So, over the last few months I've slowly made the transition from posting exclusively in the Picture Post to becoming less and less active, until I'm basically just a PP lurker, only posting when I have a topic up, or when I see something I like. A lot of times I rarely even post on my friends and favourite artists work, but those are my issues, not the ones at hand.
I understand the concept of spamming and trolling in the Pic Post. I understand that new comers to Gaia and the PP are sometimes overwhelmed and are rude to the artists who post there, and less than helpful when posting and commenting. But it's not always n00bz that leave mean comments and rude posts.
You see, I think that so many people in the Picture Post have found things like putting "MATURE! WARNING: BOOBS" and it's actually a Naruto drawing or, "HARDCORE YOAI: LOOK AT UR OWN RISK" and it's a landscape or something has caused people to disregard the thread title warnings, peaking their curiosity [I know it works on me, if I see 'porn' in the title I click] but when the warning is true, and not a bait, and people see something that they didn't actually want to see, then they have to leave mean comments, and be rude.
I know it's happened to me before, I know it's happened to some of the best artists in the PP, and it happened to another artist recently, and I also know I can't do anything to change that, but I do hope with the new staff and mods of Gaia there will come more consequences and respect for the members who have been here longer.
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