Melissa sat on her bed drawing for a long time. She was skatching a picture of a cat in the forest. When she finished she stared at the sketch for a long time, amazed of how well it turned out. She had never really sat down and drawn much. She closed her notebook and put it away into her backpack. Lenny jumps onto her bed. Maybe I can try to talk to him...Arica said I had's worth a try. "So, Lenny. Why don't you lik ebeing by the window?" she asked him softly. The little pixie replied "The pixie hunter is looking for me" Melissa smiled mently to herself, it had worked. "What hunter?" Melissa asked him. "He's a human, like you. He kills us little pixies" Lenny said. "Oh, that horrible" Melissa said. Lenny noded and said "Very little of us are alive." Melissa only noded. She picks up her backpack and said "Let get out for a while. We could use the fresh air" Lenny noded and hoped into the side pocket. Melissa put her backpack on and walked out of the tent, out of camp, and into the forest to the cave were she got the henna tattoos. She lay down in the patch o flowers and quickly fell asleep.
The dream wasn't different from the other ones she had at home. Everything was fine, nothing had changed but her realtionship with Becky and David. She was hanging out with her 'friends'. They weren't really her friends, they just hung out with her because Melissa was so popular. Her only real friend was Becky, who hated her guts. But, oddly, David was with her. He was with her back at her home. Which made her realize that this was only a dream.Then, David had kissed her, and she felt like she was falling, everything was black. She was alone in the coldness. It felt liek time was growing longer, seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours, hours turned into days, and days turned into years. Coldness seemed to crawl over her. Like she was being dipped in freezing water. She could move, she coudl brreath, but she had no warmth in her body. Then she saw David in the distance, she stood up and started running towards him. He reached out anf moved her hair from her eyes, gaving her another kiss. The coldness left ehr body and she wakes up and sees......
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