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Phantom's Journal - Beware the weirdness.
Things that I can't think of any other place to go, and some of my writings.
I asked a friend of mine if she wanted me to write her an HP phanphic, because I've been bored, and I wrote a little something last night (GO READ IT!). Well, first she asked me if I would write a Ron/Hermione, and then she said something about a Remus/Tonks pairing. By that time, I had decided to write about a masquerade, and I said that it would be fine for me to put more than one pairing. We're going to say it's set in fifth year, because I need Sirius around. So, now you basically have a summary, so I'll just start with the real story now. She's based on myself, so you know, that's never good.

"And so, without further ado, with great pleasure, I shall announce that on the wonderful New Year's Eve, we shall be hosting, a wondrous, magnificent, marvelous-"
"Just get on with it!" A yell from the Slytherin table rang through the Great Hall.
"Oh, very well, then." A smiling Albus Dumbledore said. "I shall now announce that on New Year's Eve we will be having a masquerade! Everyone is invited to attend! You must be in a costume fit for a masquerade, and you are required to wear mask. The Hogwarts Express will run again for those students going home for the holidays three days before the masquerade. That is all!"
There were some groans from the males, and most of the females seemed very happy to be in a masquerade. Some students were already planning their costumes, as they left to finish packing before the train came that day.
Several hours later, at about midnight, a young Gryffindor sat in the Gryffindor common room, alone.
"Well... Tomorrow, I'll set my diabolical plan into action." He began laughing maniacally. "Well, time to go to sleep. Need some rest for it."
At breakfast the next morning, Harry confronted his two friends.
"So, Ron..." He began. "Who're you taking to the masquerade?"
Ron's ears turned red, and he muttered, "I dunno."
"Well, why don't you ask Hermione? Oy, Hermione, will you go with Ron?"
The ever composed Hermione blushed and stuttered, "W-why can't Ronald ask me himself?"
"Alright, Ron, there you go. Ask her." Harry was grinning, but no one was paying attention to him.
"Why, Harry? Why don't you ask her?" Ron asked.
"Because, my dear Mr. Weasley, I do not like Hermione that way. Sure, she's a great friend that I think of as a sister, but she's your girl, mate. Ever since...well, whatever day it was in first year, I could tell, 'Ron and Hermione are going to be together.' So, go for it, Weasley, before someone beats you. Again." Harry finished his speech by flourishing his fork, which had some sausage on it.
"Fine." Ron huffed. He turned to Hermione. "Will you go with me, 'Mione?"
Hermione was blushing. "O-of course."
Harry nodded with satisfaction, finished his breakfast, and left.
"What was that all about?" Ron wondered aloud.
Harry had gone to the Room of Requirement, to pull out the forgotten mirror Sirius had given him.
He whispered into the glass, "Sirius." His breath fogged it.
Sirius face appeared in the glass. "So, Harry, how did your plan go?"
Harry grinned at him. "Perfectly. They now realize their feelings for each other, and are going to the masquerade together. What about Tonks and Moony?"
Sirius grinned back at Harry. "Way to go, my little Prongslet. Eh... I haven't tried anything yet. I'm still waiting for Moony to get back, and-" he paused for a moment. "And now he's back. Well, I'll go try it now."
Sirius disappeared, and Harry waited a few minutes before he came back, and asked the older man, "How'd it go?"
"They said they'll 'supervise together.' Seems like little Moony's scared to go on a date and admit it!" Sirius let out a barking laugh, while Harry chuckled.
"Well, listen, I really gotta go. Will you be there that night?"
"Yeah. Dumbledore said it'd be alright, because no body could recognize me in the costume I'm going to be wearing. Everyone will remember it, though. It's something from this Muggle musical... Something about some phantom, I'm not really sure. Well, I better go help Moony find his costume. I'll see you then, Harry. Love you."
"I love you, too, Sirius."
------(The author decides to skip to the Masquerade. Woo.)------
Hermione was wearing a pretty butterfly costume. Ron was wearing a costume that looked like it was half a dress, and half a tuxedo. Harry was dressed as a skeleton.
"Ron, cross-dressing, are we?" Harry continuously joked.
Ron hit him on the head. "Shut up, Potter."
"Fine, Weasley." Harry stuck out his tongue.
"So, Harry, who's your date?"
"Don't have one."
"You mean to tell me that Dumbledore the Great and Wonderful Harry Potter go without a date?"
"Dumbledore doesn't know. Oh, yeah." He changed his voice to a whisper. "Sirius is coming tonight. Hermione, do you know of a Muggle musical that has something to do with a phantom?"
"Yes! It's called The Phantom of the Opera. There's even a song called Masquerade in it. Dumbledore must like that, or something."
"Well, Sirius said he was wearing a costume from that. He said no one would recognize him, but everyone would remember his costume."
"I don't know which one it'll be, Harry, honestly. Well, we'll see tonight, won't we?" She said, smiling.
They waited a few minutes, until Dumbledore's voice rang through the castle, "Everyone is now asked to make their way to the Great Hall. I shall see you there!"
Everyone made their way down.
"My God, Harry, I think that's Snape." Ron whispered in his ear, and Harry glanced to his right. There was a figure in a black cloak, it's face completely covered.
"He was probably forced to come. Gone off the black a little, hasn't he?" Harry asked sarcastically (and rhetorically).
"Harry!" Hermione hissed. "You didn't tell us Lupin and Tonks were coming! And together!"
"You didn't ask." Harry said, and made his way over to Lupin to ask if he had seen Sirius.
Lupin simply replied, "You'll know Sirius when you see him, Harry. He look completely ridiculous in that costume, and yet, at the same time, scary.
So Harry sat, watching Lupin and Tonks dancing and laughing together. He also watched Ron Hermione, who looked the same as Lupin and Tonks, with their dancing and mirth. He yelled out, "Ron! Kiss her!"
And Ron did.
Seconds later, a voice yelled out, "Lupin kiss her and get it over with!" Lupin complied easily and swiftly.
Snape snorted, and stared at the red-clad figure that stood in the doorway. Harry looked that way, and saw a figure robed in red, with a skull mask on that looked as if the Grim Reaper himself had made it! He wore a feathered red hat, and red cape that looked like a sheet of fire on the floor. It made its way easily through the crowd of students, as they parted and stared in wonderment. He stopped in front of Dumbledore.
"Hello, my dear boy!" Trust Dumbledore not to say any names. "Lemon drop?"
The figure nodded and accepted the offered sweet, and popped the lemon drop in his mouth after swiftly raising his mask so that no one saw his face. Harry, too made his way towards the Headmaster, who was dressed as a rooster.
"Ah, Harry, my dear boy, would you like a lemon drop?"
"If it's laced with an alcoholic drink, then, yes, I'll take several." He said jokingly.
Dumbledore just smiled down at him (which looked very ridiculous,a s he was, literally, a big chicken), and gave him a lemon drop.
"Hello, Sirius."
"Hey, Harry. Nice job on getting them to kiss."
"Yes, I thought so, too. So, wanna go for a walk?"
"Sure, kiddo. Lupin! Don't do anything dirty until I get back!" He yelled and Lupin blushed.
"Hush, you!" He yelled back.
"Hey, Ron, whatever you two do when I'm not around anymore, I do not want to know." Ron and Hermione, too, blushed, as Harry and the 'Red Death' left the Great Hall.
"Ah, Severus, isn't this so much fun?" Dumbledore asked Snape.
"No, it is not. Why is this school insane?" Snape asked himself.
"I can't answer that Severus. And believe it or not, I think I'm insane."
"You don't say." Snape replied, and left all of the lovers, dancers, and anything that had to with 'fun' behind him as he swept pasts the multitudes towards the dungeons.
Well, I know it's not long, but I hope you enjoyed it!
Yes, I can't have a phanphiction unless I manage to insert something Phantom-related in it. It's a rule. razz
Oh, and about the title.... Maskerade is the name of a kind of parody, yet re-make of The Phantom of the Opera. Maskerade was written by Terry Pratchett.
Your writer and friend,

User Comments: [2] [add]
Kitn Lefure
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu May 31, 2007 @ 02:02am
Nice! By the way people, I'm the friend she was talking about. ^^

commentCommented on: Thu Jul 26, 2007 @ 03:04pm
wow, you did a great job on this ^_^ good on ya for incorporating the 'Red Death' costume rofl

Community Member
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