The Faults of Having a Credit Card
When you're shopping online, everything seems to be MUST-HAVES. Sometimes, logical reasoning just seems to jump out the window and I won't understand what had just happened until I watch my bills soar. smile At times I wonder what I really need. Sure, I've got a list of things to buy first, but when there are such good deals to be had, I can't seem to say no. I'm really happy though that I don't have to worry about money as of yet. But things could get really bad for me if I continue on the way I am. I mean, I have a budget to keep right? Why am I not keeping to my budget? I have to be more strict on myself. who cares if a pay as you go phone is only thirty dollars? I don't even need a new one! I can't turn into a shop a holic now. Who knows when I'll need those extra thirty dollars?