Okay Class of 2011 this is to all of you from me. And I guess it's allowed for the public to read.
I'm really thankful for being in the same school with you all. We walked in as sixth graders and we're leaving as eigth and it makes me relly happy becuase I saw familiar faces, and I left with those same faces.
We're still testing our wings before we can actually flap them and keep on going.
I apologize for making you all cry also. I really didn't mean to start crying while giving my speech up there.
Oh and to make it clear. I DID KISS RBANDON ON THE CHEEK! Xavier Killet I swear to god if you ask one more time I will give you the slowest and painful death known to mankind.
So yea. I had a fun three years with all of you. I hope i see you again in Alamogordo High School.
-Victoria Helica Garcia
Your Missing Period · Thu May 24, 2007 @ 08:20pm · 2 Comments |