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me me me
nowUser Image 4laugh

User Image 4laugh
[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v156/Little_Red-Bird/GN%20Version%202/Tiger4.jpg[/img] :cute: my babys :3nod:
"][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v498/moogleluver/calla.jpg[/img] :heart:

[img]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j26/tigeress12/492cf7a5.jpg[/img] :cute:
"][img]malformed url[/img][/url]

[img]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a227/Kohaku_Honoo82/icedragon.jpg[/img] [img]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a227/Kohaku_Honoo82/iceprincess.jpg[/img]((me rp, but no bangs))

User Comments: [53] Viewing page 1 of 2 · Goto Page: 1 2 »  [add]
Tiger Tales
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Aug 15, 2006 @ 11:09pm
User Image
~User Data~

RP Name: Lenne Chikadae Marrow
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Rank: C
Division: 13
Element: Water and Plants
Riatsu Color: Lilac
Species: Shinigami

User Image

Height: She refuses to answer... I don't think she knows.
Weight: 130?
Hair:In Picture, Brown, short inverted bob
Eyes: Green/Gray
Clothing: Lose short robes with a tanktop and long shorts
Physical Appearance: Lenne is somewhat slender, but soft. Not skinny, but not chubby/heavy. Only excersizes when she has to and so is obviously not an athlete. To make up for little muscles she learnt multiple Kidou techniques. She is rather pale.


Lenne was working towards becoming a healer/energy worker before she 'passed on'. She had been enrolled in courses to learn fencing, archery, and ballroom dancing, she had excelled at fencing. She lived with her parents and sibling(s) and still tries to find them in her spare moments.


Lenne is rather optimistic and always thinks the best of every situation.
A sweet, gentle, and somewhat naive girl. She can be both suspicious and gullible because she tends to trust people unless they give her a reason not to. Lenne is generally happy, but is sometimes shy, especially when it comes to relationships. Easy to tease and frustrate.


Soul Burial
Sending a ghost to Soul Society or hell. It is a main duty of a shinigami.

Hakufuku (白伏, White Crawl)
This technique muddles the consciousness of its target.

Shunpo (瞬歩, Flash steps)
A movement technique that allows the user to move faster than the eye can follow. The focal point that determines the bases of this technique is speed. As speed is the main point of the technique the method is best characterized by how fast one can get from point A to point B in the least amount of steps. Training and skill are what determines how fast a user of shunpo can move; those of little skill in the technique or those who haven't used it an extended amount of time would obviously be out of practice, causing those individuals to be considerably slower, which requires the use of more steps to achieve higher speed and become winded far easier in a shorter amount of time.

#1. Sai (塞, Restrain)
Locks a target's arms in place behind their back.
Incantation: Unknown.

#1. Shō (衝, Thrust)
Pushes the target away from the caster.
Incantation: unknown.

#4. Hainawa (這縄, Crawling Rope)
An energy rope entangles the target's arms.
Incantation: Unknown

#4. Byakurai (白雷, Pale Lightning)
The user fires a concentrated, powerful lightning bolt from their finger.
Incantation: unknown.

#8. Seki (斥, Repulse)
Creates a round shield that seems to temporarily paralyze and repel whatever strikes it.
Incantation: unknown.

#9. Geki (撃, Strike)
Engulfs the target in red light, completely paralyzing them.
Incantation: "Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat!"

#11. Tsuzuri Raiden (製本雷, Bound Lightning)
Electric current flows through any object the user touches and is able to lead electricity, damaging any target that is in contact with the object the current runs through.
Incantation: unknown

#12. Fushibi (伏火, Ambush Flare)
Momo Hinamori uses this spell in conjunction with Shot of Red Fire and a Kidō net that has entangled her opponents resulting in a large explosion around them all.
Incantation: unknown.


Sealed Zanpakuto razz urple handle
User Image

Shikai: A rapier style sword with metal willow leaves in the blade and along the hand guard. The effect from it's tap makes the opponent's mind sluggish and slow.
Send them to sleep! Nemutai Tamashii!

Bankai: Much like Mayuri Kurotsuchi and Retsu Unohana, Lenne's Bankai physically manifests itself into a silent wolf. The wolf breathes out a concealing fog in which a forest of willows forms to trap the opponent. The willows are made mostly of water, though the leaves are shards of metal
Howl silently at fate! Nemutai Tamashii yume!

The only weapons she carries are her Zanpakuto
Packets of powder in her sleeves, as in sewn into the insides of her sleeves, of an inflammitory which can either suffocate or blind. How strong the effects are depends on how much she throws.

commentCommented on: Tue Sep 26, 2006 @ 12:57am
Name of Character: Tiger /Ty
Species: Kata Chenja
Abilities: shapeshift, ice (still learning)
Appearance:User Image No bangs, long brown hair ((longer than picture)), Icy green eyes, pale skin, black shorts ((are done up)), short black shirt
Weapon: knives and dagger if handy, whip, teeth, claws, ice
Biography: Ty had been a pet to a demon and was kept in a cage for most of her life. One day she stoped eating or drinking water and would only speak gibberish, seeing she was appearing to have lost her mind they were going to kill her and as soon as they opened the cage ((glass with a air system)) and shackled her hands and feet (still has the collar) she turned into a black cat and ran away. She learned to steal and lives as a theif she is nice, cold, friendly (often mistaken for flirting), untrusting at first (especially towards demons), loyal to the end once you gain her trust, quiet, sneaky.

Tiger Tales
Community Member
Tiger Tales
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Feb 14, 2008 @ 05:09am
User Image
User-Name: tiger12
Character name: Gisli Shyama Umkoome
Characters Nickname/s: Shyama
Weapon/s: Whip, light sword, jeweled knife
Bio: Shyama was born from two demons who had their souls infused with that of a moon wolf. Both of her parents ventured into the northern poison wastelands to try to track down a rouge. She never actually met her parents, so she does not feel unfortunate. The other people she had met in the past tried to make Shyama disappear due to sudden loss of important items.
Age: of Character: 16-18
Character Picture: User Image both eyes are dark green and purple .
Race: Water demon with Azure Moon Wolf
Other: Both of her parents were infused with Azure Moon Wolf Soul
Powers: Works with water and light, but has limited powers at the time.
Fighting style: Brandier
Weaknesses: Death, she cannot kill a living being. She can nearly kill, leave on the edge of death, but that is as far as she can go.
Caravan?: No

Played by: tiger12
Name: Anise Pantera
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Description: User Image

Personality: When she gets to know someone she tends to talk alot more than when they first met. She comes of as cold and untrusting at first, but she is really friendly and loyal to the end once you gain her trust. She also tends to be sneaky which causes her to get into alot of trouble.
Element: Onmyou
Known spells: Two summons User Image (Vittorio and Wray User Image User Image), A barrier, Shundo-jutsu, healing, and an escape seal that leads either to the school, a hospital or her home.
Bio: Anise used to go to an all ladies acadamy, but was transfered to this school because of "problems with other students" and some "Incidents". One of the incedents was when she burnt down half of the school. Some of the students figured it was her, but there wasn't any substantial evidence against her.
Partner(s): None, has a summon.

commentCommented on: Tue May 13, 2008 @ 12:56am
Name of Character: Nayana Tu Yue (Alias: Nana)
Age: 16
Grade: 11
Appearance: User Image
Style: Loner
Biography: Nayana and her family own part of a major food company. She is an only child but has many cousins. Nayana is fairly quiet around most people, especially the pushy types. She is very kind and somewhat strange once she gets to know you.

Name of Character: Varick Kyne Sinasta (Goes by his middle name at school)
Age: 18
Grade: 12
Appearance: User Image
Style: Cool
Biography: Kyne's family owns a major clothing company and has two older siblings. He tends to wear alot of his company's clothing under his uniform. He has a goofy and kind side hidden underneath his cool demeanor.

Tiger Tales
Community Member
Tiger Tales
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Sep 10, 2008 @ 04:51am
Username: tiger12
Cat's name: Rockkit
Clan: Windclan
Gender: Female
Rank: Kit
Age: six moons
Picture/Description: User Image
Personality: Happy, kind, somewhat mischevious, and forgetful. She loves to goof off and stares off into space often. She is very loyal, fast, tough, proud, ambitous, and sweet, even though she is easily offended.

should be shadowclan proud, ambitous + enjoy being independant

commentCommented on: Sat Oct 04, 2008 @ 07:00am
The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Countess of The Great Oceans
Known in some parts of the world as:
Devil of The Winged Death
The Great Archives Record:
Comes on silent wings in the night and wraps a deadly cloak about the victim; impartial as a die, unyielding as stone.

The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Countess of The Great Oceans
Known in some parts of the world as:
Devil of Bucharest
The Great Archives Record:
A youth seduced by darkness and cults.

Tiger Tales
Community Member
Tiger Tales
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jul 09, 2009 @ 07:23am
~User Data~

User Image
RP Name: Ditani Minna StarBreeze Dyre
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Rank: C
Element: Plants and Air(Dimensional?)
Riatsu Color: Grey and Green
Species: Bount


Height: Not tall
Weight: 120?
Hair: Shown in pic
Eyes: Dark Red eyes that look brown. No glasses.
Clothing: Long baggy pants.
Physical Appearance:

She is tougher than she looks, but is not exactly 'strong'. She is vulnerable to being tripped, but has never scarred or broken anything. 'Just dislocated a couple things'. She smells minty due to her addiction to the flavour.


Ditani lived with her human father and bount mother until recently when she was turned out for being a 'shut in'. Her parent's shipped her off to visit relatives so she could gain some 'new experiences'. Ditani discovered Starkes Verwirrung when her dog went missing. She searched the entire estate to find Stark, wagging his tail in a pile of bones, the estate's animal graveyard. The doll came from some mixture of the dead animals piled there.


She dislikes work, but tries to help anyways. Ditani acts weaker and more incapable than she actually is, just so she doesn't have to do more work. She is generally nice and does not like confrontations. The young girl also holds some strong grudges, so watch your step. She loves anything to do with mint and often smells minty due to this 'addiction'.


Conversion - Developed while traveling, Ditani discovered how to convert energy or elemental attacks to reiatsu or a gentle form (For example Ice to water, water to mild steam).
Redirection - Developed while traveling, she learned to redirect any energy or elemental attack by sending it through her body and out her hands.

Bount Dolls

Starkes Verwirrung (Strong Confusion)
User Image
Stark can change his appearance to suit daily life, if Ditani removes his mask he can take on the appearance of a German shepard. To suit Ditani's non-confrontational style, Stark can be as large as a horse or as small as a Bichon Frisé (In which it looks like a plushie). Apart from typical animalistic mauling, Stark can release a variety of poisons. One of the poisons seeps through his fur to cake on his fur, changing soft hairs to deadly spikes. Stark can excrete poisons and acids that can: irratate, blind, slow, paralize, burn, melt, and cause strane behaviour (Berserk etcetera). Ditani manipulates the air while Starkes sheds poison, a deadly tag-team. Occaisionally Starkes sets of to hunt on his own, but is never far from Ditani.

Ditani always has her doll, Stark, and a dust that blinds her enemies eyes and clogs their throats. The latter is a precaution.

commentCommented on: Wed Jul 22, 2009 @ 10:32pm
To whom it may concern:

Ditani has developed some skills that we are uncapable of dealing with in our home. We decided as a family that it would be best to allow her some freedom to travel and gain new experiences. I hope that you may be able to watch over our daughter for us. We want the best for her and hope this will be a safe and adventurous time for her.

I apologize for this inconvenience, be good to my daughter.

Isabella Starbreeze Dyre
Daughter of Marian Starbreeze

Tiger Tales
Community Member
Tiger Tales
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Aug 08, 2009 @ 06:11pm
User Image

Jaque (Jaquiline/Jack) Ivory O'Ravit

Age: 18

Date of Birth:





Lesser god

5 "8

Light, that is all you get.

Same as pic

Same as pic

Same as pic

Physical Appearance

God of Poison

Poisons of any sort. She can use blades, needles, rifles

Jaque's main power resides over poison, but she also has limited control over air, water and earth.

Jaque was raised in an overly religious family, the kind that did whatever the preists said. Jaque had stayed out past curfew one night and witnessed something, here on her memory has been cut short. What the girl has peiced together makes no sense, so she usually skips the first part of her story and states the fact that she was inteded to be a sacrifice. When she was taken to the cliffs to be sacrificed, the water was high and pulsing, the moon was low. Her mother was home, disappointed and embaressed by her daughter's behaviour, despite her being honored. Her elder brother was going to be initiated into preisthood. The girl thought she was going to die, completely abandoned by her people. The torches were lit at the moon's lowest point, the people of her village were moving into place. The girl stood at the edge of the cliff in her sacraficial dress, seeing smooth water. Jaqueline walked back towards her people, submissive, before she turned, running barefoot. Her feet bleeding, her long hair floating, she jumped off of the cliff. Her breath gone, she flew, not screaming, noticing a distance smugness that they did not kill her. She fell into air, the water never hit. She opened her eyes and saw the moon before she fell into the realm of the gods.

Theme Song

Other appearance(s): User Image User ImageGoddess Form.

Your Username: tiger12

commentCommented on: Thu Aug 20, 2009 @ 04:04am

Tiger Tales
Community Member
Tiger Tales
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Sep 13, 2009 @ 08:03am
Name: Nemutai Tamashii Larue (Prefers Nemu)
Age: 17
Race: Lower class Vampire
Bio: Nemu's family owns a major clothing line, which Nemu herself designs for. She seems to know some things she shouldn't, and is suspected of having some secret power. Nothing is clear with her and she is easily confused.
Class: Night
Appearance: (Picture will come) Dark Hair

Name: Jamie Lajita Tyler
Age: 18
Race: Hunter (Is that a race? No? Didn't think so... Ah well.)
Bio: A ordinary girl who has uncanny skill with projectiles. She excelled at the range, in archery, and with knives. Jamie is an excitable girl who has little to no understanding of relationships with males, possibly due to her intensive training.
Class: Day
Apperance: (Picture will come) Hair, Mis-matched eyes (One dark purple, the other light blue and green) Wears contacts most of the time.

commentCommented on: Tue Sep 15, 2009 @ 10:05am
Soul Reaper Appearance:
Full Name:
Anise LeFaye
Actual Age:
Appearance Age:
Date of Birth:
June 20th
Date of Death:
September 5th
Origin of Birth:
Sexual Orientation:
Reiatsu Color:
Light blue and Dark purple
Shinigami Uniform Changes
None presently

Shitagi: Regular
Kosode: Regular
Hakama: Regular
Tabi: Regular
Waraji: Regular

Extra Changes or additions
Wears a low-cut, skin tight armour underneath her clothes, and is equipped with many hidden pockets.

Zanpakuto Name:
Zanpakuto Spirit:
User Image
Zanpakuto Spirit True Form:

Zanpakuto World:
User Image
Zanpakuto Spirit's History:

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance:

Release Command:

Shikai: [Start off not obtained]

Shikai Appearance:

Shikai Ability:




3. (Max of attacks)

Baknai: [Start off not obtained]

Bankai Name: (Captain and Vice Captain Only) [Start without

Bankai Appearance:

Bankai Ability:



2. (Max of attacks)


Bakudo: [Start of without any]

Hado: [Start of without any]

Extra Skills:

Extra Weapon(s) or Items:


Human World Appearance: [Start of without one]

Human World Occupation: [Start of without one]


Personal Skills:

Favorite Food:

Favorite Drink:
Liqorice tea
Least Favorite Food:
Kindness, Smiles

Cruelty, being hurt
Biography Before Death:
Anise was aspiring to be a
Biography After Death:

Soul Reaper Academy:

Division Life:

User Image
Total Value: 699,661 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Carol of Ol' Ebenezer
Coocoon (5th Gen)
Buddhist Monk's Straw Sandals
The Case of Pietro 2nd Gen.
Masquerade 6th Gen.
Oculus Mythica
Elven Ears
Ninja Sword
Wingding (phase one)
Neutral Starter Fantasy Bracers
White Tabi
Kuro Hakama

Tiger Tales
Community Member
Tiger Tales
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Sep 15, 2009 @ 10:13am

Full Name:
Aleda Kyne LeFaye
Devil of The Winged Death, The Pixie
Actual Age:
Appearance Age:
Date of Birth:
August 20
Date of Death:
December 1O
Origin of Birth:
Pacific ocean. (Born on a boat)
Sexual Orientation:
Fluctuates, 5'4
Number Location:
Upper Back, between wings.
Hollow Hole Location:
Below the belly button, above the hips.
Remains of Hollow Mask:
Two spots above eyebrows, and a pair of triangles on the jaw.
Certified Rank:
Reiatsu Color:
Light Blue and Dark red
Zanpakuto Name:
Mikaihatsu Kochou (Backwards Butterfly {Japanese})
Zanpakuto Information:
The sheath for the blade is covered in black satin and metal with butterfly patterns engraved in it. This is usually unseen, seeing it is usually hidden on her persons.
Zanpakuto Appearance: (Sealed)
A Saif (Scimitar) like blade which is lightweight, strong, but flexible enough not to break. It has butterflies encorporated into it's design.
Aller de l'avant, Mikaihatsu Kochou (Go forwards {French})
Resurrecction Appearance:
Aleda turns into a 'negative' image of herself, her skin and wings turning black, her sclera turns black while her eyelashes and eyebrows turn white. Fay's clothes turns from white with black patterns, to black with white colors.
Resurrectction Abilites:
1. Adjetivo sustantivo/traducción: Alida's words become fact as she causes a literal translation of the most common sayings. Examples of this include:
~Break a leg: The opponent's leg becomes fagile slowly breaks to peices.
~Cold shoulder: The enemy's shoulder freezes, either breaking it, or causeing her opponent to be unable to use it.
~Heart break: The opponen'ts heart begins to freeze and break.
~Burning love: You do not really want to know, uses this on annoying minion types and perverts.

2. (PowerPending)
Hollow Skills:
~ Cero (sero; Spanish for "Zero", Japanese for "Hollow Flash", "Doom Blast" in the Viz translation): high-powered energy blasts that can be fired from various body parts, such as mouth, tongue, hand or fingers. Only Gillians, Adjuchas, Arrancar, and the Vizards have so far been shown to use Cero attacks, and it appears that stronger entities can use it more efficiently. Various Arrancar and Hollow characters display variants of the technique, such as the Espada-exclusive Gran Rey Cero, the Cero Oscuras that Ulquiorra Cifer can use only in his released form, as well as the Cero Sincrético performed by Pesche Guatische and Dondochakka Bilstin.

Extra Weapon(s) or Items:
A pair of are hidden in the sides of Fay's shorts,
Aleda is a cheerful, excitable sort who tries to keep a positive out-look on life.
Collecting random objects
Personal Skills:
Fay has the ability to shrink her size, she cannot become larger than her human form. She can also alter the shape of her wings from the bulky butterfly wings to the typical pixie wing shape, the pixie wing form causes her energy levels to be masked and lowered.
Favorite Food:
Ice cream
Favorite Drink:
Tea with honey
Least Favorite Food:
Playing messenger. Companionship (Friends)
Getting damaged
Cussing, People being abandoned, not getting her way.
Biography Before Death:
Her mother worked as a professional photographer, and therefore traveled alot. When Ms. LeFaye became pregnat, no one could tell, even herself. The woman had believed she had a flu, that is why her stomach hurt, so she borded a boat to go back home from Japan. Aleda LeFaye was born on board the Fiðrildi. Her mother disappeared later on. Aleda LeFaye was working to become a professional dancer, studying as many types as her body was capable of. She had lived with her origionally childless aunt, to busy to make connections with anyone else. Her aunt had passed on a while before Alida started creating a professional career, but the girl had barely cared, loneliness had reigned. Other dancers were jealous or shy of her, Fay's only comfort was the winter and pretty things. One day, Aleda was leaving the building where a taxi was supposed to be waiting to take her to her street. It wasn't there, and she waited patiently. The taxi never came, she started walking home, even if it was a distance. She was walking across a bridge that was under construction when everything disappeared.
Biography After Death:
Aleda was up day after day, her chains becomeing more irritating and painful each moment. Thinking back on the day she died, she recalls barely seeing something out of the corner of her eye, coming at her head, then pain in her abdomen. Looking beside herself, she could still see where her body had lain for two days, impaled on rusted support poles, no one had came for her. One day, a month or so after her death the hole began to open, so she tore the chain off herself and changed into a Hollow.
Shinigamification:Natural Shinigamification

~User Data~

RP Name:
Aleda Kyne LeFaye
Rank: C
Ice / Dimensional
Riatsu Color:
Light Blue and Dark red
Species: Hollow


User Image
5'4 (Fluxuates)
As Picture
Physical Appearance:
A slim dancer's physique


Biography Before Death:
Her mother worked as a professional photographer, and therefore traveled alot. When Ms. LeFaye became pregnat, no one could tell, even herself. The woman had believed she had a flu, that is why her stomach hurt, so she borded a boat to go back home from Japan. Aleda LeFaye was born on board the Fiðrildi. Her mother disappeared later on. Aleda LeFaye was working to become a professional dancer, studying as many types as her body was capable of. She had lived with her origionally childless aunt, to busy to make connections with anyone else. Her aunt had passed on a while before Alida started creating a professional career, but the girl had barely cared, loneliness had reigned. Other dancers were jealous or shy of her, Fay's only comfort was the winter and pretty things. One day, Aleda was leaving the building where a taxi was supposed to be waiting to take her to her street. It wasn't there, and she waited patiently. The taxi never came, she started walking home, even if it was a distance. She was walking across a bridge that was under construction when everything disappeared.
Biography After Death:
Aleda was up day after day, her chains becomeing more irritating and painful each moment. Thinking back on the day she died, she recalls barely seeing something out of the corner of her eye, coming at her head, then pain in her abdomen. Looking beside herself, she could still see where her body had lain for two days, impaled on rusted support poles, no one had came for her. One day, a month or so after her death the hole began to open, so she tore the chain off herself and changed into a Hollow.
Present Life
Aleda resides in a swamp in the Menos Forest, luring hollows in for 'lunch'. She would be delighted if you dropped in for tea.

Aleda is a cheerful, excitable sort who tries to keep a positive out-look on life.


~ Cero (sero; Spanish for "Zero", Japanese for "Hollow Flash", "Doom Blast" in the Viz translation): high-powered energy blasts that can be fired from various body parts, such as mouth, tongue, hand or fingers. Only Gillians, Adjuchas, Arrancar, and the Vizards have so far been shown to use Cero attacks, and it appears that stronger entities can use it more efficiently. Various Arrancar and Hollow characters display variants of the technique, such as the Espada-exclusive Gran Rey Cero, the Cero Oscuras that Ulquiorra Cifer can use only in his released form, as well as the Cero Sincrético performed by Pesche Guatische and Dondochakka Bilstin.

~ Garganta ( garuganta; Spanish for "Throat", Japanese for "Black Cavity" wink : how Arrancar and Menos-class Hollows move to and from Hueco Mundo. Kaname Tōsen and Kisuke Urahara have also demonstrated the ability to use the technique. It literally tears open the dimensional fabric separating the worlds, revealing a tunnel of whirling, torrential energy that must be focused and solidified to create a discernible pathway.

~ Bala (bara; Spanish for "Bullet", Japanese for "Hollow Bullet" wink : Bala is an Arrancar alternative to Cero. The technique hardens the user's Spiritual Pressure and fires it like a bullet. Although it is weaker than a normal Cero, it moves about twenty times faster and can be fired at a much higher rate but the damage is much the same. Stronger Arrancar can also fire a more powerful Bala, while retaining its twenty-fold speed.

~ Pesquisa ( pesukisa; Spanish for "Inquiry", Japanese for "Probe Circuit" wink : is the Arrancar equivalent of the Shinigami ability to sense Spiritual Pressure. It functions very-similarly to sonar.

~ Hierro ( iero; Spanish for "Iron", Japanese for "Steel Skin" wink : refers to the hardened skin of the Arrancar, which is a result of their compressed spiritual power. While their skin is strong enough to block even released Zanpakutō bare-handed, it is by no means impenetrable. Stronger Arrancar have proportionally stronger skin than usual.

Resurrección ( resurekushion; Spanish for "Resurrection", Japanese for "Returning Blade" wink : Most Arrancar have the ability to seal their power within a zanpakutō. Upon releasing their zanpakutō, they gain all of their former unique hollow abilities back, essentially 'resurrecting' their old selves. When using this ability, they essentially combine their human form and their hollow form, incidentally increasing their power considerably. As another note, when an Arrancar uses their Resurrección, it heals all minor wounds.

~ Negación (negashion; Spanish for "Negation", Japanese for "Counter Membrane" wink : energy fields are used to rescue fellow Hollows. Only the Gillian-class Menos have shown the ability to use it. Negación fields surround a target in a square beam of light that isolates the target from the dimension they are currently in, making it impossible to harm them. The field then pulls the target towards the Menos that created the field. Espada have a special cube-shaped device called Caja Negación Spanish for "Negation Box", Japanese for "Anti-Membrane of Negation" wink meant to simulate Negación fields, which are used to punish their subordinates if necessary. The cube, when used on a subject, traps them in an alternate dimension from which there is no escape; however, this assumes it is being used as intended. More-powerful Arrancar, namely the Espada themselves, can escape given enough time.

~ Sonído (sonīdo; Spanish for "Sound", Japanese for "Transfer Effects" wink : the Arrancar equivalent of the Shinigami Flash Steps and the Quincy Hirenkyaku; it allows the user to travel at incredibly high speeds for short distances. Use of Sonído is punctuated by a brief static sound, in contrast to the "swish" sound caused by Flash Steps.


Mikaihatsu Kochou (Backwards Butterfly{Japanese})
The sheath for the blade is covered in black satin and metal with butterfly patterns engraved in it. This is usually unseen, seeing it is usually hidden on her persons.
Zanpakuto Appearance: (Sealed)
A Saif (Scimitar) like blade which is lightweight, strong, but flexible enough not to break. It has butterflies encorporated into it's design.

Arrancar Release State

Aller de l'avant, Mikaihatsu Kochou (Go forwards {French})
Aleda turns into a 'negative' image of herself, her skin and wings turning black, her sclera turns black while her eyelashes and eyebrows turn white. Fay's clothes turns from white with black patterns, to black with white colors.

Ice and Dimensional.

A pair of curved blades are hidden in Aleda's shorts.

commentCommented on: Wed Oct 07, 2009 @ 01:54am
Soul Reaper Appearance:
Full Name:
Hyena Chan

Actual Age:
Appearance Age:
Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
Origin of Birth:
Sexual Orientation: Uninterested. Straight
Reiatsu Color:
Shinigami Uniform Changes
Haori: (Capatins Only)
Extra Changes or additions
Zanpakuto Name:
Zanpakuto Spirit:
Zanpakuto Spirit True Form:
Zanpakuto World:
Zanpakuto Spirit's History:
Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance:
Release Command:
Shikai: [Start off not obtained]
Shikai Appearance:
Shikai Ability:
3. (Max of attacks)
Baknai: [Start off not obtained]
Bankai Name: (Captain and Vice Captain Only) [Start without one]
Bankai Appearance:
Bankai Ability:
2. (Max of attacks)
Bakudo: [Start of without any]
Hado: [Start of without any]
Extra Skills:
Extra Weapon(s) or Items:
Human World Appearance: [Start of without one]
Human World Occupation: [Start of without one]
Personal Skills:
Favorite Food:
Favorite Drink:
Least Favorite Food:
Biography Before Death:
Biography After Death:
Soul Reaper Academy:
Division Life:

Tiger Tales
Community Member
Tiger Tales
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Dec 04, 2009 @ 08:03pm

Full Name:
Hyäne Lachen Eleutheria

Date of Birth:
Origin of Birth:
Fire Nation Capitol
Sexual Orientation:


Extra Skills:
Weapon(s) or Items:
Personal Skills:
Favorite Food:
Favorite Drink:
Least Favorite Food:

~User Data~

Shyama Morrigan Talia Wilder
Famous/Infamous Name:

Citizen (Available to be recruited)
Mutant Power:

Birth Date:
Fame/Infamy Rank and Score:
Worldly Profession:
Student and part time Pet Shop Clerk


Short, Brown with red tones
Dark blue and forest green striped shirt (long-sleeved). Dark blue Jeans with a plain black leather belt.
Physical Description:
Not normally strong, or that skinny.

~Personal Information~

Personality: Kind, and shy.
Personal Saying: 'That's that'
Personal Skill(s):

Land of Origin:
Town of Origin:
Mother and Father and more.
Her life was very 'low stress', which resulted in Talia gaining her powers recently.
The Wilders met in Africa on a animal photo-shoot, and oddly enough, hated each other. As they worked together, their affections grew and they got married. Not long after Talia was born in Canada's northern regions.
Because her parents were photographers, they were always on the move, but she was raised by both of her parents, not a nanny or aunt. Her parents took her nearly everywhere they went, and got her souveniers for those she couldn't go with. These trips and gifts are where she gained most of her samples.They both are completely unaware of her 'transformation' or 'condition'.

~Description of Mutant Power~
Animal based: If she is infected by any animal, she can alter her form to become the same. If she is infected by a peice of DNA entering her body, for example: a hair swallowed, blood entering a cut etcetera, she can, at will, replicate the identity. Using animal qualities, she can make herself look like any person she wishes. (Similar to Mystique)




commentCommented on: Fri Dec 18, 2009 @ 08:21am
Could this day go any worse?! I swear everyone took a bite out of me today! Jamie thinks mournfully to herself as she huddles tighter into her itchy black trench coat, pulling the hood further over her face as she briskly makes her way to her temporary home. Fuming over how wretched the customers were today, how strange the animals had been acting, AND how that rude, uptight wench got promoted above her, she doesn't notice the obnoxiously loud group of people gaining on her.
"Oi! Outta the way! Got a light? Nah, she deserved it! Hey, I asked you a question!" Multiple voices swarm around her, only the last sentence catching her attention.
Shaking her head, she pulls her coat tighter and tries to get out of the swarm of rednecks thinking They are huge! Get out! when one grabs her shoulder. Painfully twisting around, her hood falls down, exposing her currently blue eyes.
"Heh, if it isn't a little emo b***h! I hate emos!" Getting rougher, they yank on her coat, tearing the buttons clean off. The loudness becomes incomprehensible as the fear turns their voices into rough noise. Jamie feels her side hurt as she is thrown to the ground and kicked. Her voice calls out, her throat tearing as pain rips through her body and she begins to convulse, the gang does not appear to notice and continue to beat on her.
Something snaps, and there is blood.
Her body ripples, and instead of a girl lying there, there is a large dog. The Doberman Pincsher-Jaime snarls and rips into something, warm. The hot pulse is all that exists to the female as red wet heat splatters around her and in her mouth until there is a scream, in her face.
The mutant's scleara dims from furious red to white as she lets go of something, someone's bloodied face. She looks around, seeing dark lumps laying around, some running away.
Realization strikes at the same time as the pain. With a loud yipe, she ripples, changing back into herself. Picking up her clothes, she runs, her bare feet pattering in the darkness.
What was minutes later felt like an eternity to Jaime, sobbing, she had run home, and into the shower, dropping her clothes onto the bathroom floor as she started the shower. Staring, at the water, she lets it run, her head throbbing as if as a reminder. The rest is forgotten as she cleans up, and somehow ends up sitting in her kitchen, staring at the phone. "What did I do?"

Tiger Tales
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Feb 12, 2010 @ 01:37am
Gaianame: tiger12
Name: Lenne Chikadae Marrow
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: August 14 1993
Height: 5'7"
Weight: Pounds
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Dorm Room: 14
Clubs: Art, Library Exploration
Bio: Lenne has always lived a regular life of reading books and dreaming. She has taken classes in fencing, archery, and ballroom dancing, she had excelled at fencing. She lived with her parents and sibling(s)
Personality: A sweet, gentle, and somewhat naive girl. She can be both suspicious and gullible because she tends to trust people unless they give her a reason not to. Lenne is generally happy, but is sometimes shy, especially when it comes to relationships. Easy to tease and frustrate.
Weapon: None Yet
Other: Lenne was childhood friends with Zaine, but alot has changed since then.
Appearance: User Image

Gaianame: tiger12
Name: Aleda LeFaye
Race: (Think about Setsuna and Kotaro. And Mages aren't a race.)
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: Febuary 1995
Height: (How tall/short? Feet and Inches please.)
Weight: (How heavy/light? Pounds please.)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Dorm Room:
Clubs: (Maximum of 5.)
Bio: (Background information.)
Personality: (How your OC would act normally and whatnot.)
Weapon: (If any...)
Abilities: (The Unique Ability that your OC has specially. There can be other abilities, but this is the main one.)
Other: (Anything else you feel like talking about.)
Appearance: (Make sure it's in User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Tiger Tales
Community Member
Tiger Tales
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Feb 22, 2010 @ 12:00am
User Image Lenne smiles, looking from Zaine to her seat, she shrugs off her coat, folding it up and placing it under herself as she silently sits down. Brushing her hair out of her face, she checks the flower in her hair before looking at Zaine, a lingering warm glance before looking to the ceremony.
Her eyes shine as she watches the people she is so proud of, and proud to be part of. The lights of the elementals dazzle her and the sight of the child gracefully moving down the aisle makes her heart brighten.
Looking to Zaine, her eyes shine as her mind wanders, filled with future possibilities. She smiles a private smile, just for him as her heart flips and sits still in the same instant. This may just kill me yet. But I like it Lenne thinks, shyly looking away from him, back to the people she is proud of, and proud to be a part of.
She adjusts her top, the outfit is gorgeous, despite the lack of 'coverage'. Noting the discomfort of many of the other women wearing the ceremonial garb, she feels a little better about her own discomfort.

commentCommented on: Wed Apr 13, 2011 @ 03:04am
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|ρ є r ѕ σ η α ℓ • ∂ α т α|├▬
Full Name: {First, Middle, Last}
Nickname: {Nicknames or Aliases}

Age: 18
Birthdate: August 1st
Gender: Female

Height: {Inches/Centimeters}
Weight: {Pounds/Kilograms}

Nindo: "{Way of life}"
Personality: Kind, helpful and

Village: Mist Village
Rank: Genin
Class: {Determines your limitations}

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|c σ м в α т • ∂ α т α|├▬
Bloodline: {If none, remove section}

Chakra Pool: {Amount of chakra. Original dictated by class}
Chakra Color: Lilac
Chakra Element: {Pick only two. Fire, water, wind, earth, lightning}

• {Minimum of two}
• {Ex. Close combat, ninjutsu, etc.}
• {Minimum of two}
• {Ex. Slower reactions, elemental weakness, etc.}
• {Minimum of two}
• {Ex. Dying alone, bugs, swimming, etc.}

• {Maximum of two}
• {Ex. Physical defense increased, 2 additional ninjutsu slots, learns taijutsu in 1 less post, etc.}
Class Attribute:
• {Dictated by class and rank. Read class info}

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|c α r є є r • ∂ α т α|├▬
Ryo: 両{Money} {Start at zero}
AC: {Advancement credit} {Start at zero}

Missions Complete:
D Rank :: 0 {All start at zero}
C Rank :: 0
B Rank :: 0
A Rank :: 0
S Rank :: 0

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|ω є α ρ σ η • ∂ α т α|├▬
Weapon Type: {Sword, spear, etc.}
Weapon Range: {Its reach. In inches/centimeters please}
Weapon Weight: {How heavy it is. In pounds/kilograms please}
Weapon Location: {Where it is stored}
• {When you create your profile, you may have any one basic weapon.)

Summoning Type: {Ex. Dogs, Bears, Slugs, etc.} {If none, remove summon section}
Summon Sage: {Yes or No}
Pacts: {Ex. Dogs: Pakkun, etc. Sages do not need to list pacts}

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|ι η ν є η т σ r у|├▬
• {List any projectiles/items you've obtained here. Ex. Shuriken x15, Flak jacket, etc.}
• {When you create your profile, you may have any combination of 30 projectiles.)

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|т є c н η ι q υ є ѕ|├▬
▬▬┤|N i n j u t s u

Maruton {Start with the following six only}
• Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
• Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]
• Bushin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]
• Suimen Hokou no Waza [Act of Water Surface Walking]
• Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
• Kai [Release]

{Your first element's name} {Katon, Suiton, Raiton, Doton, Fuuton}

{Your second element's name} {Katon, Suiton, Raiton, Doton, Fuuton} {If only one element, remove section}

{Other jutsu type's name} {Bloodline, Kugutsu, Eiseijutsu, etc.} {If none, remove section}

▬▬┤|G e n j u t s u

• {If none, remove section}

▬▬┤|T a i j u t s u

{Style name here}
• {Stage progression / techniques learned}

▬▬┤|B u k i j u t s u

{Style name here}
• {Stage progression / techniques learned}

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|н ι ѕ т σ r у|├▬
{Your character's background. Please have at least three sentences when submitting character}

Tiger Tales
Community Member
Tiger Tales
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Dec 25, 2011 @ 09:08am
Username: Tiger Tales

Birth Name: Anise

Nick Name: Ani

Date of Birth: August 20th

Years of Age: 14

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Hair color: Platinum Blonde

Eye Color: Cool Grey

Weight: 145.4 lbs

Height: 5' 2"

Descriptive Markings: A light scar on her chin, and one in the shape of an 'A' on her thumb.

Accessories: A leather belt decorated with Anise flowers and hooks

District: 7, Lumber

Occupation: Tree marker and Medic

Number of Entries: 6

Personality: Anise is a nice girl who makes a point to be kind to everyone

Likes: Plants, being up high, painting, and kind people

Dislikes: Uneccesary cruelty, rudeness, and mutts

Quirks: Likes imatating animal noises.

Abilities: Painting, climbing and first aid

Biography: Anise is the only child in her family. Her Dad, Pan, is a faller and talented muscisian. In his spare time he whittles wooden and reed flutes, while he watches Anise paint them. Anise's mother, Nayana, works in the paper mill. Nayana taught Anise how to perfom first aid on Pan, who often earns himself cuts and stings.
Anise's best friend is Aleda, a crazy girl who dyes her hair with plants in the forest. Anise has treated rashes that Aleda earned from trying new plants. They met at school and hit it off straight away.
Anise has a secret interest in a young man named Varick, though he doesn't appear to notice her much. She often finds herself watching him when she is painting the trees.
(I may add more if that is okay sweatdrop .)

Siblings/Children: None

Anything Else:User Image

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