I love my brother but some times he can get really annoying. I know he is spoiled and that he has diabetes but I didn't know he was that spoiled. A few days ago I wasn't feeling all that good so I was laying on my bed and my brother came in and wanted to play a game with me so I did but I didn't like the game he was playing so after we played it one time I asked him if we could play a different game well he got mad at me and said he would play it by his self so I was like OK and laid back down after that he left the room and he wanted to watch TV well all of the TVs was being use so he came back in my room and I let him watch my TV. Well after a while he started playing with me and my sisters things and I asked him to put them down because they was really important to me and my sister and I didn't want him to brake them well he didn't lessen to me and I didn't fell like getting up and taking them from him so I just let it go. After that he got bored and asked me if I want to play cop with him I said no so then he start jumping on me and kept trying to put this thing on my hand even throw I said no and he didn't stop ether I didn't want to hurt him so I didn't push him off of me I just kept asking him to stop. It took him a while before be did then he said fine you don't want to play with your only brother then left the room. I when to take a shower and I tolled my mom that I was going to take a shower then My mom ask me to go talk to my brother that he is saying stuff like no one likes me and that he is going to run away I mean come on he is 6 years old what kind of 6 year old runs away? I went to go talk to him any way and he said I was being mean to him and I was think like you was the jumping on me, I didn't do a thing to you, but I just tried to explain that I didn't feel good but he didn't understand and I end up making him cry so I tolled my mom that I couldn't help him and she said it was OK. Don't get me wrong he is my only brother and I do play with him and I understand what he gos throw with the diabetes but should my mom really lat him get oh most every thing he wants?
no she shouldnt. my lil bro isnt six but is spoiled. not too bad but he is. you should have told your that your werent feeling well and he was jumping on you. that aint right for him to jump on you while being sick. he should know better.