ok im having a new thing i ned u to have buisness with me to talk to me thank u very much if u have buisness like a TOPIC FOR ME come to me with it and i will converse with u on said topic humorous or serious whichever i see fit for the ocasion so yes i prefer that but if ur a really good friend of mine like a REALLY REALLY good friend of mine or just someone that is really desperate well not desperate but wants to talk to me becasue i juts added u or something fell free o and if ur newer all new gaians are welcome to talk to me i am kind to knew ones and teach them vital gaia info and if i like u may add u and talk to u on a regular basis^_^ well that turned out longer than expected.... wanna se wat i will look like in RL in a few years (maybe gaia if i stay on because it actually is a pretty heavy burden becasue its like work and im crazy lazy^_^) jk ill be on for a long time becasue i have nothing better to do yea me in RL and gai in near future.... arent i col looking? they are my current body gurards ^_^ (my avi but idk how to put it here) woot! bug me and my security will kill u!
reiuss23 Community Member |
Community Member