Stitches for My Broken Heart
INTRO: Singing in the meadows, sleeping in the shadows of our betrayal Like no one will forgive us, our tongues are sealed We won’t find comfort anywhere but in each other
Whoah Whoah Whoah
R: Trying to find warmth in a place impossible to We stand in the artic of the cold-hearted Where the only source of warmth is The dim-lit candle given to you from me Trying to forget yesterday, today, and tomorrow
Whoah Whoah Whoah
V1: Our love’s a burden filled with tragedy and irony Forgetting we are enemies, forbidden love Never tasted to sweet, my lips are tingling And just the thought of you makes my heart sink
Whoah Whoah Whoah
V2: The story of my life, its misery It’s soon forgotten, we never said We’d be happy, only for a little while I feel like you’re the only one who gets me
Whoah Whoah Whoah
Whoah Whoah Whoah
You are the only one who I am waiting for
Whoah Whoah
Special Thanks To: Death_Kittey: For five or six of these lines (that I modified) to help inspire this song. That Was Really Cool of You. Thanks.
 {Waiting for Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu's Second Season!☼♥☼♥☼♥☼}
Panic Like Kitty-Chan · Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 04:09am · 0 Comments |