Retard ball xD
First off, when I say retard ball I mean soccer, but not your regular old soccer, I mean the soccer people at my school play in P.E. So this is how it starts, a bunch of idiots gather up in a crowd so you can tell who's gonna play retard ball and who's not. After 10 minutes of picking teams (yeah it takes them that long xD ) One goalie throws the ball as far away as he can, not really caring whether it land on a teammate or not. Then some showoffs try to well showoff by headbuting the ball like sea otters and occasionally making goals on their own team. That causes some retards to run around screaming goal for about 30 seconds. When they're not playing retard ball with their heads, they play it with their feet, but instead of kicking the ball a regular person would kick it, they aim to kick it as high as possible (often getting it stuck up where the air vents are or where some volleyball net thingamabob is hung) If the retard ball isn't being kicked onto the ceiling, some fat kids kick the ball as hard as they can (probably taking out some aggressions at home) and often in the wrong direction. But out of all this, the most retardedly retarded part of retard ball is when the ball gets caught on one of the bleachers that wasn't pushed completely back on the wall. In the case, you would have one retard ball player try to kick it out and have another retard waiting to take it out, which often prevents the first retard from getting it out. Then more retards come just to make a group trying to get one retard ball. Well I was just thinking up this whole thing in P.E. while I was playing basketball/standing around doing nothing while other people played retard ball. rofl
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