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Gold-Maker This journal may be filled w/ meaningful thoughts, stories, poems, art or anything i wish.

Dominique Pietro
Community Member
First Money Maker
So i'm trying to make a character resembling Kurt Wagner from the X-Men. His codename is Nightcrawler. He's my second biggest hero. My first is Jesus Christ.
What makes Kurt so amazing is that he's covered in dark blue fur! That's not all though. He was an acrobat back in his younger days. In a travelling circus. His prehensile tail doubles as an extra limb when in need and also quite helpful for some added balance. His eyes are a glowing gold without any noticable pupils. Kurt also has a set or 2 (i can't even remember, which is quite sad...) of fangs. i don't know why i'm explaining all of this when i'm about to post a picture of him... >.<
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After some issues here and there, Kurt joined a monastary and became a catholic priest. A man of God. *swoons* Can it get any better!! Well it does! Looking past the fur and other physical attributes (if YOU'RE not into it) he's a drop dead gorgeous german. heart Anyways, I'm getting tired of doing all this additional typing so this is it for now.
Good night and God bless!