Everyday Random Chatterbox Rp Character
Name: Lily Age: 16 just short in stature so looks a little younger. Race: Human Appearance: Bio: Lives by herself in a small cottage near a forest. Her mother moved to the city for work when Lily was ten but Lily decided to stay. Her mother sends her money so she can still survive though. Lily, herself has become facinated with studying what happens in the forest. No matter when she goes there (though she prefers at night) She always see's something interesting. Her favorite creature is the wolves, real ones, not the half human ones (though they are facinating too). She's currently been trying to track a wolf pack and figure out where it's hunting grounds are and where it's den is so she can study them further but she hasn't found many tracks from them yet. She's usually seen wandering the woods with a journal, flashlight, flute (That she's been trying to lear to mimic bird calls with), and a small knife always sheathed at her side with a special rune carved into it for protection just in case. She would much prefer to run but one must be prepared. The rune embedded in it allows her to call out a special phrase in the acient language of latin, which she has studied for three years, and it will fly back to her hand (handle first) in case she needs to throw it then run.