puellamagnampraedam which came first? the chicken or the egg or the egg or the chicken or the chicken or the egg? the world may never know.. gonk
puellamagnampraedam Serie.Bloo puellamagnampraedam Serie.Bloo Egg-- Because another animal could've layed that egg then it soon formed into a chicken. Like humans and apes. but then who layed the previous animal? Maybe a pteridactal... then the pteridactal cross-breeded with an ape. Then they had a soon-to-be-chicken. Then the soon-to-be-chicken layed a real chicken. Weirdly shaped alien-like chicken. who layed a really real chicken. ah! it all makes sense now! eek
Serie.Bloo puellamagnampraedam Is there life outside of this universe? Yes. Probably. The other stars probably have other big asteroids or meteors around them. If the given rock is far enough from the star, air will be there and where there is air, there is life.
puellamagnampraedam Serie.Bloo puellamagnampraedam But how could we ever be sure? Could we have contact with the other life and be positive? It would be millions of years to get to other universes. We can be sure. There are millions of trillions of universes out there. There must be one other that has life. but you could only imagine what it would be like. we couldnt get images from their home or again even an awareness of their existense
Serie.Bloo Yes, it true. Maybe there aren't possibilities. But there must. It even said in my science sheets. Maybe even Mars' life will soon be life like us in a million years. Or It might have already been us. Then it died.
Abduct Bone Crazy · Thu Jun 23, 2005 @ 11:32pm · 3 Comments |