Name:Nixjust Orian Wave Age:16 Sex:Male Sexuality:Straight Occupation:Fire Seeker Element:Water/Ice Weapon:Halberd 
Family:Wonderers who have followed their own path. His mother is Late. Abilities: Under any given pressure or extraordinary anger; Nixjust can change into his darkside, Xinjust. Xinjust is 1000 times stronger than Nixjust, and battles in the ways of the shadows. Nix and his friends are constantly battling this foe when he is summoned. Xin's views and goals are never known. He is the master of riddles and always keeps you in the dark on things. His outlook is simple and clean, he hates the light, and thinks darkness is the only way. To submit this threat, Nixjust made a deal with Xinjust. Nix will not banish Xin from his body, if Xin agrees to help fight when called upon.
Story Summary: Born and raised on Waterstone Isle, Nix was seen as a weakling. Unable to master his element, his village often viewed him as naught, but a pathetic waist of a human vessel. His father feared, that Nixjust would never be able to control the water, as written in his destiney stone at Nix's birth. Diwin((Nix's Father)) opened a demonic chest deep within their basement. Within it, held the feather of the pheonix demon. Dinwin attached the feather to an arrow, and shot Nixjust with it. On contact, the feather's demonic powers were sealed within Nix's heart, forever destroying the thought of Nix being weak. 3 years later, Grayson ((Nix's big brother)) asked for the power of the demon. Nix naively bestowed the powers apon Grayson. Grayson wasn't able to handle the power though. Mistakenly absorbing the powers, he was possesed by the demonic power, and soon burnt down his whole Village. The water villagers, are almost exticed, and only a few remain. As a survier, Nix travels the world. Now, with his mastery of the water, he drifts the globe to destroy any opposition of the flames.
Personality:Dispite his foresaken childhood, Nix is just like anyother person. He's an upbeat teenager, that has a strong since of justice. Though he is quick to anger and very naieve, He would do anything for a friend. Nix is often lay back and calm. While his best friend's Kip's energy, wonders him to no end. Nix is seldom weak on his own, but with his friends there, surrounding him with courage, Nix's gains the bravery and strength needed to win any battle. In other words, he fights better in a party rather than on his own, which is the total opposite for most people, who'd rather fight alone. Nix is very dependible. Because of his childhood, Nix wants to prove himself to the world. He would do anything to help another, and put's others before himself. He wants to prove to the world that he isn't an empty vessel, that his life does have a purpose. Nix's Personal Thoughts: Life is near perfect with Ayame. The only thing missing is that they're currently separate. Nixjust quest to see Ayame once again someday.

Sig: You are calm, cool, and collected. You are Nixjust Orian Wave.
Behold the power of water:
Nixjust · Tue Sep 11, 2007 @ 09:41pm · 2 Comments |