I <3 the Gift Giving Thread |
x m i z u n o ATTENTION GIFTGIVING THREADI'm about to cry because of you guys, but I mean in a good sort of way.
I don't know why I feel so mushy now, but I realize I've taken this thread for granted, because from this thread I've met the coolest people ever and the nicest people on Gaia, andI feel like this is my Gaian home.
What I really mean to say is, I trully love everyone in here.( e x c e p t f o r b e g g a r s xD) I guess this is my New Years resolution post for Gaia. 'Cause I'm devoting my Gaian times in here.
Beneventum Loves Hannah You know what Christina, That means alot to me.
I am glad to have shared such a great friendship with you and its thanks to this very thread.
I love you bunches *Hugs* xD heart
Beneventum Loves Hannah x m i z u n o robot_renegade XD 2nd love confession to this thread today! Maybe that's why I'm doing it D: Subliminal confessions I guess.
@Bene I love you, too! You were probably the main reason why I stuck around for so long.
@Rawr Your so sweet, too. I'll always remember your super cool avatars.
@Deviant Hahaha I love you, too.
Awww, Now you are making me cry.
Now I am all mushy. Thats too kind of you to say that. heart crying
i Rawr u Awwwwwwwwwwwwww.... whee we luv u too mizuno xD hehehe ^o^! you r such a nice girl ! yey n.n
Kai Okonai "Wow ,you are just a pile of mush today." XD
Beneventum Loves Hannah You made me burst into tears deary.
After making a nice comment that touched me, I felt blessed. xD
I LOVE YOU! heart
Emily_Bemily x m i z u n o Emily_Bemily Mkay. So I totally adore you. :p The notion just struck me just now to give you all of my gold for your quest, but then I actually stopped and started thinking logically, which is unlike me, but oh well. I've got 42k right now. It makes NO sense to give it all to you now, because then I won't be able to keep helping you, and I'll have nothing to work with on the heavy market days. See, I really only make gold on the 13th-15th of each month, when I join the sealed envelope storm in the marketplace and make as much profit as I can. The thing is, I always spend all of the profit very quickly on gifts, but somehow I've managed to save most of what I made last month. My goal has always been to make 100k. I will stop at nothing to finally achieve that this month. Once I've hit that mark, I'll do everything I can to help you get your Banis. You have my word, whether you want it or not! ^^ EMILY YOU ARE SO SWEET. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW. People like you are why I love Gaia so much. If you need anything at all after I get my Bani's, I'll try my hardest to get it for you.
I'm also glad, that you're putting yourself before my sake, because I would feel absolutely terrible if you would do such a thing, and would never accept it.
I feel like the Gift-giving thread is my home, now. crying You rock my socks, and I love you! =3 (like a sister friend person... >.> wink I sleep now!!!! =D *huuugs!* NIGHT! ^^
R O C K S T A R bby You guys are a cool family. heart
x CHRlSTlNA · Sun Jan 06, 2008 @ 04:00am · 4 Comments |