Enter the darkness where Shadows and Creatures of the night linger and dwell...
A creature of fire and shadows.
The creature I've become cannot be undone...I am as I am. In the depths of my soul it calls to me..., the moon-my mother, the darkest night sky-her gown and cloak, all the stars-my sibblings...they call to me, even reach down for me, to embrace me...eternal. I travel with them ever watching over me, ever calling too me, ever within me possessing my soul, caressing my soul, ever within me.
Little campfires burn over the valley cloaked in darkness...giving frightened mortals warmth and false security, false hopes for the dawn of a new day, but were they to look into their fire light with eyes that would but see...there they would see me...I am dancing, watching, burning brightly, my red glowing eyes peering back upon them, my dancing for encroaching upon them stalking ever closer, then drawing back in a never endingly seductive dance that only shadow and fire know...Calling to them as mother calls to me...calling to them, reaching for them, embracing them...eternal.