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Yo momma.
Hi, I'm ivory effin soap. Ivory Soap comes from some random nickname I got in elementary school. I don't even know how, but anyway, it is. My name is really Ivy, I sometimes spell it Iveh, 'cause it makes my name one letter longer. huzzahwhoo~ Um, I'm also known as Kway, and Soren and Tripleh and a bunch of other names 'cause I'm radicool. If that makes sense.

I'm a girl. I'm something years old, and I'm not going to tell you, because, uh, because. I'm really kinda young, and if you postalk me, you can probably find out. Haha. Screw you, lazy asses. [/hypocrite] I live in Canada, British Columbia to be a bit more exact. I come from the same town as Terry Fox. [he's amazing but thanks to him I caught a cold because I had to run in the rain.] [his leg use to scare me.] [it still kinda does.] I think I'm straight, but right now, I feel pretty ******** asexual. [maybe because the guys around here are. well. ******** retarded.]

I like music a lot. I can't say it's my life but it is /part/ of my life. My favorite bands at the moment are Marianas Trench, and My Chemical Romance. Those are simply my top two [and tie if I had to choose just one] and I listen to a lot of other music, too. But if I had to live my life listening to only two bands, it'd be Marianas Trench and My Chemical Romance. srsly. mt and mcr ftw. <3 uh, yeah. Anyway. I prefer listening to men sing over women. I don't know why. I just do. I listen to quite a few bands. I'm too lazy to list them, so you can just look at my interests. Go, you lazyass. Go. Look.

I like random things. I like penguins. I like lemons. I like the smell of green apple air freshener. I like synchronized and choreographed dancing. Or synchronized movement in general. [don't ask why because i don't know.] I like accents. Not engrish accents. [like when you miss a word everywhere. like 'i no speekuhh englashhhhh'] I like English accents. And Australian accents. I like it when people sing with accents. I like cows. And lime green nail polish. And purple hairdye. But Colorpulse can just kiss. my. a**. I like bandslash. A lot. [Frerard ftw. I like Peterick, too. cough.]

I swear a lot. Maybe too much for my age. Oh well. I can like, not-swear if I try really hard. Sadly, '********' rarely leaves my list of everyday vocabulary. I speak French, English, and Cantonese. I can't write in Chinese or read, aside from my own name, but I'm trying. [by the way. I'm Chinese. yaaaay.] My French kinda sucks. I only started French immersion in September '06. [et si tu vois que j'ecris le francais sans les accents, c'est parce que je suis une lazyass. je m'excuse. j'adore the fringlish quand je ne sais pas le mot on francais.] I like to speak French out of school. But not at school. I don't know why. I play the alto saxophone, and kinda the guitar. [... I know like, tiny bits and pieces of my favorite songs. Like I can play the do do do doro do do part in This Ain't A Scene. I think that's about it.] I like to prank the people at

One day, I want to be a therapists, or a psychologist. or a school counselor. You know? Like you go and see them when you need 'help'. Perhaps it won't work out because I'm not all that patient. Maybe then I'd have to see a therapist, too. Sometime in my life, I want to work in the industry of music. Maybe work at a record label or something. Or a CD store. [and since the ones around here get like, what, ten customers a day? i would get paid to sit around. whoo.] [I've heard a story from a friend. She walks into a CD store and the cashier shouts "YES, MY SECOND CUSTOMER IN A WEEK!"] I would want to be a band. But I have no band-like skills. [like, singing/drums/guitar. haha. me fail. =(]

I don't really have a favorite book. I have a hard time reading because I'm distracted easily. So I have like, a dozen unfinished books lying around. Like, Twilight and Everybody Hurts. And Eragon [which by the way, resembles Star Wars? o.O] and You Can Run and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I recently actually finished a book, though, called "I am the Wallpaper". It was very, very interesting.


My favorite movie is probably Accepted. Who doesn't love a movie that says 's**t' 62 times? [but after that, my mom told me to be careful with my language. srsly.] I WANT TO GO TO S.H.I.T. Umm... I also like the Pink Panther, Chuck and Larry and Evan Almighty. Bridge to Terabitha is... kinda not that great. I spent most of the time anticipating Leslie's death. I'm sorry. D'x I want to see National Treasure, and Children of Men. And the Bourne Ultimatum looks kinda interesting. Oh yeah. I want to see Transformers. And Sunshine. And possibly Hot Rod. And the Invasionnnnnn. And that's about it.
... I would watch High School Musical if Patrick Stump was it.
And did all the singing.
That would be cool.

I really like musicals, but sadly I've never seen one. I also like show tunes. And a lot of songs on commercials. Teehee.

No one really knows what I look like. [online, anyway] I rarely show people my pictures. Or almost never. I'm basically some Asian girl, with long-ish black hair and dark-ish brown eyes. For an asian, I think I sunburn pretty easily. I was at an outdoor swimming pool with with waterslides for about a day, and I had this huge, disgusting burn on my forehead. Actually, today, too, I went outside for a bit and I got another burn. On my face. And kinda on my arm, too. Ew. :[ I wear t-shirts and polos, mainly. And the occasional tanktop and spaghetti strap outside of school. I love hoodies. Because. Yeah. I have this cool reversible hoodie. I also have this hoodie that has this nice print that everyone in grade five signed. And I have these short sleeve ones with rainbows and flowehs and butterflies. They're cute. x3 I wear jeans most of the time. The only makeup I wear is eyeliner and lip gloss, and that's only like, sometimes.

I don't like a lot of things. I hate OC/Made Up Female. [for example, Harry Potter/random female.] Which is why I read sporked fics. =D I hate this one fanfic. It's like, a MCR/HP crossover. And the pairing is Gerard/Random Made Up Girl. The girl has a band [girl = vocals, Hermoine = guitar, Draco = guitar, Ginny = bass, Blaise = drums] that plays MCR covers at the opening ceremony thing. [i forget, haven't read HP in a while.] AND SHE SWEARS A LOT. O_O IN FRONT OF DUMBELDORE. [who happens to be a MCR fan. wtf?!] And she's the cliche'd outcast girl. Yet when she sings she sounds like Gerard [who by the way, is a 30 year old man. but in this fic, is only 17, goes to ******** Hogwarts but STILL has released three albums.] ... and yeah. I haven't read the rest. [and the only reason I read it was 'cause it was sporked. oh, bless you, sporkers. <3]

Um, I hate celery. Because celery sucks and can just kiss. my. a**. like colorpulse. I don't really like Hip Hop, or/and R&B or/and rap. You know? Some songs out there are just about sex, drugs, and alcohol. Most 'mainstream' music gets on my nerves. The Beat, which is the radio station just about frickin' everyone listens to here, is like... terrible, honestly. I hate most of the songs they play. That's why I listen to cFox. Avril Lavigne annoys me. [... I think she's one of the world's most hated Canadians.]

I hate the weird itchy feelings. I hate it when people tell unbelievable lies. One time, my friend told me she went to Paris for a week. But you know HOW she told me? She phoned me. And we weren't even out of school for a week yet. And believe me, I saw her at the last day of school so she didn't leave early or anything. One time, some girl claimed to be Gerard Way's 12 year old sister. And that Gerard Way is really a 17 year old drop-out. And they like to snowboard. I find it creepy when people pretend to be like, celebrities, on youtube and stuff. I find it HIGHLY ANNOYING when people say stuff like "i want pete wentz' babiez" But I like to jokingly say that I would rather Pete had MY babies. mpreg lol.

I have a thing for bandslash. Bandslash rocks. Seriously. Bandslash is yaaaaay. [it owns marysue/ofc x real person because at least frankxgerard is kinda... kinda real. CLICK HERE FOR FREE FRERARD.] But I can't stand ones that are like, just sex. At least have some sort of story line. Like, Patrick is making pancakes when Pete suddenly comes up and surprise! sexes him.

I don't know why I'm writing this down, but here's how I make my coffee. I use this cappuccino mix, and I add sugar and creamer and sometimes chocolate syrup. And then I add hot water and milk. Stir and then I put in tons of that vanilla stuff. And then whipped cream. The end.