esme said.
"Thank you, elf."
Beth just stood shocked at her father. I will go and save my brother! And Esme knows me well enough to know that I will. Why does she not take sides with me? Then Beth realised. Esme was agreeing with the King, but Beth knew that Esme would help her escape the castle as soon as night came. Beth smiled.
The door banged open, and Gerry entered the room, looking sheepish.
"Finally! What took you so long?" the King bellowed.
"Sorry..." Gerry muttered, coming inside.
"Well...I have something to ask you Gerry..." the King began.

comment Commented on: Wed Apr 25, 2007 @ 06:07pm
Beth could not bear to hear the same again, or hear him insult her friends. She turned to leave. Stopping only for a moment to whisper to Esme.
'Be in the forest by midnight.' she left the room, slamming the door behind her.
She was headed for her room, where she got a bag and started packing clothes and other things. She changed from her current clothes to richer travelling clothes. And a better quality cloak. She was still slightly in shock from discovering that her brother had been kidnapped. It finally hit her and she fell onto her bed crying into her pillow.

Angel Bixxa
Community Member
Lil Smee
Community Member
comment Commented on: Wed Apr 25, 2007 @ 08:08pm
Esme walked slowly down the hill from the castle to her home. It was only a little thatched hut, but it had a certain charm. She shared it with the lady who brought her up, who she called grandma, even though they weren't related. Her 'grandma' was cooking soup when she came in, and she sat Esme at the table and passed her a bowl of the steaming liquid.
"You have to drink this before you leave," her grandma said, pouring herself some soup and sitting beside Esme.
"You know I'm leaving?"
"I've known for a while, Esme. Don't you remember your fortune? Well...I'm not surprised if you don't. You were only ten, and you probably just thought I was making it up."
"Tell me, grandma," Esme said, drinking some soup and smiling as it warmed her up. Her grandma's soup always had this effect.
"Born of immortal blood and bone,
In a forest whose eaves are so tall,
No sunlight penetrates there at all.
Born of immortal blood and bone,
In the elven city of Aenaemajast,
She shall be wise, strong and fast.
Born of immortal blood and bone,
When she turns sixteen she'll leave home,
And she will not return alone." Esme's grandma stopped chanting and looked at her 'granddaughter.'
"Thank you grandma, but I don't understand it." Esme muttered. She moved across the room to where she slept, and her grandma helped her pack.

comment Commented on: Wed Apr 25, 2007 @ 10:34pm
Beth pulled her horse out of its stable and strapped on its saddle, attatching the bag to the side. She pulled gently on its reins and led it over to the wall which surrounded the castle. It was a beautiful horse, oneshe had owned since she was 10, she had trained it to be absolutly obedient and she was as close to it as she was a human. In her room she had left no note, and no sign of her departure. They would notice, she was sure of it. But only when it was too late to stop her. Someone stopped out in front of her, it was a boy. She did not scream, or jump, or show any sign that she had been surprised by his appearance. Fortunelty he couldnt tell her heart rate had increased. He moved slightly, so the moonlight hit his face. Her eyes were level with his shoulders and she looked up into his blue eyes. 'Leaving again?' he asked. Leaning closer to her. 'Yes, im going to find Kassian.' she replied bluntly. she tried to dodge around him. He grabbed her arms. Not so fast. She dodged the other way, he blocked her again. She was going to have to do something she really didnt want to do. She pulled out her dagger and pinned him against the wall. 'I'm sorry, but i need to leave.' She planted a light kiss on his lips, then stepped back. He tried to pull her back, but she punched him before he could, feeling extremely upset as she did. 'Trust me, that hurt me just as much as it hurt you' she said. As he fell over htting the floor with a thud. He propped himself up on his elbows. 'Didn't mean you had to punch me.' 'I'm sorry Toby.' and with that she pulled herself up onto the horse and stormed away, the sound of hooves clattering on cobbles awaking her father. He ran to the window in time to see her ride through the gates. [i]How did she get past all the guards? He thought. He realised he had underwstimated her greatly, he had thought she would be stopped by Toby.[/i] She rode fast, as fast as she could, stopping only once to look back. Her father and Toby were running across the courtyard, along with about 50 of the palace guards. She began riding again, taking a detour so as not to get followed. She rode at the same speed until she reached the forest. Stopping only when she reached the clearing inside the woods were she was meeting Esme. She jumped down and pulled her horse into the trees, tying him to a tree. She hid a few yards away from the horse and stayed in the shadow of the trees. Waiting. Watching.

Angel Bixxa
Community Member
Angel Bixxa
Community Member
comment Commented on: Wed Apr 25, 2007 @ 10:35pm
She had tears in her eyes as she waited, not realising until they ran down her cheeks, she had hurt a lot of people tonight, her father, and Toby, she loved Toby, yet she always needed to run away. Why did she alwys need to run away?

comment Commented on: Wed Apr 25, 2007 @ 11:24pm
Esme pulled her pack onto her back and looked at herself in the little hand-held mirror that was all that they could afford. She straightened her plaits to look neater, and rubbed her cheek to remove a little spot of dirt. She had put on her newest clothes, which her grandma had brought her for her sixteenth birthday a week ago. They were some black leather tousers and black boots, with padded soles. The top was tight and long sleeved, also black, with a quite low-neckline. It had trees and flowers embroidered across the bottom. Esme would blend in and be chamouflaged in the night-time, because eveything she was wearing was black.
She brought only one other pair of clothes, for chamouflage in the day- a green silk top and dark green and brown trousers. She had only one pair of boots. Esme strapped on her sword belt- which her sword was in a sheath and attached to. She also put a bone hunting knife onto the belt, and put her bow and quiver across her back.
Esme walked over to her grandma's bed, where she slept peacefully, and kissed her on the forehead. She slipped a letter under her grandma's pillow. It started with the words...
If I don't come back, you should always know that I love you, and thank you for bringing me up as well as you did...
Esme opened the door carefully to avoid it creaking and slipped out into the dark night. She walked through the silent streets of the city un-noticed, because her footsteps were so light only a bat could hear them. Esme thanked the gods for being an elf.
When Esme had exited the city by climbing over the wooden gates, she had a clear shot to get into the forest that hugged two edges of the city. She ran across the open space and silently entered the forest- her home- and waited under the dusty pines.

Lil Smee
Community Member
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comment Commented on: Thu Apr 26, 2007 @ 01:07pm
Gerry rode back to back to her hut with a horse she was given by the king and got some supplies for the long journey ahead she realized it would be exhausting work but with the new black horse that the king gave her it would be easier for her....
Gerry wiped of the dirt that surrounded her face from when she had collapsed and went inside to get the supplies for the whole journey, she packed water and bread which was all she could afford. Gerry went to have a cold bath to clean her body and alovera from a plant they had outside to shampo her hair..Later she went to clean her gold armoury, it was kept for a present for her until she could fit into it, her birthday wasn't long ago and she had been wearing it ever since she got it. It was very valubale and sentimental to her it unlocked memories of her past.
Gerry went outside to the horse and packed the suplies onto hi "Dont worry im going to take good care of you."
At midnight they rode of to the dark forest, it was very quiet and peaceful.
As she was riding she looked at the beautiful veiw that was surrounding her the stars were so pretty and she was thinking of all different kinds of patterns she could make in the moonlit sky.
Later as she was riding towards the forest she was begining to feel sleepy she tought that as soon as she found the other two that they would camp out in the forest overnight.

comment Commented on: Thu Apr 26, 2007 @ 04:30pm
Creeping through the trees, Beth was looking forward to finally being able to jump up on Esme and scare her.
Obviously Esme had had the same idea, She jumped out, and they whacked into each other.
They both lay silently on the dirt floor, lightly coated with leaves.
'Owww.' the single sound broke the silence. 'That REALLY hurt...' it came from Beth
'Yeah' replied Esme. 'As plans go...that would probably count as a failure.'
'My head hurts...'
They both laughed, but the mood instantly darkened as they heard a twig snap in the dark trees. The moved quickly, hiding in the darkness with Beths horse. A few minutes later palace guards filled the clearing. In unison, they snuck up behind the guards and they dropped to the ground, wounds in their backs. This alerted the other guards and they turned to fight. It was no competiton, most of the guards had the sense not to even try and harm the Princess, and Esme had no problem fightling the rest. Pulling a sword from her belt, Beth sheathed the dagger, it was no use for hand to hand combat, only as a threat. She was doing better than she would have thought when her blade was knocked from her hand and the tip pointed at her throat.

Angel Bixxa
Community Member
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comment Commented on: Thu Apr 26, 2007 @ 04:44pm
Gerry was near to approaching the forest so she stopped for a short minuite to take a sip of water and to give the horse a drink...
as she threw herself back on to the horse Gerry heard a sudden cry she had thought that maybe it was an animal but then she heard it again she could recognise the voice amidiatally it was beth and esme. She shouted for the horse to gallop.
As she got there she saw beth and esme fighting the palace guards they must have been there for beth she knew she had to help so Gerry kept quiet and hide ready to shot. ninja ninja

comment Commented on: Thu Apr 26, 2007 @ 04:47pm
The sound of another twig snapping causeed the man to turn slightly, and Beth took the opurtunity to duck as she heard an arrow whistle through the air. It hit the guard square in the heart and he fell to the ground. The others ran, as fast as their legs could carry them. There were many rumours in these woods.
Gerry stepped out from the trees, lowering her bow.
'Thanks a lot for waiting for me...'
Beth and Esme lowered their swords and sheathed them in their belts. That taught the guards...

Angel Bixxa
Community Member
Lil Smee
Community Member
comment Commented on: Thu Apr 26, 2007 @ 05:34pm
Beth and Gerry had ridden seven miles that night, to get away from the castle, and Esme had ran. There were no signs of guards following after seven miles, so Esme, Gerry and Beth had stopped to sleep through the rest of the night. They had set up camp in the forest, and were just sitting down and getting food out of their bags to eat. Esme opened her pack and rummaged around, pushing aside her spare clothes to find the food she had wrapped in a white cloth. She opened up the cloth, and picked out one venisson-cake, which was deer meat encased in bread. She ate the cake, which was about as large as the palm of her hand, and then took a swig of water from her waterskin. Then Esme sat down to rest. "Is that all you are eating?" Beth asked, getting out a piece of chocolate cake, some salad, and some sandwiches. "Yep," Esme said, "I have to ration or I won't have enough. Its enough to feed me anyway. I had soup before I came." "Even so its a tiny amount!" Beth said, starting to eat, "You can have some of mine." Beth passed three sandwiches over to Esme. "No, no. I'm fine!" Esme said, giving them back to Beth. "Ok. If you are sure," Beth muttered, then continued, "But at least have some wine." "Ooh!" Esme's eyes widened, "Wine! I haven't had wine for a whole year! My grandma can't afford it anymore," Esme reached over to get the wineskin Beth was passing over. "Do you have enough food Gerry?" Beth asked. "Yep, I'm fine." Gerry opened her pack and took out some bread, cheese and biscuits. She also had a piece of beef jerky that her mother had dried out for her- to stop it going off. Beth and Gerry started up a conversation about archery, and it went on for hours. Esme soon got bored, and took to finishing [u]all[/u] of the wine Beth had. She didn't realise how much she had drunk. Beth and Gerry only realised when Esme fell backwards, hiccuping, and closed her eyes. They tried to wake her up, but she didn't wake, so the had to both carry her to the tent, that they had made out of a large piece of cloth hung over two trees.

comment Commented on: Fri Apr 27, 2007 @ 04:37pm
Next morning gerry woke up early "WAKE UP, WAKE UP its time to go we have to leave early so we get further!" gerry shoke them agressively and they opened their eyes. " All right, all right i am waking up." beth said with tiredness in her eyes." Esme still had a hang over from last night and crashed her head back down to the ground as soon as she sat up. "Nooooooo another 5 minuites please." Esme said in pain"I have abit of a headache from last night." Gerry went to go get herbs for esmes headaches while esme was in bed and beth was setting the table getting ready to eat the fantastic food Gerry made. Gerrys food is always good shes such a good cook. ......
Later Gerry had came back from her walk with herbs for Esmes headache she asked Beth to grind the herbs up so they were ready to be put on her forhead. Gerry got some water from her water skin and boiled it she put in some ginger that was at the bottom of her pack it was only small as it was all she could afford, she gave the tea to esme and spread the herbs across her forhead.
"There is that better, Beth you can eat now Esmes coming out now." Gerry shouted over to beth and gently said to Esme.
"Right lets eat yum." beth said with excitement.
After breakfast they packed everything up and climbed onto their horses.
"That was nice" beth said " Yeah it sure was"Esme replied "thanks I tought myself."
They set off for the evil king.
As they were riding Gerry had the slight feeling that she was going to collapse, she stopped to ease it. "Are you ok Gerry" Beth and Esme said "yeah sure im fine."
Gerry closed her eyes and fell. "Gerry,Gerry Wake up!" they both said one after another.

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Angel Bixxa
Community Member
comment Commented on: Fri Apr 27, 2007 @ 04:51pm
as Esme restrained the horse which was rearing up, Beth pulled out one of the water skins and tipped the contents over gerrys face. It had absolutly no effect. Whatsoever, Gerry procedded to sleep just as deeply, assuming she was sleeping, and not unconscious, and showed no signs of waking up anytime soon. Esme walked over, pulling Gerrys horse. Beth noticed she was lightly rubbing her temples. Still hungover. Great.
They were going to have to stop, neither of them were ready to travel yet. They would have to stop. She pushed a pillow under gerrys head and sat down under a tree, leaning her head against its trunk. It was going to be a long day. She felt a twinge in her head. Great, now she had a headache.

comment Commented on: Fri Apr 27, 2007 @ 09:12pm
As everyone was lying down there was a blue glow coming from gerrys necklace. Beth looked at the blue glow stunned she wondered what had triggered it of was it me she thought with great logic.Later after beth had collapsed onto the ground with tiredness and because of her troubling headache gerry, a few minuites later she awoke to find Beth and Esme sitting over her.
"What happened?" gerry said in a fright

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Lil Smee
Community Member
comment Commented on: Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 12:18am
"So..." Gerry said. She had recovered from the fainting attack because the necklace had healed her. She had never known what the necklace was for, but now she did. It was a healer's necklace.
"So... what?" Esme asked, running slightly ahead of the horses even though she felt very hungover.
"So..." Gerry repeated, "What shall we talk about? We have been away for two days and nights and we haven't talked much at all. If I don't say something soon I will loose the ability to speak!"
"I think thats a bit of an exaguration!" Beth said, giggling. She slapped the horse's rump and laughed as it put on a burst of speed. Gerry did the same, and her horse came level with Beth's, both of them racing towards Esme, who was running along quietly. Beth and Gerry were so determined to win that they had their eyes facing the horizon, and didn't realise that Esme was running below them, just a few metres ahead.
Esme suddenly realised that she would get trampled down when the horses were just a little bit behind her. Her hearing had gone funny because of the hangover, so Esme hadn't heard the horses in time to move. If she jumped either side, she would be jumping right into the path of the horse's hooves. All Esme could do was scream and duck, covering her head with her arms.

comment Commented on: Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 12:27am
The horses thundered along, and Beth's scarf flapped in the wind behind her. In a gush of wind the horses passed Esme, but just when she was about to get up again, the back hoof of one of the horses clipped her hard on the head and she was knocked back down again. Esme took a deep breath and tried to slow her heart rate down. Her eyesight began to go dotty and fuzzy, and the earth seemed to be moving around. Numbly she raised a hand and felt a massive bump beside her right ear, which had already come up. Her head was also bleeding and drops of blood ran down her face and into her mouth. Esme tried to raise a hand to brush away the blood that was itching its way down her face, but her hands were underneath her and she couldn't move. It was partly from shock that she had gone wobbly, but also partly that her brain was working oddly because of the bang. Esme put her head down on the ground, and watched Beth and Gerry race into the distance happily. They still hadn't realised.
Esme's eyes closed slowly, even though she tried to keep them open, and she went numb.
She was in a world where everything seemed red or black, with swirly swirly patterns. There were swirls everywhere- big ones, small ones, thin ones, and fat ones. Esme reached out a hand and traced a swirl.
"Hello, and welcome to swirly world!" A tall man bowed and smiled widely. Esme just looked at him, puzzled.
"Whats your name?" He asked.
Esme began to answer, but when the word did come out, it was not in her own voice, and it sounded worried and stressed.
"What?" the man said, and carried on talking, but his words began to blur and then fade away to nothing. The swirls slowly began to dissappear, and Esme felt a wierd sense of loss. Why are the swirls going?
"ESME! Wake up!" the words were afraid again, and got higher and higher as the girl shouted, "Gerry! She's not waking up!"

Lil Smee
Community Member
Lil Smee
Community Member
comment Commented on: Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 12:46am
"Oh my God! Shes awake!" Gerry screamed, "Beth, look! Her eyes are open!"
Beth dropped what she was holding and sprinted across to Gerry. They both peered down at Esme who was looking at them puzzledly.
"Esme, can you hear me?" Beth said, sitting down beside Esme.
There was a pause before Esme replyed, "Who're you?"
"What?" Beth said again, sharing a look with Gerry.
"Who're you? Where is Mr. Swirly?" Esme said, sounding scared.
"Wha-" Gerry started, but Beth cut her off.
"Esme? Is this a joke?"
"What is a joke?" Esme asked, and looked so genuinely puzzled that they both believed that she didn't know.
"She...she's...lost her memory!" Beth shouted.
"WHAT?? No way!" Gerry said.
"She doesn't know who we are! Esme wouldn't joke about this!" Beth said.
They both looked down at Esme again, who sat up slightly, and backed away slowly.
"What have you done to Mr. Swirly?" She screamed.
Gerry and Beth looked horrified. "What have we done to her!?!"
"I'll try and cure her! I am a healer!" Gerry said, starting to unpack her backpack to find something that she could use, but Beth held her arm to stop.
"I have a feeling that you can't cure this. I have a very strong feeling that we will have to wait until Esme gets normal again. How ever many things you try, I have a feeling none of them will work."

comment Commented on: Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 01:22am
an hour later, Gerry and Esme lay sleeping in the tent, Gerry slet peacefully, and Esme was in a similar state, save for the occasional muttering of 'Mr Swirly' it was deeply concerning Beth. She leaned her head against the tree as she had earlier, and tears ran silently down her cheeks. She had gone far past sobbing, the reality of what she had done had finally hit her. She had run away from everything she had ever known, and had punched Toby. Her mind still pained at the memory. She hoped he wouldnt be too mad. Something inside her snapped, and she stormed off, despite the fact that she was on watch. The fire would hopefully ward of wolves and other threats. She kept walking until she reached the edge of a steep cliff. She stared over into a deep ravine. It wasnt far to the river below, and the rocks were sharp. Realising what she had just been thinking, she stepped back and took a deep breath. She collapsed on the dirt and burst out crying. Again. This was really going to have to stop. Esme was already well on the way to insanity, and Gerry couldnt look after both of them permenantly. She thought of Kassian, and that thought helped her regain her strength slightly. She had to live for her brother. To save him. She couldnt let him die still thinking she was mad at him. She absentmindedly ran her finger up and down the small scar on her arm, she had gained it when she was small, Kassian had always been a better fighter than her, and it was a mark from the time he had gotton a bit too into his fighting. He had been kept in his chambers for a week. Beth smiled at the memory. There was a secret passage between their rooms, hidden on both ends by a tapastry, she had fobidden him to use it except in an emergency, but that night he snuck through and apologised. She couldnt help laughing very slightly at the memory. His face had been deadpan, yet had still made her laugh. The cut hadnt even hurt that much. Reluctantly, Beth stood up and went to wake Gerry, deciding to leave Esme with her world of swirlys and strange swirly men. She seemed happy enough and anyway, wouldn't be much good in an attack anyway. Not now. Not anytime soon. She curled up under a blanket and was asleep in an instant, the last the that she heard being yet another swirly muttering, and her dreams were filled with the happy memories she had tried so hard to forget.

Angel Bixxa
Community Member
Lil Smee
Community Member
comment Commented on: Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 01:40am
"Right...Lets see how much damage there is," Beth said, clearing a space in between the tents they had slept in. It was the morning after Esme had been hit on the head, and Gerry and Beth wanted to see what exactly was wrong with Esme.
"Lets ask her a few questions..." Gerry whispered to Beth.
"Ok...What is your name and age?"
"Esme, swirly men, swirly man, swirly, swirly~" Esme muttered.
"Ok...Now how old are you?"
"Sixteen," Esme said.
"Wow, thats a start!" Gerry exclaimed. They carried on questioning Esme until they couldn't think of any more questions. Esme seemed to remember everything, but didn't always answer straight away, and normally answered the question in the middle of a little bit of rambling about other worlds and swirly things.
"I'm hungry..." Gerry said, and at that moment her stomach let out a huge rumble. "Lets see if Esme can eat."
Beth passed Esme a piece of her venissoncakes. To her surprise, Esme snatched it and wolfed it down. "Thats alright then," Beth laughed.
After they had all finished eating breakfast, Gerry decided to try out Esme's reflexes. She passed Esme her sword, which Esme stared at like it was something odd. Gerry tried attacking Esme, but she just stood there looking at the ground until Gerry gave up.
"So she doesn't seem to think she needs to fight," they both sighed.
"You know, this is our fault," Beth said guiltily.
"I know, and we can't do much about it!" Gerry said stressfully. They were silent for a few seconds, but then Gerry's eyes widened. "My necklace!"
"Good idea!" Beth said, and helped her to find it.
"Come here, Esme," they said, and were suprised to see her walk over. The damage didn't seem to be as bad as they had thought last night.

comment Commented on: Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 02:28am
Gerry rushed over to Esme and pushed the necklace onto her forehead, then the side of her neck, then the palm of her hand. Nothing happened.
'Do you even know how to use that thing?' asked Beth
'Of course i do!' Gerry snapped slightly, getting a bit annoyed, its just that i only normally use it on myself.' She let the necklace drop.'This is useless!'
'Yes, your right it probably is...' an idea struck her and she stood in front of Esme, were Gerry had stood before.
'Esme, dont you want to go and save Kassian?' something happened in Esmes eyes, her farwawy expression becoming about a metre nearer. 'You remember Kassian, tall, brown hair, brown eyes, trains at least twice a day? My brother?' her voice rising slightly.
'Kassian...' well, even a vague answer was better than no answer at all.
'Yes. Him. Do you think the swirly men could let you concentrate enough to help us rescue him?' Beth asked, a little more forcefully than was probably needed.
Again another metre, not far, but an effect non the less.
'I remember him.' she said. giving Gerry a ferocious stare.
'Yep.' we are definatly talking about the same Kassian, Beth said under her breath.
The she began to drift back into her semi-vegetablised state. 'The swirly mans back...'
Beth had had enough. She reached down and picked up a rock that fitted just inside her hand. She threw it at Esmes head. Hard.
'Ouch!' Esme shouted out into the air. 'that hurt!'
The faraway look now completly gone gone from her eyes, Beth was happy to see she had finally returned to normal.
'Where is the swirly man?' she asked tentively.
Esme put a hand to Beths forhead looking worried. 'Are you feeling OK?' she asked, and wandered off.

Angel Bixxa
Community Member
Lil Smee
Community Member
comment Commented on: Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 02:54am
Esme sat beside the stream, pulling bits of grass out of the ground, and absent-mindedly piling them into a heap. She had needed time to think properly, so had left the others packing up the camp. Esme was not afraid of going deeper into the forest alone, infact she welcomed the silence and peacefullness.
For that day I felt like I was trapped in my own mind. What an awful feeling! I couldn't listen to my friends for too long or I would get a headahe, and then their voices would turn to drones and all I could think of was 'swirly things'. I am so happy to be free, even if it means I have two bumps on my head instead of one...
Esme left her little pile of grass and stood up, taking a quick drink from the stream. She then turned and walked deeper into the forest.
Esme had walked through the forest for half an hour before she realised how far away she had walked from the others. I have to get back! How could I have not realised how far I have come?
Esme turned to walk back through the forest, but she had only gone a few steps when she heard the sound of footsteps. They were not anyone she knew, because they were too light and quick, and Esme deduced that the person must be running; so she turned around towards the noise. Esme unsheathed her sword and waited, and it was a few seconds before a boy peeped out from between two bushes, holding a strung bow.
"Thas anyd theaoine?" he asked.
Esme raised one eyebrow, as she didn't understand a word of what he had just said.
"Neifst ahdsy uiw?" the boy asked. Esme stood perfectly still. The boy waited a few seconds, then spoke again.
"I must have been mistaken. I was sure your footsteps were too light for a humans."

comment Commented on: Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 02:59am
"I am not a human," Esme replyed, "I am an elf."
"How come you do not speak Elvish then?" the boy asked, lowering his bow and coming closer. Esme sheathed her sword and sat on the ground. She told the boy how she had been brought up by a human grandpa, because her elvish parents had given her away. He in turn told her about his life- he and his sister lived alone because their mother and father had been killed by a bear with rabies.
"Do you need any supplies or spare arrows? We have plenty. My sister and I are making our way in the world just fine," the boy offered.
"I have enough, thank you," Esme said, "but I have to be getting back to my friends now."
The boy thanked her for telling him her interesting story, and she thanked him for giving her company. He offered to let them stay whenever they had finished their quest. Esme skipped back through the trees, and when she reached her friends ten minutes later, they didn't know why she looked so happy.
"Lets go!"

Lil Smee
Community Member
Community Member
comment Commented on: Sun Apr 29, 2007 @ 06:10pm
Meanwhile... Gerry and beth went for a quiet walk around the forest and saw many interesting wild life. They walked over to a stream and dipped their hands in. They sat down for a moment and looked at the high trees above them.
"Wow i wonder what the veiw is like up there." gerry said in amazement. She walked over to the tree and tried to climb it. "What are you doing gerry?" beth shouted " Im going to see the veiw." Gerry climbed further but slipped on a peice of smooth bark "Oh well i tried." gerry said in dissapointment, she knew that they had to go so didnt try anymore.
"Right lets go back to camp." beth said happily " Yeah this walk was fun we should do another one sometime.

comment Commented on: Sun Apr 29, 2007 @ 11:25pm
Beth was still slightly concerned over Esme running rather than riding, but finally caved when even she couldnt argue the fact that they only had two horses. And so they set off with her running and Gerry and Beth riding their horses. They rode in relative silence for most of the journey, Gerry was still upset for Beths remark about her necklace and for the fact that Beth had been the one to think to chuck a rock at Esme's head, Gerry was sure she could have thought of something better. They were deep into the forest when they heard the twig snap. That noise had become one which they all dreaded, and their instints automatically kicked in. Esme drew her sword, Gerry drew her bow and Beth pulled out her dagger. She had greatly improved her target practice since they had left. None of them however, where expecting an ambush. Ten guard crashed out of the trees, and Beth fought the temptation to laugh, her fathers best guards, his finest, sent to represent the kingdoms power to 'rescue' the princess, and they had twigs sticking out of their hair at all angles. Unable to hold it anymore, she let out a faint snort. Beside her Esme was also holding her sides as she tryed to hold back the laughter. Gerry did not seem to get the joke. 'I can't see anything funny about this.' she stated impatiently. Of course she wouldn't, she was always trying to act stronger, and all she saw was some guards, only Beth and Esme got how funny this was. They turned slowly at the sound of yet another snapped twig, poor twigs, what had they ever done to the guards? Beth thought ot herself. For some reason she felt in a considerably better mood now. 'I have a plan.' she said 'And that would be...?' Gerry asked impatiently, as she jumped dow from her horse , Beth followed suit. 'I'll take the 10 to the right, you take the 10 to the left and Esme take the 10 in the middle.' 'Sounds good to me!' Esme said happily. They split up, Beth threw the dagger hard and pinned a soldier to a tree by the back of his chainmail. He would be good for inteigation later. She drew her sword and flew at the rest of the ten. She killed a few, and many ran towards the trees in fright, the way the trio had just come from. Brilliant! Beth thought, that takes care of them. Esme was doing equally well, and the remains of her 10, which were considerably reduced, more even than Beth's, were fleeing in the same direction. Gerry wasnt doing quite so well, due to the fact that she seemed to be in pain. We quickly ran to help her. Fighting off the rest of her men was easy with three of us, and they were soon gone. The last dregs seemed to have grouped together to attack them one last time. A voice sounded from the behind them. Beth turned and her breath caught. Toby was stood, the soldiers behind him. Of course, only he would know her well enogh to have been able to follow them, and catch up so quickly.She suddenly felt a supremely huge wave of anger towards him, and just like that all love for him evaporated. He had been helping her father all along. The realisation made her almost stagger with shock. That was the reason he had tried to stop her. He was supposed to be Kassians friend! The anger rose again. He had betrayed not only her trust, but also her brothers. Toby had told her, when they were happier, that Kassian had asked him to protect her, had anything ever happened to him. Now he had also betrayed her brother. She sheathed her sword and pulled her dagger from a tree, putting that away as well. 'Leave us alone, or a will find a way to get rid of you.' she told him, in a voice as cold as ice. She mounted her horse, and Gerry mounted hers. They began to ride off quickly, and Beth stopped only for a minute to look back. She saw shock in Toby's face. He had obviously not expected that. For a moment a look of hope grew on his face, thinking she was going to ride back. But instead she turned and rode faster than she had ever ridden before. Tears stinging her eyes as she rode.

Angel Bixxa
Community Member
Angel Bixxa
Community Member
comment Commented on: Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 12:14am
They set up camp after a few miles, Beth having finally calmed down and slowed her horse to speed Gerry could keep up with, Esme had no problem catching up, she still had energy left from her illness sleep. They lit a fire and were beginning to eat, once more in silence. When they ambushed. Again. Beth turned to see Toby, mounted on a horse, hovering on the edge of the trees. 'Right. I warned him.' almost psyching herself up for what was to come. 'Will you be Ok keeping the other guards busy?' she asked Esme. 'I have to stop this. We'll never get to Kassian in time otherwise..." 'Of course. Go right ahead.' Beth nodded and walked towards the edge of the trees. As she passed him, Toby dismounted his horse and followed her into the darkness of the trees. They hadn't gone far when she halted at a small clearing, turning to face him. Neither drew a weapon, although Beth noticed Toby was well armed with both a sword and bow. She imagined there were other weapons not visible to the naked eye concealed up his sleeves and in his belt. Out of pure reflex her fingers twitched over the hilt of her dagger, tucked up her sleeve out of sight. She had no reason to worry. This was Toby, the boy who loved her, was supposed to want to do anything to keep her safe. He has promised her he'd never hurt her. More importantly, he has promised her brother. Kassian.....remembering why she was here, she folded her arms across her chest. "I told you, leave us be. I'm going to get my brother back, and there's no one my father can send after me that's going to stop me. I'd rather die than leave him there to rot, a prisoner to Lucifer, and I know Gerry and Esme both feel the same way. So you might as well give up now." She sighed. Shaking her head slightly and looking at the bright leaves covering the floor. "I have to do this Tobe. You know that, right?" He stepped forwards, reaching out for her but then reconsidering and leaving his arms to rest by his sides. "I know you think this is your responsibilty, Beth, but it's really not. You're putting yourself and your friends in danger doing this! You need to stop acting like such a fool and come back with us to your father's castle." He paused, looking at her sadly. "He's going to keep sending more men after you. Eventually you'll slip up and get caught, it's just a matter of time. So you need to stop this, and just give up now! You can't do this, you're just a young girl! We're going to keep following you until we succeed, you know that. The Crown Guard isn't known for giving up." Beth, stared at the floor some more, fighting tears and a growing sense of resignation. "I have to do this. I'm going to save my brother." She looked up. "But you're right. As long as you're following me, I can't do it. So I'm asking you this, one last time. Stop. Stop tailing us, stop helping the guards. You're the key, you know how I think, you're how they keep finding us, how they're keeping up." She stepped forward, placing her hands on his chest. "If you love me, if you ever loved me, you'd understand I HAVE to do this. My brother needs me. You're standing between me and him. I'll get you out of the way if I have to, so PLEASE. Don't make me choose." The tears were almost breaking free from her eyes now, welling up and blurring her vision. She leaned up and kissed Toby on the cheek, whispering in his ear as she did. "For me. Please, do the right thing. Stop or I swear to God I'll stop you." She turned and headed back towards her friends, wiping away the few tears that had escaped. Within a few moments, however, she felt an arm wrap around her waist, pulling her up, and then she was moving, over Toby's shoulder headed towards his horse. "I'm under orders from your father, Beth. If I return without you he'll throw me in jail. I'm taking you back wether you want me to or not. What happened between us has nothing to do with this. This is my JOB." Beth kicked and punched his back, struggling to get free. Wiggling the dagger down from inside her sleeve, she used it to cut him on the shoulder. It was only shallow, but enough that he dropped her to the ground. She jumped up and away from him quickly, drawing her sword from it's sheath. "No. Toby, don't make me do THIS." Her hand shook slightly as she held the blade, the tip resting over his jugular. She backed him into a tree so he was trapped, unable to move. He laughed darkly. "What? You going to kill me? C'mon Beth, you couldn't hurt me if you wanted to. You don't want to do this. Just come HOME." He reached for her wrist, but stopped when she moved the blade slightly. It made a shallow cut which drew blood. 'You don't know me anymore.' She replied coldly. 'Things are different now. I'm different now. I've killed me. I'll kill more, no doubt. Soon. I'm willing to make whatever sacrifices I have to make to save my brother. So don't test me, Toby. I can hurt you if I have to." The sight of the blood seemed to snap Beth back to sense. She dropped the blade. He was right, she couldn't do this. She shouldn't do this. She stepped away from him. "I'm going to save my brother, Toby. He needs me. Give up, or no matter how much it hurts, I'll kill you." She turned to leave, breaking into a run. It was when she heard him following that she stopped and turned, dagger in hand and ready to throw. She hesitated for only a split second. [i]C'mon Beth, you couldn't hurt me if you wanted to.[/i] She thought of how many soldiers she had killed so far since leaving her father's castle. It was about 12. A dozen lives destroyed by her. A dozen hearts stopped. They might have had families, hopes, dreams. Esme and Gerry hadn't been killers when they left. They had willingly given up their innocence to become killers to help her save her brother. And she couldn't kill one boy? He was standing between her and her brother. She had to choose. Kassian or Toby? In a split second she had decided, and the dagger, her favourite weapon, sailed out of her hand, spinning through the air to land with a dull thud, straight into Toby's heart. She let the tears fall this time, shock causing her to stagger backwards. The colour drained from his face as he fell to his knees, the look on his face disbelieving. She walked to him, pulling the dagger out. Blood gushed from the wound, and he stared at her. She knew his face in that moment would haunt her for life. Horrified, she turned and ran, not knowing or caring which way she went. She ran, branches and twigs scratching her as she past. She felt none of them, she just felt numb. The dagger she felt still in her hand stained a brilliant crimson. Eventually she crashed through the edge of the trees, narrowly avoiding tripping over a discarded body. She returned to find Gerry lying on a blanket, a bandage wrapping around her waist. She would be unconscious for a while. Beth sat down again on the log. Looking into the flames. She kept the dagger in her hand, and when she eventually fell asleep it was full of darkness and blood, and she awoke several times. There was no one on watch tonight as there were no more guards, but Beth could tell Esme knew she was awake. Her breathing betrayed the fact. Tears soaked into her hair and her pillow, silent tears. The shock made her hands shake, and when she finally drifted off her troubled dreams caused her to toss and turn. She eventually slept until light broke through the canopy of leaves, but she still felt an overwhelming fatigue, a tiredness no amount of sleep could fix.

comment Commented on: Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 04:41pm
Gerry tightened the straps around the horse's belly so they would fit more snuggly. She then walked back to the camp, woke Beth and Esme, and went back to her horse. She swung one leg over, and heaved herself up. Maybe she had eaten too much yesterday night... Esme pulled her pack onto her back, stuffed one cold fishcake into her mouth and turned around to see Beth and Gerry ready to go. They kicked the flanks of their horses, so they would start walking, and Esme followed at a jog. ~ ~ ~ Later On... ~ ~ ~ When they stopped for the night, the forest had dissappeared, and they had travelled to the top of a steep cliff. It was very high up, and the only pass into the next valley. There were no houses for miles around, and no vegetation apart from small thorny bushes. The ground was covered in grass and littered with rocks. Beth dropped to the ground, walking over the grass to sit ontop of a massive boulder. Gerry got off her horse, and did the same, sitting beside Beth. "Dinner time?" Beth asked. "Yeah, baby!" Esme shouted, and began to run really fast towards Beth. One thing she hadn't noticed was that a stone was on the ground in front of her. Esme tripped and went flying, landing with a thump on the grass. Gerry didn't ask Esme if she was ok, she just shouted, "What the heck happened there?!" "I don't know! I tripped over something!" "What did ya trip over?" Beth said, getting off the rock and pulling Esme up. Esme walked slowly backwards, looking all over the ground for something that might have tripped her up. Beth joined her looking. Esme had been looking for about a minute when a glitter in the corner of her eye caught her attention. She whipped around and stared down at the ground. Bending down, Esme picked up a green stone, and cradled it in her hands. The stone was about a foot and a half long, and quite light. It was a dark green colour, the same colour as pine trees, and had thin veins of grass green flitting across it. Esme tapped her knuckle on the surface of it, and realised that it was very hard, and also another imortant fact- it was hollow. "What the hell is that?" Beth asked, and Esme walked slowly back to the rock seat, not looking at anything but the strange green stone in her hands.

Lil Smee
Community Member
Lil Smee
Community Member
comment Commented on: Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 05:50pm
"What is it?" Gerry asked again. She was sitting beside Esme, and Esme was in the middle next to both of them. Esme hadn't said anything since she had found the stone.
"I... I think... I think its a dragon egg!" Esme mumbled.
"What did she say?" Beth asked Gerry. Gerry repeated it. "A dragon egg?"
"Well... I'm not sure... But I think it is," Esme said, rubbing her hand over the surface of the stone.
"Lets have a look!" Gerry snatched the egg out of Esme's hands and held it. Esme glared at her and took it back.
"Its hers!" Beth said.
"I know, I was just looking at it," Gerry said. She walked off in a huff to the other side of the stone, and after a few minutes, she shouted.
"What?" Beth asked, thinking Gerry was joking around. Esme didn't even look up from her stone.
"I said, there is another dragon egg here!" Gerry came running around to their side of the stone. She was holding a dark brown dragon egg, which was slightly smaller than Esme's. It had black veins, but was mostly a chocolate brown colour.
"Wow..." Gerry gasped, "Now there are two!"
Beth lowered her eyes, and sniffed quietly. They both have dragon eggs...but I don't.
Beth went to bed that night feeling sad and left out, while Esme and Gerry slept peacefully, cradling their eggs against their chests.

comment Commented on: Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 06:20pm
Beth didn't sleep well that night, and woke up quite a few times. The first few times were because she felt like someone was watching her, and the next few because she had a bad dream. The last and final time she woke up before sleeping through the rest of the night was because she rolled over, and whacked into something hard. She had been having a dream about her having to share her dragon with Esme, so she wouldn't be left behind in their quest, when she rolled over in her sleeping bag, and rolled straight onto something.
Beth opened her eyes and rolled back the other way. She quietly got out of her sleeping bag, and by the dim light of the moon she could see that she had rolled onto a dragon's nest. There were twigs and leaves in a massive wide circle, so wide that none of them had realised it. In the dead centre of the nest, where Beth was sitting near, two glistening stones lay together, touching slightly. One of them was a deep purple, with silver veins, and the other was a light sky blue, with pearly white veins.
Beth immediately picked them both up, wrapping them up in her top. She padded back to her sleeping bag, and got back in, putting the dragon eggs against her side to keep them warm. She had no doubt that one of them was meant for her, and she had no doubt which one it was. The purple egg felt like it belonged to her- always had and always would. The light blue egg felt like it belonged to her now, but would hatch for another in the future, someone she knew, and someone she loved.

Lil Smee
Community Member
Angel Bixxa
Community Member
comment Commented on: Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 06:51pm
Beth awoke with the blinding sunlight, pulling the sleeping bag up over her face. She almost screamed when she flet something cold press against her stomach. Then everything came back, the dragons nest, the egg, her egg, and one which was not meant for her, but for someone she loved. She pulled the purple egg out and looked at it better. Its was beautiful. She sat up, and raked her hand through her hair, picking out several twigs and leaves from rolling into the nest. She walked over to where something was cooking in a small pot over the fire. Lifting the pot carefully, she examined the contents-porridge. Yum. It was only when she had replaced the lid that she began to feel dizzy, and out of breath. She looked down again at the pot. Realisation creeping over her. Crap. Iron Then she collapsed. She felt as though she had only been out for a minute when something extremely cold hit her in the face. She spluttered, choking. 'GERRY!' Beth heard Esme shout. 'What? she has to wake up sooner or later...' Gerry had obviously chucked a bucket of water over her. Nice. Beth sat up, annoyed. 'Why are you cooking in an iron pot?' she asked 'Are you TRYING to kill me?' 'No...why?' Gerry asked. then she realised. 'OMG! i am so sorry, i completly forgot!' 'How could you FORGET i was deadly allergic to iron?' Beth asked 'I could have got much worse than just passing out!' Gerry stormed off, no doubt to the other side of the rock she had discovered her egg behind-she liked that rock. The porridge pot boiled over, but no one paid any attention to it. 'You okay?' asked Esme after a while. 'Yeah' Beth replied, then a smile crept to her face as she remembered her egg. She had a dragons egg. 'Actually, i'm better then alright.' she pulled out the dragon egg and showed it to Esme, the silver catching in the sunlight. 'Omg! you got one!' Esme exclaimed 'Now we have one each!' Her jaw dropped when Beth pulled out the blue egg. 'You got two...?' she asked. 'Yep' the egg suddenly lifted from her hand and Gerrys voice spoke. 'You dont need TWO.' she said 'maybe we should just go sell it...' 'GERRY give it back!' Beth shouted, furious 'Its meant for someone, i just dont know who yet...' 'Why should it be yours?' asked Gerry 'Because i found it, and also it was found in my kingdom...' 'Your kingdom?' 'Yes my kingdom, im princess of it! My egg. i found it, its mine!' 'Does that make our eggs yours?' 'No. You found them. Now GIVE IT BACK BEFORE I DO SOMETHING I WILL REGRET!' Gerry paid no attention until Beth drew the dagger, then she calmly handed her back the egg and sat down. Beth wrapped it in a cloth in a bag attached to her horses saddle. Then they sat down and Gerry procedded to remake breakfast. Beth noticed the iron pot had been thrown into the forest.

comment Commented on: Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 07:27pm
"Lets stop for a bit!" Esme shouted up to Beth and Gerry. They reigned their horses into a stop and Esme ran to sit down on the grass beside the path. She had wanted to stop not because she was tired, but because she wanted to take her dragon egg out of her backpack and look at it again. Beth and Gerry saw her take out her stone, and they dismounted and did the same. Esme traced one of the veins on the egg with her finger, and rubbed a spot of dirt from its shiny surface. [i]I wonder what my grandma whould say if she knew I had found a dragon egg! That we had found four! Dragons haven't been seen in Luivia for hundreds of years, yet we find four all together! Well, the people searching can't of looked hard enough! Or maybe we were meant to find them...[/i] Esme looked across at Beth and Gerry, who both had similar looks of awe and amazement on their faces, as Esme expected she had on hers. She looked down at her stone again, and felt it shivering under her hands. Esme held it closer to her chest and rubbed the surface of the egg to make it warm, using friction. The egg did not warm up, but the shivering stopped. Esme decided that the dragon must have been lonely inside the egg for hundreds and hundreds of years, and maybe even thousands, so she decided to talk to it. "Hello. I'm Esme. I'm the person who is holding you now, and the person who found you. My two other friends found a dragon egg as well, and one of them found two," Esme paused and looked up, checking to see that the others didn't see her talking to the egg. She thought they would think she was mad. "We are on a mission. My friend, the Princess of Luivia, and my other friend, the healer Gerry, are sitting beside me. They have their dragon eggs one their laps, like I have with you. We are all on a quest, because the Prince of Luivia was kidnapped, and we are going to save him. We have almost no chance of winning, because King Luciffer has Kassian. King Luciffer is the one who killed the last of the dragons, and your parents might have told you about him. He is probably the reason why you are here." Esme felt the egg shiver again, and changed the subject. "I want you to know that I can't wait for you to hatch, and that I love you now, even before I know you. As soon as I set eyes on you, I couldn't speak, and infact I didn't for a few minutes after I found you. Whenever you come out of that egg, is fine by me, and don't come out until you are ready. I can wait as long as you need."

Lil Smee
Community Member
Lil Smee
Community Member
comment Commented on: Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 07:32pm
"What are you doing?"
Esme felt a hand on her shoulder, and realised it was Beth. Beth repeated the quetion.
"I'm just talking to him or her," Esme said.
"Right..." Beth said, sitting beside Esme. "I just caught Gerry doing that. I was doing it too, but I thought you would think I was crazy if I told you, so I didn't!"
"We all thought the same thing," Gerry said, coming to join them.
"I think we should go now..." Beth said, "It'll be getting dark soon."
"Yes, we should."
They got back onto the horses and gallopped off, and Esme followed, after she had tucked her dragon egg carefully back into her pack, tieing the top closed carefully. She looked back down the path the way they had come, and saw nothing. They were safe- for the moment.

comment Commented on: Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 08:18pm
That day they rode an extremely far distance, even for them, and came to rest at a small in on the outskirts of a large town. Deciding that they wanted a rest from sleeping on the ground, they brought three rooms and went their seperate ways. All seemed relieved to be seperated, even if it was only by thin walls. The three rooms were linked by doors, and it was an extremely poor inn, so there shouldnt be much problem if anyone tried to attack. It was now dark outside the window, and the horse made faint noise in the backyard of the inn. They needed rest as well, and so were enjoying warm hay and fresh water. Beth sat down at the roughly cut wooden desk in the corner and pulled out some parchment and a quill. She dipped the quill in a pot of ink and began a letter she felt she needed to write. 'Dear Father, I understand you may be finding my mission pointless and annoying by now, and i have no wish for to write for you for myself. The reason i write is to inform you that you where wrong, i can and will find Kassian and nothing and no one will stop me. We are nearing the border of your kingdom, and soon you will no longer be able to follow. You should also know that Toby is dead. He got in my way and he had to be stopped. It may have hurt me deeply, but i am over it now. You made me like this. Is this what you wanted? To turn your daughter into a killer? Do not send anymore soldiers, i would not wish to see your kingdom fall because your army was wasted on rescue efforts. I will not return until i have found Kassian. I would rather die. Please stop this now. she did not sign the letter, only pressed a small seal into the wax holding it shut, it was a simple seal, the royal seal, set on a necklace around her neck. She had worn it for er entire life, and it would be the only way to recognise she had written the letter. It would also ensure it was not read along the way. She stepped out of the door and searched for a messenger around the inn. She found one and handed him a small bag of gold. Then returned to her room. She was about to climb into the bed when she noticed her dragon egg, it was shaking, and a tiny crack had appeared on it perfectly smooth surface. She ran over, and watched as the egg shattered, revealing a gorgeous purple dragon, it so small, and adorable. And Beth knew at that moment that she loved it more than anything in the world. She reached her hand forwards to stroke its head and quickly pulled back as she felt contact with the its soft head. Her palm was burning, she looked down to find it shining-she had a shining palm! just like in old stories! it was still painful, but Beth was not angry at her dragon. It was a girl, and she loved her. 'I think i'll call you Amethyst.' she told the dragon. 'Do you like that name?' The dragon looked up at her with big eyes and slowly and carefully her head nodded. It was so cute. 'Amethyst it is then!.' Beth laughed.

Angel Bixxa
Community Member
Lil Smee
Community Member
comment Commented on: Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 09:09pm
Esme closed the door of the room that she was staying in, and locked it with a click. She walked over to the bed, took off her backpack, and took out the egg. Laying it on her stomach, and protectively putting her arms around it, Esme sat back on the bed and closed her eyes. She was asleep in a few minutes.
Esme dreamt that King Luciffer had caught them all, and taken her dragon egg away from her. She saw the King laugh evilly as Esme's egg hatched, and him pick up the baby dragon. Esme screamed at him to stop touching her dragon, but she was tied to the wall in shackles and couldn't stop him from strangling the baby animal. She struggled and struggled madly, but she couldn't do anything, and had to watch as her beautiful dragon died slowly infront of her. The skeletons tied up around her seemed to laugh with un-restrained glee at seeing the lifeless green dragon on the cold marble floor.
Esme woke up sweating and terrified. She was shivering and looked around the room in a fear drenched haze. Soon the fear died down a bit, and the room returned to normal. Esme looked down at the dragon egg to check that it was still in her arms. Thankfully, it was.
"Thank god you are still here!" Esme said, holding the egg to her face to kiss it. She rubbed it against her cheek, but paused. The egg was moving. Esme lowered the egg from her face and stared at it. A small crack was working its way across the dark green surface of the stone, cracking open the egg exactly on one of the green veins.
"You're hatching!" Esme said, and flinched as bits of egg thwacked into her fingers. They left little red marks on her hands, and Esme knew straight away that this dragon would be strong. Un-doubtedly, he was a male.

comment Commented on: Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 09:10pm
A few minutes later, Esme was covered in green egg shell, and a little baby dragon was looking up at her from the bed. The egg shell was even in her hair.
Hello...! My name is Tycor.
Esme sprung back from the mental communication at first, but then realised that Tycor meant her no harm, so she replied to him by thinking it.
I am Esme
I know you are.
How? Esme thought, puzzled.
I chose you. Remember the stories, little one?
Little one?! You are the little one!
I am now. I wont be soon. I am going to be much bigger than you soon, and you wont be able to hide me. What will you do then?
I don't know, but I wont leave you.
I know you wont.
Do you know everything!? Esme joked, but didn't expect his answer.
Almost everything.

Lil Smee
Community Member
Lil Smee
Community Member
comment Commented on: Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 09:11pm
Esme giggled, and the little dragon made a strange hiccoping croak in the back of his throat.
Whats that noise? Esme asked him.
Its laughing... You have a lot to learn about dragons. Tycor laughed again.
I know... Esme replied. But I will learn. We will learn. Together.
Together. Tycor repeated, walking slowly up Esme's body to sit on her chest. He looked at her intently.
"What?" Esme asked aloud, looking into Tycor's big green flecked eyes.
Nothing... Tycor laughed again. The noise was louder this time, and when he laughed it made Esme smile.
"Aaah..." Esme said aloud, "You're crushing the breath out of me!"
Tycor shifted slightly, but didn't move enough to make a difference.
Esme moved her arms and reached up to move him, but as her right hand touched his head, her hand began to burn like fire, and she yelped, dropping him onto the soft bed. He was not hurt, because of all the pillows.
Esme looked at her hand and watched as her hand began to glow silver in the centre of her palm, and then slowly treads of silver began to work their way outwards until Esme's palm was coloured silver.
The Shining Palm! I am a Rider! Esme thought, still staring at her hand.
Yes. Tycor said simply, and lay down to sleep.

comment Commented on: Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 09:22pm
Beth burst through the door seperating her room with Esmes. Amethyst was sat on her head.
'Comfortably?' she asked jokily
'yes thank you' replied Amethyst. In her head.
'So the stories were true! i can hear your thought!'
'And i yours little one'
'Excuse Me? You were JUST hatched'
'Yes but soon i will grow'
Esme looked up as she walked in, lifting something off her chest.
It was another dragon! A green one
'Yours hatched too!?'
'Yep and i can hear its thoughts.'
'Wow. This is so cool.'
Beth rubbed her palm, and noticed Esme also had a mark. 'I guess we are Riders now!' she said

Angel Bixxa
Community Member
Community Member
comment Commented on: Tue May 01, 2007 @ 08:51am
Gerry opened the door into Esme's room and wondered what it was all about. "Whats goin...g o..n. So your eggs hadched have they?"Gerry said in a disapointed way. She knew hers hadnt hatched and really wanted it to.
"Yeah it did hatch."Esme said happily, Gerry went back into her room and stared at the egg sadly.
"It's ok, ill wait, you'll probably be way better than theirs. Its ok." Of course Gerry was trying to cheer herself up and went to sleep hugging the dragon egg with tears in her eyes.
As Gerry slept she had a dream about her dragon egg. She was flying it up high in the beautiful clear blue sky and was looking down at the veiw. Gerry looked at her hand and she saw itr was marked with a dragon rider sign. Wow she thought is this for real? Her dream seemed so real and so exciting that she thought it was for real, but it wasnt. Suddenly she was woken up by a loud scratching noise. It was 3:00 in the morning what was it. She walked over to her dragon egg and found that the noise was comng from there. She suddenly had this cold rush through her body and shivered. Wow she thought is it really hatching? Gerry was so overwhelmed in joy that there were no word to express it "YAY!" she shouted then she realized that she had to be quiet because other people were sleeping "It really hatching." she whispered. She went over to her bed and cleaned it, then she got the egg and laid it on the bed. She watched it crack slowly. Peices of shell flinged across the room wildly and then it was left with a dragon sitting down with a mischivious face on itself.
hi the dragon said. Gerry moved back quickly to the end of the bed what am i holusinating? she thought, gerry moved over to the dragon and stroked it i thought you would be like this, your not holusinating your a dragon rider now we have a special connection its a gift given when you become one the dragon explained wow i cant belive it im...im a dragon rider so how come you chose me theres lots of other people to choose from gerry picked up the dragon wrapped it in a peice of cloth she used to wrap her food and covered him with it, the dragon snuggled up in the cloth and gerry lifted her onto her lap.I chose you because you are a caring person, you would look after me and i feel that when i chose you we already had a storng bond. We would truly be strong togeather.
gerry laid down onto the bed gently putting the dragon beside her. the dragon fell fast asleep and soon after gerry did too.
They both fell into a deep sleep and went into a adventurus dream about them both

comment Commented on: Tue May 01, 2007 @ 04:17pm
Tycor opened one eye and surveyed the room. He looked across the bed at his Rider Esmé, who was still fast asleep, and hopped down from the bed. The door of the room as open, and Tycor went out, and walked along the corridor. Amethyst was sleeping in the room beside him, with her Rider. Their door was open, and Tycor slipped in. Amethyst was still asleep, on the end of the bed. She was curled up against her Rider’s legs, and her little wings were folded neatly at her side. Tycor jumped up onto the bed and crept over to her. With one flowing movement, he bent down, and jumped straight on top of her, waking her up in the process- just like he had intended to. Amethyst opened both eyes in a jerking motion and looked up at Tycor. She didn’t move for a moment, but then suddenly jumped up and pushed him back off her. Tycor then grabbed one of her wings with his mouth, and flipped it open. Amethyst closed it quickly and bit his neck playfully. They carried on play fighting until Beth woke up. The Rider had woken up because Tycor had thrown Amethyst a bit too hard against Beth’s leg.
Amethyst looked up at Beth, and neither of them did anything for a few minutes. Tycor began to get bored, but realised that they were talking to each other through their minds. A few minutes later, Amethyst turned back to him, and bent her legs.
Tycor wondered what she was doing, and he got a suprise when he felt Amethyst pushing him towards the edge of the bed with her snout. He tried to stop her pushing him, but before he could make much difference, he was falling into open space.

Lil Smee
Community Member
Lil Smee
Community Member
comment Commented on: Tue May 01, 2007 @ 07:03pm
Amethyst pushed me off the edge of the bed! What do I do? I can't fly!
Tycor snapped open his wings, but didn't know how to fly, so he didn't flap them.
Flap! Flap now, stupid! Tycor felt Amethyst's mind touch his and he heard her talking to him.
Tycor responded by flapping as hard as he could, but he was getting too close to the floor.
FLAP! Amethyst repeated.
I am! Tycor looked at the ground getting closer. A bed was high up for a baby dragon. He was slowing down, but it looked like not fast enough. To Tycor's suprise he slowed down much more, and slowly began to rise.
Yes! Tycor rose up a few feet into the air to prove to Amethyst that he could fly now, then slowed down his flapping so he went down again. He hit the floor with a soft thud, and his thighs absorbed the impact. I think I'll have to practice landing...
A few seconds later Amethyst's head appeared over the edge, and she looked relieved to see him unhurt.
Well done! she thought to him.
Thanks for pushing me! Tycor said in mock anger, and inwardly laughed at the look on Amethyst's face. He scowled at her, but couldn't help a little croaky dragon laugh from coming out, and Amethyst knew at once that he was joking.

comment Commented on: Tue May 01, 2007 @ 07:05pm
You'll have to push me now! Come up here and push me!
Tycor started to unfurl his wings to come up, but Amethyst stumbled and fell over the edge without his help. She had been leaning too far over, and lost her balance. Tycor laughed as she plummeted down, but then the smile went from his face as she didn't open her wings.
Open your wings and flap! Tycor shouted through his mind to her, and at once she obeyed. She didn't slow down though. Tycor unfurled his wings and bent his legs, he was preparing to take off. I'll catch her! I cant let her fall! He jumped into the air and rose up as quick as he could, and as he was about to catch her, she started to slow down quickly, and within a few seconds she too was flying.
YES! They both thought in chorus.

Lil Smee
Community Member
Angel Bixxa
Community Member
comment Commented on: Tue May 01, 2007 @ 07:23pm
Amethyst raced after Tycor, determined to win, and finally caught him, tapping her snout against his tail.
'No Fair!'
'So fair!'
Beth sat on the bed below, watching them in amusement. She opened a cloth containing some bread and meat and held it out on her palms.
The two baby dragons swooped down and began to eat the food, silently chewing until it was all gone.
Then they took off again.
Was it Beths imagination or were they...bigger?
Suddenly Gerry walked in and the two baby dragons catapulted them selves down, landing neatly on the bed, hiding behind Beth. Esme entered from the other side, obviously Tycor had called her. The mood in the room relaxed when they realised it was only Gerry and then grew to excitment as they realised she had something curled up in her arms.
Her dragon!

comment Commented on: Tue May 01, 2007 @ 07:41pm
"Welcome to the dragon playschool," Beth laughed. Esme came into the room and sat down on the bed, and Gerry followed. She put her dragon down on the bed beside her, and sighed contentedly. Aura walked over to Tycor and Amethyst, who were looking at her silently.
"Whats her name?" Esme asked Gerry.
"She's called Aura. And how did you know she's a girl?"
"Amethyst and Aura are both smaller than Tycor. I knew Tycor was male because he's slightly bigger, and I just guessed that Aura was a girl."
"You're right." Gerry watched the dragons and Beth and Esme looked down too.
"What are they doing?" Beth asked. No-one answered, because no-one knew.
Tycor looked closely at Aura. Her scales were brown, and went darker and darker brown the nearer they went to her tail, and the tip of her tail was black. She had orange eyes, with tints of brown, and looked slightly puzzled. Tycor wondered what she was puzzled about. Amethyst shuffled slightly closer to Aura, and looked into her beady eyes with her own. Amethyst and Aura were so close that they were almost touching, and they didn't move for a few long seconds.
What are they doing? It must be a girl thing... Tycor thought.

Lil Smee
Community Member
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