(I copied and pasted this ok xD) I am back from the convention! Tis sad I came back to early but my moher was getting pissed off xD I walked in and went to register and after I did some guy ran up to me and says 'Renji~ can I take you picture?' xD I got so happy and said yea so I posed with Zabi on my shoulder and all. I walked with him on my shoulder for a while. I got about 5 people that stopped me to take a picture. I also got a cool costume commnt from a hitsugaya and some others xD I Painted chopsticks and played some japanese and amrican games in the panal room. We played a jap. version of red light green light, we played fruits basket, some game when you walk around in a circle with some one in the middle and sing a song and when you stop the peorson in the middle has to guess who is behind them, and dodge ball >D
The unnamed game was awsome xD We were picking songs to sing and I said 'Sailor Moon!' all the guys were like Noooo~ and there was a Rukia next to me and she says 'Renji what's wrong with you!' xD She stood next to me on purpose though =3 Some of the songs we sang were the pokemon theme song, sailor moon, peanut butter jelly time, The mario theme song, and the family guy theme song xD also they threw a ball and whoever caught it was in the middle so i go for it and end up falling down and start laughing and veryone was asking if i was alright and one of the people tried picking me up and i was like no i am fine xD It was really awsome cause later a leaped for it and got it xD
Fruits Basket: I managed to stay in both games xD yay~ I was a bananna and a strawberry. The girl made me strawberry cause my pink hair xD It was awsome cause we took a 5min break before game 2 and they were handing out water and said ok whoever catches it gets it and so i go low jumping around ready to catch it xD I took air sips then started choking xD People were laughing at me and when I stopped I was like 'Who wants it? I only took air sips?' They all started laughing and some girl wanted it so i gave it to her. The game gets very violent when more people get out xD We had a good number of people fall backwards on the chair. It was like Damn you can keep it. Chair claimage to the extreme~ xD
Red light green light: Well the only really funny things were when the guy was saying 'the doll fell down' (or something like that' This guy leaped and landed on him stomach xD We were all laughing so hard. Running back was the most dangerous cause it was basically a stampede of people...and then when Neko style Ed (FMA) was it he goes 'Stop. Hammer time' xD he was so funny
Dodgeball: Dodge ball was amazing. I started spining around like a maniac and everyone stops running around (I spun counter clock-wise the ran go clock-wise) and they all stopped and were like 'Holy s**t! Run!' xD I scared them all. I went twice then stopped cause i was so dizzy I was falling over. It was really fun though =3 People learned to fear Renji xD
I also saw an Aizen Me: aww i never saw Aizen =/ Random Guy: Oh there's one coming down the hall Me: Really?! AIZEN!!!! *runs down hall to Aizen* Aizen! Aizen: o.o yea? Me: Omg are you Hikaru? Hikaru from gaia? Aizen: *is completely comfused* uhm... uhhh... what? Me: aww forget it *runs back to the panal room sulking* It wasn't my Aizen...;_; I got so excited then got really upset xD Maybe it was Hikaru...or C-zor. C-zor said he was going right o.O That poor Aizen was so confused >3
Ah well. That was my very exciting adventure in the panal room. I can't pick a favorite game >.< My badge got ripped off during Fruits Basket though and asked around for glue and this girl gave me cloth tape and Kakashi *who was sitting next to me* was laughing cause I had to bite it 6 times for it to finally give me a piece. A piece of the tape got stuck to my 2 front teeth and everyone was laughing. I was dying. Tape doesn't taste good and doesn;t like coming off... I miss those wacky people. Especially Kitty Ed (FMA) xD) His bell was a bother during the red light green light thing though xD The thing would move and he would have to go to the front of the room and hold hands with the demon xD (The demon was the guy in the front who called out ' The doll fell down' and if we tagged him everyone he/she caught moving who are up there holding his hand are freed and everyone runs back to the start)
Cosplay Chess: It was boys vs. Girls and Haruhi's father was playing on the girls side and Hisaki (The cool on with the 86 on his cheek from bleach. Srry if the name is wrong) had to take her out and he gets in his pose and haruhi's father runs out of the room off the board xD Haruhi started screaming 'Daddy~!' xD Kira was on the board and he used his death not to kill Kikiyo (weird i know xD). The gai was on the board too xD He walked in and did that hilarious gay pose x3 One of his teammates borrowed Kira's deathnote and asked how to you spell gai and the girls were screaming 'G-A-I Sensei!' xD I forget who it was but oh well. I bet they will put videos of it up on youtube soon. I didn't bring my camra so I was pissed xD *That girl from fruits basket Tohru? had Kyo beating all the pieces she was supposed to take out xD She was a killing machine. Unforunatly histsugaya killed Kyo and her with his sword xD
I met a guy hinata xD It was hilarious. I miss everyone fronm the panal room T^T They were all so awsome. Me and this girl who were oth strawberries always just swapped seats xD We always sat next to eachother and when the circle got so small I told her 'Ok you jump over me and i'll go under you' xD It was a very violent game. Bananas get no love. There were like 4 of them out of the 7 left in the circle xD *is a proud banana and strawberry*
I played a few akatsuki members in guitar hero too and won xD
Kuro__Yuki · Sat Oct 06, 2007 @ 10:29pm · 1 Comments |