(The light)
Username: Shinta_Himura91
Name:Yuudai ( means Great hero)
Age: Over a million years old (looks1 cool
Race: Angel

Bio: One of the first angels born on earth. Takes lead role of controling the light side. He is the exact opposite of his brother Desu, instead Yuudai uses light magic. He is like a god.
Power: Can control life, and has powers a sorceress holds. Control Metal.
Weapon: Two swords which holds mystic power.
Username: Reiki Sunagi
Name:Yuzuki (means gentleness)
Age: half the years as Yuudai
Race: Angel / shape shifter

Bio: Has been by Yuudai's side for a long time. Some say they almost look alike. He is second in command for the light and is one swift fighter. He uses great stratigies and can give one a heck of a blow. He is fast in his attacks. Can be one great romantic.
Power: Speed, lightning, and earth.
Weapon: Golden Sword of electricity.
Username: mangacat170
Name: Sachiko (means happiness)
Age: 18
Race: Sorceress

Bio: Has been casted aside by the sorcery clan. She has been an outcast until she started working for the light side. For it saved her from death that was soon to come. She vows to make up for it, and to fight with full honor.
Power: All elements.
Weapon: dosent need it. but has two daggers just in case.
Username confused
Name: Saki (means hopeful)
Race: Angel

Bio: Is fond of peace and love. She lived with her grandparents who taught her the many ways of a beautiful angel. She is shy but dont let that full you. She can be one good pipper, youll see what I mean in a second.
Power: Sound, glass, wire, healing
Weapon: Metal flute which can turn into a staff.
Username: ?
Name: Talin
Age: 13
Race: Angel
Bio: A kind hearted angel with a heart of gold. She is a seraphims little helper and is often an angel's assistant. She is one of the smartest angels and is only but a beginner at this life. For she had died of heart disease.

Power: Wind, Water, light
Weapon: Silver staff.
Username: Broken_Angel800
Name: Porclain
Age: 16
Race: Angel
Bio: A beautiful angel that has one long beautiful wing, and the other one made out of special metal. That wing has gotten ripped off when she was young, and god has replaced it with the metal one. She is soft and warm.

Power: Wire, metal, electricity
Weapon: Whip
Username: ?
Name: karuijin (death by madness)
Age: over a thousand years old
Race: high breed Vampire.

Bio: Is a full fleshed Angel which most angels fear. This fellow can be a handful in battle for he never hesitates on his moves. The only thing that could hold him back is decapitation.. and not even that could work!! He is no ordinary angel, but one that has been altered by heaven itself. He is the last one of his kind which has a bit of darkness in him.
Power: Elements
Weapon: Has a can which can turn into a sword or a staff.
Second Form: