Good Morning World..
something to know about me is that I love coffee. I mean I drink it to an unnatural amount. I think on average I have around 8-10 pots of coffee a day. Now of course I don't drink the whole pot, usually around 8 cups in my 12cup pot. So figure I drink on average about 64 to 80 cups of coffee a day. Phew !!
Some people would be concerned that this isn't healthy. Well.. no, of course it's not healthy. stare
But I really enjoy it. It has gotten' to the point that people know on my birthdays or Christmas to simply bring me coffee packages and "crackers" (cakes and cookies). Honestly I enjoy it a lot.
wahmbulance But you might wanna' consider getting me a pendant that can dial the hospital if I should run out. I am not entirely sure what my body is running on without it.
Larry Peppard · Fri Sep 21, 2007 @ 12:50pm · 0 Comments |