What goes on in my Supervisor's head...?
I truly am interested in knowing what voice in my Supervisor's head says it's okay to ask me to stay appox. 15 minutes over my shift, promising that she'll be back at around six o' clock, not having her phone turned on, allowing someone to leave five hours early, having only one store manager remain, and not returning by six, seven, eight, or nine, so I can leave?
Yeah...today, I was about five hours into my seven-hour shift, and my Supervisor asked this favor of me: "Stay for a bit until I get back at six, give or take a few minutes." Well, I said yes, I could use the extra two-fifty on my check. Six came and went...seven came and went...eight came and went...and I finally decided it was time to leave at ten till nine. Amazingly, the store manager was unaware that I was in overtime, and once he learned that I was scheduled until a quarter until six, he told me to leave, stating that I "can't get overtime." So, this leads me to believe that he didn't hear my Supervisor ask me earlier, he forgot, or he was out of his mind, because his body was nearby. What's more, I'm lead to thinking that he'll request my overtime earn be "unapproved," so I won't earn more than my share, despite the fact that I did the responsibilities of two and a half people. More than my damn share.
I'm so [********' pissed at my Supervisor. She says I can call her, but then her phone's off. I get seven calls asking for her, wondering why she isn't back yet. Apparently, they know where and why she's gone, and all I did was cover her damn shift. Six came, Lisa...you didn't. Seven arrived on time, as always, and still I waited for your return. I handed out breaks, left my Override to a cashier in case it was needed, gave the fuel center their break, handled bitchy customers, took cash register trays ((hiding one under the Service Counter. I told the manager, but he said that's "grounds for termination." What the...WHERE WERE YOU WHEN I CALLED FOR YOU TWO HOURS AGO?!?)), knocked down lines when they formed...where the hell were you, Lisa?
I'm not doing anymore favors for her. ******** them, she didn't take responsibility, making hollow promises instead. I swear to god, if they disallow my three hours overtime, I'm gonna cuss somebody out.
My dad tells me he's proud of me for working so hard, but that I should "look through the other person's eyes - see things from their perspective." My mom says "good job, and sorry you had to stay so late."
Thanks, dad, but once again you overlook how I feel. How must it be like when you kindly accept what seems to be a small, almost negligible favor, which snowballs into something that becomes overwhelming with all the responsibilities of a higher position? For god's sakes, I think it's illegal for my to have stayed that long, but I did it because it needed doing. It was too stressful for me to handle afterward - I think I broke down crying three times tonight - but still I held strong. See things from their perspective? I know what they need to see. I think they're blind.
Appreciated, mom, really. And I'm sorry I had you wait for fifteen minutes, for nothing. I saw you at six-thirty, and I didn't end my shift until nearly nine. I suppose it's a good thing I called, or else that ice-cream would have melted.
It seems that this night was against me. Thank you, Fate, for the memorable evening, and please know - if this happens again, fires will be started. I won't be around to accept responsibility - Lisa can do it for me, like I did it for her.
Damn it all.
Community Member
Last night I was released 15 minutes late and my break was an hour behind. My manager's all like, "Sorry, we're short people tonight."
Well maybe if you scheduled less people for the day shifts and more during the evening shifts, THIS WOULDN'T HAPPEN.
It's worse in the summer. "Angie, can you stay 4 more hours?"
Of course, inside you're screaming no over and over again. Instead, you just nod your head like a good little brain washed employee. "Yes. I would be thrilled to slave for 4 more hours."
I think we should go on strike. Come Leoshi, we shall form our own union! You gather the southern states and I'll gather the northern ones and we'll meet somewhere in the middle! You bring the cacti, I'll bring the snow.