What makes Kurt so amazing is that he's covered in dark blue fur! That's not all though. He was an acrobat back in his younger days. In a travelling circus. His prehensile tail doubles as an extra limb when in need and also quite helpful for some added balance. His eyes are a glowing gold without any noticable pupils. Kurt also has a set or 2 (i can't even remember, which is quite sad...) of fangs. i don't know why i'm explaining all of this when i'm about to post a picture of him... >.<

After some issues here and there, Kurt joined a monastary and became a catholic priest. A man of God. *swoons* Can it get any better!! Well it does! Looking past the fur and other physical attributes (if YOU'RE not into it) he's a drop dead gorgeous german. heart Anyways, I'm getting tired of doing all this additional typing so this is it for now.
Good night and God bless!