I have a NEW avatar!!!!!!!!! YAY ME!!! *claps!*
My friend and I have finally realised that instead of being her being like Kakashi and me being like Obito, or her being like someone and me being like someone else, we're MOST like Itachi and Kisame! ^_^ Without the phsycotic and mindless killings, of course... >.> Well, I don't think my teeth qualify as shark teeth ... I don't know what shark teeth look like...Yeah, no, I have like... only four shark teeth... heh the rest are baby canine teeth! ^_^"
 AHAHAHAHA!!! Of ccouuurrssseee...... YUP! I don't know what to say... I'm at... A LOSS OF WORDS!!! surprised OMFG IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!?! ...UHM! Maybe it's because I'm drinking Coke... Coke is very parching... for your mouth... -no duh dumbarse...>.>- eh I'd drink milk but I have a fever and milk uhm stimulates the fever... so... no milk. WHAT THE HELL SHARKS DO NOT HAVE GRILLS!! OR WHATEVER THEY'RE CALLED!!!!!! -.- Okay then... yup....
Well, my friend CAN be cold blooded sometimes.... Like, one time, she DIDN'T SAY THANK YOU TO SOMEONE WHO HELD THE DOOR FORHER!! OMFG!! -yup that's my idea of cold blooded learn it live it love it- And I love fish! All types of fish... heh I love meat though. It's the best! I can't stand raw vegetables... or cooked vegetables.... or my older stepsister.... who's a vegetable. I'm gonna eat her! No not really I just felt like saying that...

Tilly_Witch · Tue Jul 24, 2007 @ 10:31am · 2 Comments |