Avatar Arena 2: With A Vengeance |
On my last Avatar Arena rant, I just gave some examples of some rather hackneyed ideas for avatar entries. Now I'm gonna get a little meaner and actually show you ten actual entries that I hate to death. You know, just so you get an idea of what I'm talking about. The usernames remain anonymous, however, I will be including the titles of the entries.
Let's start with my Week 26 entry, actually, since I'm a selfish little betch.
 I like to think it's Gaia's first Christina Aguilera cosplay. From the Candyman video. I'm getting some pretty shitty feedback for it. Apparently it looks too plain. What do you expect it to be, Vash the Stampede or something? So what if it looks plain. 1. limited resources (the only short sleeve "sailor" top they had was white; if it was blue, it wouldn't look like "Sailor Moon in a police hat" wink . 2. IT'S A COSPLAY. What, do you expect me to pimp my avi with ten thousand MCs? Sorry I tried to make it look like the picture.
Now for the Hall of Shame.
1. I forgot what this one was called. Something about Halloween.
 Lol, set. Sets are a no-no in the arena, my friend. Basically this is one of the Jacked Up sets (I'm not quite sure which one though), and some skeleton stuff, and demonic anklets. Overdone, woot!
2. This one called himself the "Collector Of Souls."
 Mhm. Goth theme, fire, horns, sickle...yep. Seen it. Should've used the ten kabillion gold you spent on that Elegant top on a more unique outfit.
3. Winner of the most retarded title so far, "Avatar Of Fire."
 Oh, yeah, with your fire and your kimono, yr real unique. Oh, and it's a fox, too! I didn't bother to read the story, but I assume it involved something about our character being or becoming a kitsune or something. Wow, original.
4. Our next shamer didn't even bother to title her avatar--how original!
 This is the kind of avatar that has its pros and cons. It does tell us that the user behind the avatar doesn't take themselves too seriously, which is ok with me. However, it is the Avatar Arena, and it'd be a good idea to create a real mind-blowingly creative avatar. This is mostly cheap stuff. Zebra stuff, and the Amigo pants. I'm not quite sure about the emo glasses.
5. Meet "The Devil Himself."
 Of course not being able to see your face is totally sinister. And all the fire?! Awesome! Not really! Just find as much red stuff as you can that fits and then it should allllll work out. And look--a Gwee. You know, Gwees are cute, I agree. But that does NOT mean they work with your avatar. AT ALL. That also goes for Momos, Mimzys, Mokona hats, Labu necklaces, Kikis, Cocos, Mochis, the robots, and almost all other MCs.
6. In the cosplay division, we have "Moon Chii."
 Okay, here's a reason why the Doll Ears were a BAD IDEA for an item. Every single week, without fail, there's at least two or three Chii cosplays. Sure, it's Chii's general style, it's not a bad avatar, but it's just overdone. So you're a Chobits fan. Good for you. But do realize that with Chobits' popularity, Chii avatars would be common. Find some new material, people...
7. I came across someone whose title was the same as their username, so since I'm not totally mean, I'm keeping them anonymous.
 This is just one of those "i just wanted to see how my avi would do in the arena!!! vote plz!!!" entries. Obviously zero creativity was put into it, and zero effort. The set was probably acquired via the Daily Chance, if she didn't buy them. That just screams lazy. Sorry chica.
8. It would appear that "Naruto, Sexy Jutsu" would like to bring sexy back, in the most otaku way possible.
 Now, I knew something bad would come out of releasing the new pigtail style, as well as the cloud item. We got a lot of Sexy Jutsu entries in the arena before, but now it's hit a fever pitch, apparently. May as well make a set out of it.
9. It's another reaper...
 Dark colors? Check. Invisible face? Check. Shadow Spirit? Check. Armor? Check. Sickle? Check. Creativity? Oh, we're a little short on that...
10. Lastly, we'll meet the "Good Girl Pirate."
 Nothing really pirate-ish about this at all. Just some beachy clothes, ratty looking hair, and a water meat. She claims to be a "pirate" in her description, but apparently, she just wanted an excuse to go into the arena. Bad idea.
Now that we've seen some pretty shitty ones, let's look at three avatars that really impressed me.
The first one is "The Goat Girl."
 What troubles me about this avatar is now that we have the Western Zodiac item, we'll be seeing a lot of these. But this girl can take pride in the fact that she took the trend by the horns (pun intended) before everyone else did. For now, it's a rather unique and cute idea. Crymson approves!
Second on my list is the one, the only, "Avatar Spotlight!"
 I don't know what this item is being used here, but I love it and the play on the title there. Good for you!
Last but certainly not least is "Gran'ma?"
 What a creative avatar you have! All the better to amaze you with, my dear. The newsprint items don't really go over well at all on most avatars, but this is the best use of one I've ever seen.
Hopefully you learned something from me. If it's on Cartoon Network, it shouldn't be cosplayed.
Did you see your entry here? If so, don't be blue. Consider it an honor to have your avatar placed in my journal. I only pick a few.
And that's what I get for riding the Cat In The Hat ride at Islands Of Adventure. Twice. I start rhyming.
Melody Starlight · Mon Jun 25, 2007 @ 05:16pm · 1 Comments |