"There were 3 cannibals all becoming of age. But first they had to do a test. The chief summoned them all and told them to each bring back fruit.
The first cannibal came back with a banana.
"Okay" said the chief, "I want you to stick these bananas up your a** without any facial expression, or you will be sacrificed and eaten."
So the first guy got the first one, but half-way through the second one, he burst into tears and said, "I can't do it!"
So the chief locked him in a cage.
The second guy came back. He brought with him 10 small berries.
"Okay" said the chief, "I want you to stick these berries up your a** without any facial expression, or you will be sacrificed and eaten."
The second guy got to the eighth berry and started laughing and laughing. He was taken to the cage.
The first guy looked at the second and said," Oh man, you had it so easy! Why did you start laughing?"
"Because," the second guy started, " I saw the last guy come back with a pineapple!" "
SAKAMI EKU Community Member |