I was looking around different forums, and saw a topic about world peace, and if this goal is actually obtainable. Within a couple seconds, the answer "no" was already in my mind, and I decided to take a look at the thread. After reading, I decided that I'd make my answer right here in my journal.
I feel world peace will not, and cannot be achieved. Ever. People as a whole are ignorant, judgemental, close-minded, intolerant, and enjoy conflicts a bit too much for world peace to go any further than a dream... and a popular saying for beauty pageant contestants. neutral
As long as there are things to argue about, people will argue about them. And mankind naturally wants to win every sort of argument. Destroying your "opponent's" argument with your "facts," and "more important" opinion is how typical arguments go. Some even forget their point, and are simply arguing to get the last word. Pretty pathetic, eh? Just picture that. Two people arguing for so long, they are far from their original subject, and are only trying to get the last word. sweatdrop Too many religions, sexual preferences, races, cultures, and... um, sodas for people to not argue. Yes, I said soda. People DO argue over which soda is the best, and you'll be surprised how heated they get. Hell, people argue over anime all the time, so you KNOW people will argue over politics.
Not enough people can have a conversation with two different viewpoints without it turning into an argument. For an example, I'm religious. I believe in God, I believe in Jesus and the sacrifices Jesus did for us all. A friend of mine isn't religious, and believes the Bible is pretty much myth. I stated my opinion, my friend stated their's... then guess what? We switched subjects. 3nodding You see, as someone with Christian beliefs, I believe I should spread the word. But I know the difference between offering knowledge to those willing to learn, and forcing your opinion on someone who has no interest in learning. Because we both knew that no amount of talking would sway each other's beliefs, we found something new to talk about. We ACCEPTED the fact that we differ in some views. No argument there. Now, I'm not saying that we're better than everyone else because of how we handle situations such as that, but there are many people who would've handled that quite differently. THAT'S why we cannot have world peace.
Jaiden Stryker · Tue May 24, 2005 @ 12:13am · 0 Comments |