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knights of the flying dragons
The knights of the Flying Dragons

once upon a time there were 3 brave warriors called Gerry, Esme and Beth they were the most skilfull and the best worriors in the world.
The king of the land (luivia) called Philip was very upset because his son Prince Kassian his heir to the throne was stolen along with his faithful servant nevada by his evil twin brother luciffer.The king wanted to ask these 3 brave warriors so he sent out his faithful servant to tell them about the stolen prince.

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Angel Bixxa
Community Member
comment Commented on: Sat May 19, 2007 @ 06:27pm
Three figures rose from the pool, Rider Eragon, Rider Murtagh and Rider Arya. The last three riders. Beth stared at them in awe, and Gerry stumbled back from the pool, almost falling over. Then they spoke.

'What is your purpose here?' their voices sounded...human. It was Eragon who had spoken.
'We need...magic.' Gerry replied.
The three riders looked at each other and then raised their palms, they where glowing. Predicting what was going to happen, Gerry and Beth also raised their palms, just in time to block the wave of magic rushing towards them. They simply changed its state to wind, although this almost blew them into the lake.

' We are friends!' Beth shouted, causing them to hesitate in another attempt to kill them. 'A great evil spreads through the land, the reign of King Lucifer, and we need help to defeat him.'

'So you are Riders?' asked Arya.
Beth and Gerry nodded.
'Where are the other two?' Murtagh asked. 'There where four eggs.'
'One other has hatched to our friend Esme, she is in the castle. I have the fourth.' Beth desperatly began thinking of ways to prove she was telling the truth.
'Very well.' all three had spoken this time, and they exploded into a huge clud of white, engulfing everything and glowing brightly. Beth and Gerry glowed brightly, and some of the cloud seemed to be pulled into them. Above on Tycor, Esme too glowed, and she looked at her hand in shock, almost falling off her dragon. She was planning a way to storm the fortress.
Within the fortress, someone else glowed brightly, but passed it off as hullucination, or insanity.
Gerry and Beth flet themsleves fall, and felt the water pass over their heads. They had fallen in the lake.
They swam to the surface and found them selves outside the mountain once again.
They had succedded.

comment Commented on: Mon May 21, 2007 @ 06:48pm
What was that? Tycor thought. He had felt a rippling feeling of happiness and confidence spread through him, right from the end of his nose to the tip of his tail. His Rider had felt something too, because she had gasped.
I feel so strong! Esme thought, and my palm is glowing! My gedwëy ignasia is glowing sliver!
Wait… I can see something!
Tycor adjusted his mind so he could see what was going on in his Rider’s head. He could see a dim cavern with a glassy lake, and three ghostly figures, with two girls standing in front of them. He immediately recognised the girls to be Beth and Gerry, and through the connection he shared with their dragons, could see Aura and Amethyst waiting outside the mountainside for them.
Those ghostly people are the last Riders! I can see their faces. Then this must be the Vault of Souls!
They are giving us power!
Tycor said, to defeat King Lucifer.
Esme felt the scene slip away as her hand began to tingle more.
Try out what we can do now, then! Tycor said.
Esme looked down off Tycor’s back and saw a few men working in a field. They were tied with heavy iron chains to a plough, and were dragging it along the ground like horses. Sweat ran down their necks, and they heaved against the massive weight. They must be the peasants forced to work like this by King Lucifer!
Esme lifted her palm and reached for the magic in her mind. It came to her straight away, running down her arms and to her gedwëy ignasia. “Sjürkla!” Esme shouted, and a blast of wind flew out of her hand, and down towards the ground. Tycor rocked slightly with the sudden turbulence, but adjusted quickly to fly straight. He slowed down, so they could see what was going to happen.

Lil Smee
Community Member
Lil Smee
Community Member
comment Commented on: Mon May 21, 2007 @ 06:48pm
The wind began to get faster and faster as it went downwards, and started to blow around the men’s clothes as it came towards them. They had noticed it, but couldn’t move because of the chains. Their eyes widened in shock, and some closed their eyes, but most looked straight at the wind bravely.
When it hit them, it blew their straw hats off their heads and flapped their clothing until it almost came off. They struggled to stand up, but the wind had only affected them a little bit compared to what it did to the chains and ploughs. It twisted into the bolts of the chains and un-screwed them, and blasted the plough over onto its side. The peasants gasped as the heavy weight was suddenly removed from their shoulders. They shouted aloud in complete joy, and immediately began to pick up pitchforks and to attack the men who had forced them to work.
Esme couldn’t see more because Tycor suddenly beat his wings to rise above the clouds steeply.
Why did you do that? I wanted to watch! Esme thought.
Someone looked up. I thought we were supposed to reach the castle un-seen.
Esme nodded and thanked Tycor for his quick thinking. They probably thought it was some sort of God that sent the wind! They don’t know the dragons are reborn!
Let’s go. We can reach the castle by tonight. Tycor put on a burst of speed, and soon the field was miles behind.

comment Commented on: Tue May 22, 2007 @ 04:45pm
Beth felt more power ful than she ever had before. She quickly took off on Amethyst, Gerry following. The wind whistled through their hair, and the swooped in huge circles. The power was amazing, and came easily. Beth raised her palm and felt the power rush to her fingertips. It hit a cluster of trees which erupted in flames, bright against the dark which had now spread to surround them.
'Wow' Both Gerry and Beth gasped at the same time. Then Amethyst sped up, and they returned to the mountain. As they where about to land, Beth had an idea. She told Amethyst to tell Gerry.
Gerry agreed, and so they headed straight for the castle. No one would expect it, the guards would think they where insane, and it would cause a distraction.

They kept flying towards it, until the guards saw them coming, and ducked behind the walls of the battlements. They both veered away, Beth to the right and Gerry to the left. The swooped around, sending magic flying everwhere, hitting random objects and setting them alight. There was chaos, and no one knew what to do. Before they could be followed, they landed on the battlements, no one noticing when the dragons left that they had no riders.

Angel Bixxa
Community Member
Lil Smee
Community Member
comment Commented on: Tue May 22, 2007 @ 05:57pm
*Meanwhile, inside the castle...*
Kassian was strapped to a metal pole that ran from the ground up to the ceiling. He was wearing a ragged pair of trousers, but his shirt had disintegrated a long while ago. His hair was dirty and disheveled, and he hadn't washed for almost a week. They hadn't let him out of this room since he had been captured, and he was only un-chained once a day to go to the toilet in the edge of the room. They force-fed him one meal a day, and Kassian could feel his stomach groaning silently, constantly in the background.
He missed his home, training in the field, and the castle, but most of the ache in his heart was for his sister, and his one love, Esme. Esme didn't know how much he admired and loved her, and now Kassian would never be able to tell her. It was only these two people who kept him going through the dark nights in the dungeon.
Every morning Kassian was woken by a spiteful guard at dawn, and thrashed with a whip. He had many criss-crossing marks across his chest and back from the whip, and Kassian knew his once flawless back would never be the same again. He would have the scars for as long as he lived, which couldn't be much longer at this rate.
"What are you doing, dog?" one of the guards in the dungeon said, kicking him in the stomach. They always called him a dog. Kassian groaned and held his stomach, feeling sicker than ever. He couldn't stand this for much longer. One day soon he was going to strangle himself to death with strips of cloth he could tear from his trousers. Then he wouldn't have to tolerate all this for any longer.

comment Commented on: Tue May 22, 2007 @ 06:40pm
Tycor and Esme reached the castle at lunchtime that day, and sat in the forest near the castle for the rest of the day, waiting for nightfall. They had eaten lightly, because they didn't want to be sick, and Esme had spent a few hours sharpening her weapons and warming up her muscles. Tycor had watched silently while Esme had got everything ready for that night.
How do we propose to attack? He said finally.
I thought maybe we could kill as many as we could, save Kassian, then get the hell out of there. After killing King Lucifer, of course. Do you have any other ideas? Esme said.
It’s very simple… Don’t you think we need to add some more detail?
Yes, but I haven’t thought of anything, and we need to attack tonight.
I have an idea. I thought of it while you were exercising.
Oh yes?
Yes. Here’s the plan…

Tycor and Esme talked for an hour more, until the plan was finalised, and it was dark. Then Esme hid her pack in a hollow tree-trunk, and mounted Tycor.
Lets blast Lucifer back to hell! Tycor roared into Esme’s mind. She didn’t flinch, as she was used to this.
Tycor launched himself up into the air soundlessly, and beat his massive wings slowly as to be un-noticed. The dark green of Tycor’s scales blended perfectly with the shadows, and they reached the castle walls un-seen in two minutes. Tycor landed outside the massive drawbridge, and Esme slipped of his back. Then Tycor shuffled into the moat and submerged himself in the water, except for his nostrils that he breathed out of. Even if a guard had lit a lamp on the riverbank right next to him, they wouldn’t have seen him. It was the perfect place to wait.
Esme ran softly across the drawbridge, which hadn’t been lowered for the night yet. She slipped through the massive archway, and into the castle. Instead of going straight ahead into the Great Hall, Esme took a side door that lead downwards into the belly of the castle.

Lil Smee
Community Member
Lil Smee
Community Member
comment Commented on: Tue May 22, 2007 @ 06:42pm
It became darker and darker the further underground she went, but this was no problem for Esme who could see well enough with her dragon-enhanced eyes. Bonding with a dragon had heightened her senses massively, and Esme could hear the murmur of voices in the Great Hall thousands of metres above her, as well as hear the clinking of the guard’s chain mail vests that patrolled the perimeter of the castle walls above.
Esme had been running down the passageway for ten minutes before she heard four guards. They were coming towards her, and when she rounded the bend, saw them in the tunnel ahead. They didn’t see her until she was up-close, and two had their throats cut before they even realised her presence.
“Intruder!” one began to say, but before the sound could properly come out of his mouth, he had been stabbed in the stomach and was dead. Esme blocked an attack from the last guard, and tried to stab him in the chest, but he blocked the blow and struck back with the hilt of his sword, slamming it into her shoulder.
“Jierda!” Esme whispered, and the guard’s neck broke. He fell to the floor motionless, and Esme stepped around him and ran again towards the dungeons, where she knew the prisoners were kept.

comment Commented on: Tue May 29, 2007 @ 12:32am
They entered the castle knowing what they had got themselves into and went to go look for Esme.
Beth and Gerry faught to the best of their ability and were full of so much energy as they had faught many soilders."What should we do now we are cornered. Why did Esme have to go now." Gerry said in disapointment. She felt in a way happy for Esme and thought that it was sweet of her to go for Kassain.

They paired up and nodded their heads to get ready to fight again. They did many tricks like flips and many other stunts.
After they had faught the soiulders off they went down to the dungeons to find Kassain. "Kassain, Kassain! Esme, Esme. Where are you??" shouted beth

They heard a small groan coming from a cage door and ran over to look inside the small window.
"KASSAIN!" Beth shouted
Gerry tapped Beth on the soilder
"Beth look, LOOK!"
Beth turned around and saw King Luccifer himself
"Hello ladies." Luccifer said with an evil glint in his eye.
He clicked his fingers and 4 of his srtongest guards came over and grabbed hold of their hands behind their back.
"Let us go you have no right to do this to us." Gerry screamed
"Look what you have done to Kassain."
King Luccifer turned to Gerry and grabbed her by the neck and lifted her into the air.
"What does it concern you. All he cares about is Beth and Esme why are you putting in danger your life?" Luccifer whispered into Gerrys ear
"Dont listen to him Gerry!" Beth shouted in despairation.
Luccifer lowered Gerry to the ground and let go as she flopped down crying.
I should have never have come. He doesnt need me, nobody does King Luccifer was right.
King Luccifer ordered Beth to be taken to a small room and tied together tightly.
He knelt down to Gerry as he saw tears falling for her delicate face he took his sharp finger and stuck it into her neck and carried her to his bedroom at the top of the castle and lay her there.
There was no hope for her now, this was a strong poison and her amulet had not been worked on enough to be taught more things.
There was only one antidote to cure this and it stayed inside the evil kings pocket. She only Had a limited time to live the clock was ticking and then the poison would have spread through her whole body and she will have died.
Beth had been chained to a table in a small stone room and tried to get free but Luccifer had used a special rope so that she couldn't get free.
After Luccifer had taken Gerry to his room he went back down to beth. Throughout the whole journey Gerry and Beth had always stayed together and had now been separated. Beth was anxious to know what had happened to her.
He told her what he had done to Gerry and she was mad.
"How dare you do that, you rot in hell you make me sick." Beth screamed to him
She spat at his face and he wiped it away with anger.
"you do that again and i will rip your guts out one by one and i will make sure you die a horrible death and you feel the pain while going through it."
He turned away and approached the door in a calm manner. He stopped all of a sudden and turned. He suddenly had this evil feeling in him, her went over to beth and pulled out his dagger and drew a shallow line down her cheek and then carved his sign onto her heart.
It poisoned her system as well but it wasn't as fatal as Gerry's and wouldnt last for long.
King Luccifer only did it when he felt evil and he wanted to see how much stamina his prisoners had.

Community Member
Angel Bixxa
Community Member
comment Commented on: Tue May 29, 2007 @ 01:18am
Beth had fallen into unconsicousness, and was having the dream again, she tried to wake herself up, but failed as before. She also found she had control, so she took a different door this time. She found herself in the throne room at her fathers castle. But it was not her father sat in the throne.
'What is with you? Can't you leave me alone?' she frowned at the figure of Toby, slumped on her fathers throne, he noticed her searching him for weapons as he held his hands out, palms facing her.
'I promise i'm not armed. But you know, you should watch out, talking to someone in your head is not a good sign.'
'Why? Are you the not-so-friendly voice in my head now?'
He stood up and walked closer.
She tried to walk away but found she could not move.
'Why can't i move?' she demanded. Before her eyes, the scene changed, so she was once again in the dungeon in King Lucifers castle, chained to the wall. So that was why she couldn't move. She was however still asleep, as Toby was still stood before her. In a move which surprised even her, he reached down and gripped the chains, dissolving them in his grasp.
Beth stood, and backed into a corner, away from him.
'What the hell happened to you?'
'You will see. Soon.'
'Why are you helping me?'
He disappeared, and she was about to breath out when she jumped from a whisper in her ear from behind.
'Because i want revenge myself.' He shoved her forwards and she landed on the cold stone floor, jerking awake. The chains where gone.
'Toby?' there was no reply. Beth quickly moved over to the door and opened it with a simple spell. She was halfway down the corridor when she felt her heart burn. She swiped a hand over it and it healed. Pathetic magic, nothing compared to that of a rider.

comment Commented on: Tue May 29, 2007 @ 01:22am
Luckily, Lucifer had made a stupid mistake. He had told Beth his plan, including where Gerry was being kept. She ran up, as far as she could, and finally found his rooms. Gerry was unconsious, and black spread through the veins at her temples and along her collarbone. She was dying. And Beth knew that the antidote would be somewhere, but most likly, close to the King. She turned at a noise, and found herself face to face with a shade, a hood covered his face, masking its no doubt hideous features.
'Looking for this?' it held up a small vial, filled with a pale green liquid. Beth hesitated. That voice was far too familiar. She tried to push back the hood, but was stopped by a hand. The veins in it stood out, bright red. He a wrist and she spun into a wall. If she had not been a rider, or recieved the powers she had, it would have killed her.
'You?' she asked the figure. And it shocked her by imitating her voice.
'You don't know me anymore!' she once again flew into the wall, wicing in mock pain, playing hurt to distract it.
'So the not-so-friendly voice in my head is really now the not-so-friendly voice outside my head. Want to tell me how?'
'A sorceror attempted to summon me from the dead. Wanted information about you. Unfortunatly, he underestimated me, and his powers where weak. He died, and i was turned into a shade.' he pushed back the hood. Beth sucked in a breath.
'Thats hideous!'
He looked at her in question.
'I kept my original form...didn't i?'
She nodded. 'Yeah, they couldn't even change it in death.'
'Why do you find this amusing? I am meant to kill you!'
'Please. You could have killed me ten times already. Now give me the antidote, or you stay Lucifers mutt forever.'
He looked at Gerry, then back at Beth, as if thinking about it. Then he threw her the vial.
'I will get revenge. You killed me.' He stared in her eyes, daring her to show emotion.
'Goodbye Toby.' She showed none, not even allowin emotion to enter her voice, which she kept as cold as ice, until she turned her head away, and he disappeared. She rushed over and fed Gerry the antidote.

She coughed, spluttered and awoke, looking around frantically.

Angel Bixxa
Community Member
Angel Bixxa
Community Member
comment Commented on: Tue May 29, 2007 @ 01:37am
They raced back down to the dungeons, they needed a plan if they where going to escape. They also needed to find Esme. Gerry had not been aware as they where moving that Beth had called Aura through Amethyst. The ran out onto battlements and Aura landed carefully.
Gerry turned, opening her mouth to argue
'Gerry! Please do not make a fuss! Your still weak from the poison, i need you to fly over head and hold off the guards with magic. I wont let you or anyone else get hurt by...' she cut herself off. 'Just go.'
Gerry took off, glaring at Beth as she did. She could deal with that later though, now she needed to find either Esme or Kassian. Hopefully both. She did not need to look far, for she heard a commotion down a set of stairs and our guards flew into a wall. It did not take a genius to work it out, and Beth was down the stairs as quickly as possible. She joined the fight, and when all the guards where gone she looked over to see Esme.

'Where's Gerry?' she asked.
'Holding off the guards from the air. Have you found Kassian yet?'
Esme shook her head.
'I think he's down these stairs.'
They set off down the stairs, and as she went Beth did not need to hear Amethyst's voice to know that Gerry was not going to be happy when this was over.

comment Commented on: Tue May 29, 2007 @ 05:32pm
Esme raced down the stairs with Beth following, and didn't even stop when a guard appeared. She just ran him through with her sword, and killed the next two with a simple killing word in the ancient language, which turned their jugular vein to jelly. Beth who understood what the word meant, smiled and muttered, "Inventive."
Esme laughed, wrenching the sword back out of the guard's gut. She carried on, and Beth pattered down the stairs after her.
"Skulblakas Fen," Esme whispered, and her eyes turned into dragon eyes. She could see through walls and zoom in on anything she wanted. This was an old Rider's spell, which she remembered the Rider Eragon had used when breaking Rider Arya out of prison in Gil'ead.
Be careful, Esme. Three guards are coming around the next corner. Tycor said. He was sharing Esme's experiences through her mind as he sat ouside the castle, submerged in the moat.
I know. She muttered, "Jierda!" and two guard's heads were slammed into the tunnel wall, and Beth killed the other with her dagger. "Lets go!"
Esme peered around the corner with her dragon eyes, and saw a locked prison room. She looked through the walls, and saw the familiar shape of Kassian, and also the shape of a larger man.
"Watch out, Beth. King Lucifer is in there with Kassian," Esme said, keeping her dragon eyes incase they were useful in the upcoming battle.
Beth tensed slightly, "Then where is Toby?"
Just at that moment Toby sauntered around the corner, carrying a spear.
"Hello, Riders," he said, stressing the word 'Riders' as if mocking them.
"Is that all you are going to fight with?" Beth said.
"I fight with magic, little girl. This is only for show," Toby sneered.
Esme. You go get Kassian, and I'll fight Toby. Beth said into Esme's mind.
Are you sure? Esme replied.
Completely. Beth said, and sprang forwards to fight Toby.

Lil Smee
Community Member
Lil Smee
Community Member
comment Commented on: Tue May 29, 2007 @ 05:45pm
Esme slammed open the door and stood framed in the doorway, against the flickering light of the candles in the brackets on the walls. Her sword was in her right hand, she had a dagger up her sleeve, and three throwing knives in her belt. She also had the magic that the three great Riders of Old had given to her.
"Welcome to my castle," King Lucifer spat, "I would give you a tour, but you've already rudely shown yourself around. I tire of your games..." The King got up from where he had been whipping Kassian, and drew his sword.
Esme looked across at Kassian, ragged and dirty, and slipped into his mind. It was suprisingly hard to get into, and Esme had only got in because Kassian had let her.
Hello Kassian.
Esme? Kassian thought quietly, unbelieving.
Yes. Beth, Gerry and I came to save you.
You shouldn't have come! Risking your life for mine, its not worth it!
What are you talking about? You are a Prince, and I am a peasant!
You mean so much more to me than that... Kassian said, and lowered his head. Esme was just about to ask him what he meant, when King Lucifer rushed at her and swung his sword at her head. She parried the blow quickly, and stepped sideways, slashing backwards at Lucifer's shoulder. He spun around and met her sword, pushing it away from his body.
"You think you can win me?" he jeered, "I need a nice pretty wife like you! If you give up now I'll let you be my slave, at least!"
Esme didn't answer. It was easier to concentrate without wasting energy on talking.
"Tjvasitr!" Esme shouted, and pointed her palm at Lucifer. The spell was supposed to sap the energy from the King until he couldn't move, but the King stopped the spell easily and whispered dark magic back at her. He had used the same spell, but added two words onto the end of the spell, which made all the difference. He was sapping the energy out of everything, not just Esme.

comment Commented on: Tue May 29, 2007 @ 06:04pm
Kassian gasped as energy started to slip away from him. Esme muttered another spell which stopped him loosing his precious energy, and said another for herself, Tycor and Beth. Gerry, Aura and Amethyst would have to make do themselves.
The King jabbed hard at her with his sword, and when Esme met his sword he pushed against her, so she was forced to try and defeat him with her strength. It was a bit like arm-wrestling, but the sword equivalent.
Sweat ran down Esme's face as she pushed back with all her energy, not using Tycor's energy yet. This struggle of strength went on for three minutes, while Kassian watched amazed from the corner. He didn't know Esme was a Rider until a few minutes ago.
Esme! Take some of my energy or you will pass out! Tycor said, and poured strength into Esme's tired muscles.
"Tiuojk!" Esme said, which was a relatively new spell that she had learnt. Immediately the King was pushed backwards and away from her. Esme pulled out her throwing knife and flicked it hard at the King, but he stopped it with a flick of his wrist and a word in the ancient language. This time Esme pulled out two knives, but they were thin so it only looked like one. The King deflected one of them, but didn't know there were two, and the other thudded into his chest. Blood started to pour out, and Esme rushed to attack him.
"That isn't very impressive..." the King said, and pulled out the knife. He threw it to the ground away from him, and parried Esme's blows.
You've been fighting for ages! I think you have to end it now. I'll give you all my energy on the count of three, and you say that spell Jedan and Twila taught us a week ago, Tycor said.
I know which one you mean, Esme replied.
Three. Tycor said, and Esme deflected a blow that had almost cut out her heart.
One!King Lucifer swung his sword at Esme's torso, and before Esme could do anything about it, the cold metal had sliced open her stomach. She screamed, but she had screamed a word. The energy Tycor had sent her was used up at once in a spell that burned King Lucifer's heart until it was a crisp, and fried his brains into mush. He fell to the floor, well and truly dead, and Esme fell beside him, her hands over her ripped guts.
I love you Tycor... I love you Kassian... I love you Ameth-..." Esme didn't have the strength to finish her list, and she fell into unconciousness. This was one wound that couldn't be healed by Gerry.

Lil Smee
Community Member
Angel Bixxa
Community Member
comment Commented on: Tue May 29, 2007 @ 08:57pm
Beth threw the dagger first, hoping to distract him. It didn't work, and the dagger literally disappeared into thin air.
'Hey! I liked that dagger!'
'Using it on me twice...not such a good idea.'
He pulled out a sword and began fighting her, they where evenly matched, and neither had managed to gain a scratch until Beth felt her energy drain.
Whats going on? she thought to herself. The thought left her head as she dodged just in time to avoid being slashed across the stomach, and got a cut to the arm.
'Ouch.' she mocked being hurt. 'You know, there was a time when you would never hurt me.'
'I remember a time when you never hurt anyone. The little princess that was always running away.'
'Yeah. And i trusted you.'
She put more force into her attacks. Swinging the blade.
I need some energy, im weakening.
She felt the energy wash over her, and continued to attack Toby. She hadn't noticed that she was being backed towards the room with Esme and Kassian in.
The blade was knocked from her hand and she raised her palms instead.
'Anul Ra!' He flew backwards clumsily, hitting the wall.
'Kassian! move!' she shouted. He tried to stand up, but was too weak.
'Anul RA!' she repeated, Toby was beginning to gain strength.
She rushed over and healed the marks on Kassians back, muttering a simple spell to restore his strength. The colour returned to his pale face and he stood up.
She had not noticed Toby had fought her spell until she flew into the wall as he had before. She winced in real pain this time, and fell to her knees.
Pulling herself up, she put up mental barriers as she felt him try to invade her mind.
'Kassian take Esme and go!'
'There is no way i am leaving my little sister alone with a lunatic!'
'I'll be fine! Just go!' she saw the look on his face. 'I have a plan.'
He picked Esme up and left the room, dodging the two still fighting.
Amethyst tell Tycor to land and pick up Esme and Kassian!
What about you?
i'll be fine, hover under the battlements!
She whirled as Toby swung a sword at her again. He managed to stab her in the stomach, it was a shallow wound, but it hurt. She knocked the blade from his hand with magic and stabbed him with it. He fell to his knees but she was not fooled. Se turned and ran, heading for the battlements.
She saw Tycor hovering nearby, and glanced down she saw a flash of purple. Then turned to see Toby.
'So you really are a shade. Heartless.'
'You know i have a heart.'
'Yeah, i do. And one day im going to stab it, and kill you for good. And next time you wont come back.' She jumped onto the battlements, hairblowing in the wind.
'You can't escape now. Your trapped.' he smirked
'Goodbye Toby.' his eyes widened as he realised what she was going to do.
She jumped from the battlements closing her eyes and waiting to either be saved or to die. She heard two voices. One was Toby's, shouting four words.
'This is not over!'
the other was Kassians, shouting from the back of Tycor as he watched her fall.
Then all sound was cut off as Amethyst swooped under her, catching her mid-fall. The flew off, away from the place which had been the source of their unhappiness for months.
She sat down on Amethyst, having not noticed she was standing, and flew down to a clearing where she could see Aura and Gerry.
She had barely stepped off Amethyst when she collapsed, and she barely noticed that she had pain in her stomach. For the first time in a while, she had no dream, and Toby stayed away from her mind.

comment Commented on: Tue May 29, 2007 @ 09:46pm
Esme's POV
I couldn't think straight. I felt weird, like I was floating. Everywhere was white, exept from a gold house in the distance. I started to walk towards it. As I came closer, I saw that it was made of marble with gold statues, but infront of it was a massive gold gate, and a man standing outside of the gate. He looked at me, but didn't say anything. He was holding a massive book and a quill pen.
Where am I? The last thing I remember is... being stabbed! I was stabbed! I killed King Lucifer! Wait... if I was stabbed then this house is the entrance to heaven! Or hell... If it is hell, then it sure looks nice!
"I know who you are," the man holding the book said. He had a long beard and was wearing a gold hoop in his ear. He was wearing one stripy sock, and had a tattoo on his left arm. His sandals were falling apart, and his hair was straggly and dirty, falling about his face in waves.
"You do?" I said.
"I do."
"Who am I then?"
"You are Rider Esme Demonslayer."
"Demonslayer?" I said questioningly.
"Yep," he said. This Saint Peter was starting to suprise me. He didn't look like a saint.
"I've never killed a demon."
"Yes you have. His name was King Lucifer," the man nodded.
"King Lucifer was a demon?" I asked.
"How do you think he stayed alive so long and could match blades with an elf, never mind a Rider, with all the power of the Riders of Old?"
"I didn't know. So what are we here for?"
"You're here because you were stabbed and you're almost dead," the man said, running his finger down the page of the book and stopping at something which he told me was my name.
"I don't want to die!" I shouted at him, trying to move backwards, but my feet wouldn't move.
"Its going to hurt too much if you try to live."
"I want to try! I can't die now. I have my whole life to live!" And Kassian... I have to live to see him again!
"Alright then. You're so stubborn," the man said, and waved a hand at me. "I'll make you live! But if you can't handle it then you'll have to die, and I'll call you back. Good luck with this, by the way. It'll hurt like nothing you've ever felt. It'll hurt more than anyone can stand."
"I'm not anyone," I said to him, smiling and reading myself for the pain. The house dissappeared, and the light erupted into different colours, until it focused into eight people's faces. Beth, Gerry, Tycor, Aura, Amethyst, Jedan and Twila were staring at me.
"ESME!" Beth said.
She's alive! Aura thought.
"We thought you were dead!" Gerry said.
I tried to mumble something, but my mouth didn't move and it turned into a groan. I still couldn't feel anything, but after a few seconds the pain came.
Saint Peter had been right.
My stomach felt like it had been torn open by a blunt spoon, cut into little pieces, then shoved back in. My whole body was on fire, and my eyesight was blurry and there were black dots everywhere. I screamed over and over again, worrying all of the people who were watching me. Then I felt Kassian take my hand and rub it gently, and the pain wasn't so hard to bear.

Lil Smee
Community Member
Angel Bixxa
Community Member
comment Commented on: Tue May 29, 2007 @ 10:39pm
Beth opened her eyes slowly, then snapped them shut as the sunlight hit her pupils.
She groaned and tried to turned over. She screamed as she couldn't move and sat up quickly. A blanket fell away, it had been wrapped around her tightly, which had been what prevented her moving. She groaned again at the pain in her stomach.
She was so going to get Toby for that. He was gonna pay.
'Gerry! Why didn't you heal me?!' she shouted out loud. She was still a bit bleary on what exactly had happened. It was coming back in sharp flashes. Then one in particular came back.
'Kassian!' she looked around to see him sat near her, beside him she could see Esme. Still unconsious. He turned at the sound of his name.
'Oh good your awake.'
His breath left him as she ran over and gave him a hug
'Omg your alive, thank god! I am so happy to see you! I was so worried!' she finished.
'You where worried? You told me to leave you fighting a manic lunatic shade, got stabbed and jumped off the side of a castle. You where unconcious for three days!'
'Really?' she turned to Gerry who was rushing over. 'How come?'
'Poisoned Shade Blade, it can't be healed, your going to have to heal the old fashioned way.' Gerry smiled slightly.
'By the way.' Kassian added 'Hows Father?'
She sighed.
'Most likly pissed off with me...i killed Toby, who turned out to be one of his best guards and i ran away again after he told me to stay. He'll be happy to see you though.'
'Don't be stupid. He loves you, why else would he send all those guards after you? How did you escape anyway?'
'You know me, i climbed out the window, snuck a horse out the stables and crashed out over the cobbles...' Kassian let out a small laugh.
Then Esme moved over in her sleep.
'I'm not anyone.' she muttered, then smiled and opened her eyes. At this point Beth, Kassian, the three dragons, Twila, Jedan and Gerry where all staring at her, crowded around.
"ESME!" Beth said.
She's alive! Aura thought.
"We thought you were dead!" Gerry said.
Esme tried to mumble something, and then cried out in pain. Kassian took her hand and she seemed to calm, she stayed like that for hours, until finally her pain seemed to have stopped and she relaxed.

comment Commented on: Wed May 30, 2007 @ 12:43am
She went over to a big tree and lay down. After the poison she didnt feel right she felt ill and dizzy
She heard all the laughter and happiness coming from her friends.It all turned int o echo's
Gerry walked into the woods and wlkaed around to clear her head.
She love the forset it was always so peaceful and she loved animals so much.
Whats the matter? aura her dragon asked in her head.
Oh its nothing im fine dont worry about me
Aura flew away from Gerrys friends to see her.
She had a rough landing but caught sight of gerry and flew above her.
Look up!Aura roared with excitement.

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Community Member
comment Commented on: Wed May 30, 2007 @ 12:57am
Gerry suddelly felt this rush of happiness throughout her body and ran fast through the forest.
Try and fly faster han this Gerry said
Gerry couldnt beat her dragon Aura had always been a fast flyer.
"Alright, alright you won me" Gerry stopped and sat down to catch her breath.
yep by miles Aura let out a faint roar and laughed.
"you dont have to rub it in." Gerry said with calmness
Aura landed in an open patch and Gerry ran over to her.
So whats wrong with you since we all came back you've been abit down Aura asked.
Gerry snuggled up beside Aura
"I just felt abit dizzy and ill thats all." Gerry asked
They need you over there you have such a strong friendship with them they need you to complete it.
They do value you even though you may not see it. you are the power of three you are not as strong when you arn't together.

Gerry and Aura stayed in the forset talking about random conversations.
"What do you think about birds? I think their so elegant well most of them." Gerry asked
That was random Aura replied

comment Commented on: Wed May 30, 2007 @ 01:03am
Gerry walked over to a nearby stream to gather water for her and her dragon. She carried over her empty water skin and dipped it into the water.
She saw a small arch in the rock and waded through the water to it.
"Aura come over here!" Gerry shouted with excitement.
Aura tapped into Gerry thoughts, she went over to Gerry.
It's just a hole lets go back Aura said
Oh come on i've got my powers to protect me you stay out here on guard i do want you to get hurt roar if you get attacked and tap the rocks inside the cave lightly if you see someone coming. Fly into the air and hide.

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Angel Bixxa
Community Member
comment Commented on: Wed May 30, 2007 @ 12:51pm
Beth was lokking through her bag when she came across the fourth stone again. She once again wondered who it was meant to belong to. And then she realised. She scooped the egg out of her bag and walked over to Kassian, dropping it into his hands.
'Whats this?' he asked, looking at her like she was insane. She shushed him, and waited. She did not have to wait long, for after a second the egg shook slightly. Kassian almost dropped it in surprise.
'It's your dragon egg...'
He smiled.
'I think we should head back home now. I want to get away from here, at least back to Luivia.'
He nodded, and went off to find Esme. Beth continued to pack.



Wheres Gerry?

Shes finding her destiny.

What does that mean?

She found a cave, and entered it. She hasn't come out for over an hour.

Oh, is she going to come out? We're heading home to Luivia

No. She is going to find her destiny. She won't return for a while.

Tell her we're going back Luivia. She can catch up if she wishes to. Goodbye Aura


She informed the others of where Gerrys was going. And they took off, Kassian on Tycor with Esme and Beth on Amethyst heading home. Twila and Jedan followed directions by Aura, they wished to find Gerry.
Kassian looked as though he was enjoying flying, which was good, because by the looks of it, soon he would have his own dragon to ride.
Beth could not remember feeling more relieved when they flew over the border to Luivia.
They where almost home.

comment Commented on: Wed May 30, 2007 @ 01:31pm
In the cave it was very dark and Gerry whispered a spell to give herself some light.
She didnt realize the others had gone and whould have liked to go with them back to Luivia.
She suddenly thought, why she was inside the cave. She didnt want to look for her destiny she wanted to see the whole place more, it was so big and exciting.
She went deeper into the ca e and came to a door.
"Thats strange, they dont have doors in caves." Gerry said confused.
She opened the door and came to a small room full of gold and magical objects.
She walked over to a glowing stone a picked it up.
"Hello, wow its so pretty."
she put it nside her back pack and started going through all the magical things.
"This is magical, i gotta contact Aura."
Aura, Aura i found some amazing stuff. Where are the others i gotta show them it.
They are gone.
Aura said with sadness
Why? They left without me? why? i would have come if i knew they were going. Why did they just leave me?
Aura went back to the cave and lay down

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Lil Smee
Community Member
comment Commented on: Wed May 30, 2007 @ 05:02pm
Kassian had bandaged Esme up with ripped clothes, but had kept her dragon dress that the Varden had given her un-touched. It was too special to be soaked in blood from Esme's clothes. She was loosing blood fast and Kassian thought that she wouldn't live much longer if they didn't get to the castle soon.

They had been travelling as fast as the dragons could go for three days. Kassian's dragon egg had hatched the first night into a beautiful light blue and sliver female dragon, and he had named her Akuti. She had not spoken yet, but Kassian loved her with all of his heart already. He had been marked by her straight away, with the silver hand, which had shocked but not hurted him.

Can we go any faster? Kassian assked Tycor, whose back he was on. He clutched Esme tighter to him.
I'll show you the meaning of speed! Tycor roared, and put on a massive burst of speed. Amethyst shot after them like an arrow, and both dragons started to spiral towards the ground. They had reached the castle in ten minutes, which otherwise would have been an hours flying time. They landed on the battlements quietly, ignoring the amazed shouts of the villagers at seeing dragons. They hadn't know they really existed, but they did now.

King Phillip had heard Tycor's roar and burst onto the roof of the castle, fifteen guards around him. They wouldn't have lasted a minute against the dragons and their Riders, even in their current state, but King Philip didn't know that.
"Who are you!?" he shouted, coming no closer.
"We are Rider Esme Demonslayer, Rider Beth Silverhand, Rider Kassian Quickblade, Tycor Skulblaka, Amethyst Skulblaka and Akuti Skulblaka."
"Beth?! Kassian!?" the King came closer when he knew they were no threat to him.
"Yes father?" Beth said, smiling.
"How did this happen!?" King Lucifer said happily. He was amazed that his daughter had grown up so fast.
"Can we tell you later, father? Esme is dying!" Kassian said, and King Philip called for a healer as Kassian lowered her carefully onto the ground. Akuti snuggled up beside Esme and the other two dragons crouched down. Beth and Kassian sat beside Esme. The healers immediately got to work on cleaning and stitching up Esme's wound.

King Philip's servants brought up new clothes, food and drink, and when they had changed, the King wanted to hear their story.
"It all started the night you told me Kassian had been captured..." Beth began, but then paused.
And what a beginning it was... Tycor said.

comment Commented on: Tue Jul 24, 2007 @ 11:51pm
lol Cool

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