Is it even possible for ANYONE to be THIS bored!? I have been doing absolutely nothing besides chatting, reading, and checking out my friendslist for the past FIVE ******** HOURS! My poor brain can't handle this!!! Ugh! Stress!!! Okay.
*takes a deep breath*
Okay time to lay down some rules in the "Victoria Manual"
Introduction to Victoria Garcia
Allright Ladies and gentleman if you are reading this you have taken another step into hell. Victoria Garcia is very emotional and a bit stupid, not one of the best friends for those who are uber smart or weak of heart. We are learning on the homosapian Victoria Helica Garcia. Her nicknames include Tori, which is the most common, Vicky, which is hated, Vic, which is neutral, and Minty, her username. This girl is definetly not one of the brightest creations but she'll do, being only a prototype on the future female generation of her kind...or whatnot. She is very happy and perky, to much for her own good. She's overly-trusting and yea, she's a pain in the a**, big whoop. Of course she's a chatter box and demands answers. She's also quite nosy when it comes to other homosapian female's lives, inlcuding the homosapians Brittany Janson and Michelle Yun. Also her knack for guy wandering has caused her to get interesting in the males' lives, such and Brandon Nash and Marcus white. Okay, the next few chapters are important and demand attention, short and as repeative as they are, MEMORIZE! This is the most important favtor on this prototype. You don't know, you're screwed. Our next chapter will be released tomorrow. Thank you for veiwing the "Victoria Manual."
Your Missing Period · Sat May 12, 2007 @ 04:03am · 1 Comments |