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i love all my friends, family, and love my baby
Second Twin Krissy
Name: Krissy Noel Klank
Family: Mom, Dad in Egypt, twin sister Kathrin, living with their grandmother
Crush: Ryo Bakura
Height: 5'6"
Weight:160 lbs.
Eye color: Green eyes
Hair color: Short blonde hair with two blue bangs
Glasses or contact lenses: Glasses
Manners: She is very polite, kind, understanding, sometimes clueless, clumsy, loves to read any book, and scaredy cat sometimes
Habits: write poems when she is sad
Health: healthy all the way
Hobbies: Playing her guitar and singing with her sister and their band, Drawing, listening to music, dancing, making friends, and sometimes play duel cards.
Favorite Sayings: “ Oh bothersome....” “ Sis! Where is My Snuggle p***y cat?!?!” “ I will always have faith in my sister and myself.”

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