Chapter 3: Kikyo
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
“Kagome…! Get up, sleepy head!” Sango said enthusiastically, bouncing up and down on Kagome’s bed. Kagome pulled the blankets up over her head, groaning.
“Give me 10 more minutes…” Kagome moaned, closing her eyes tight from under the blanket. Her dreams of Inuyasha had kept her up all night, making her really, really tired. And she had stayed up late because of her ‘dance lessons’ to top it off. She was beyond exhausted, and was about to rip off Sango’s head if she kept bouncing on her bed the way she was.
“Mama wants to meet us at a dance session in an hour, so get up!” Sango yelled the last part and hopped off Kagome’s bed to head into the bathroom to fix her makeup. At the word dance Kagome opened her eyes, wide from under the blanket. When she felt Sango hop off her bed she through the blankets away from her body. She couldn’t wait to go to the dance session for that gave her a chance to see Inuyasha again.
Kagome headed into the occupied bathroom to take a shower. She pulled her lingerie night shirt over her head, and then pulled her cotton black panties off her hips. Her black C34 bra soon added with the rest of her clothes that decorated the bathroom floor. Sango had a rubber band dangling out of her mouth, her hands occupied with putting her hair up into a high pony. Kagome turned the knob on the bathtub wall to the predicted temperature. She felt the water rushing out of the faucet to see if the temperature was correct. After adjusting the water to her perfect temp, really hot, she turned the knob on shower and slipped in the tub, shutting the deep red shower curtains once she was standing in the tub.
“Don’t be too long in there, Kagome! We need to leave soon.” Sango said, finally happy that she had her hair up and out of her face.
“When am I ever in here that long? The longest would be like, what, 30 minutes?” Kagome said laughing because her usually shower time was 15 minutes long. Kagome finished her shower in 20 minutes, longer then usual and started picking out the perfect outfit for dancing. She decided on a white shirt that said ‘I (heart) Lesbians’ in black lettering with the heart red, and a pair of blue jeans with the pant legs rolled up to her knees. (A/N: She is NOT lesbian (obviously) but I really do love my I love Lesbian shirt that I HAD to put it in here.) After that Kagome put on a thin strip of eyeliner, being her only makeup, for she didn’t like wearing too much makeup incase of smearing. (A/N: I don’t wear makeup because you know what they say: You know why girls wear makeup and perfume? It’s because their ugly and they smell bad.)
“Time to go Kagome, mom just called my cell phone telling us to get down there soon.” Sango said, poking her head into the dressing room.
“I’m done already!” Kagome said exasperated. She slipped on her white skater shoes and heading out of the room with Sango by her side.
“Hey, Kagome…!” Hojo yelled from across the distance of the gazebo filled with 18 to 80 year old people trying to dance to the mambo, and Kikyo the dancer she had seen with Inuyasha teaching them the steps.
“Yes…?” Kagome asked braking away from the train of people.
“There is a dance going on tonight. Are you going to go?” Hojo asked.
“I guess…I have nothing better to do.” Kagome replied back casually.
“Then I’ll see you there.” Hojo answered, winking at Kagome. Once he was out of site she made a gagging sound and went back on the gazebo to join the others dancing. She had to be paired up with an old, balding woman, while the dancer Kikyo was paired with was Kagome’s dad.
She had originally wanted to dance with her dad because her dad was everything to her. She was, as you’d say ‘a daddy’s girl’ who told her dad everything. Unlike Sango, who had told there mother everything like most girls would.
Kagome looked down at the old lady who was smiling up at her and sighed. She really did wish that she was dancing with Inuyasha instead. With his silver locks cascading down his back, and deep golden eyes that pierced through to Kagome’s heart. Those long claws gliding along her naked back seductively traveling lower…
Kagome snapped out of her reverie and back down at the old lady, and sighed again.
The gazebo had lights hanged, decorating the scenery around it, along with people dancing to the beautiful melodies that filled the air. Everyone was dressed formally, with tuxedos and gowns. Kagome wore a deep red gown, her favorite color, with her hair up in a sloppy bun. Sango had on a dark purple dress that glittered with her hair in her usual pony.
Inuyasha was dressed in a tux, dancing with the woman named Kagura. Kagome couldn’t take her eyes off of him. His hair was put into a low pony to keep the silver, wild mass in check. All Kagome could think about was running her hands through the thickness… but…Kagura was ruining the image with her existence.
Inuyasha glanced at the girl named Kagome. She looked very beautiful wearing his favorite color and he knew she would look even better without the clingy material. Too bad he had some floozy in his arms instead of the rich girl. No matter how much he felt attracted to the young woman, he would always deny it for he had no time to get caught up in the rich kids… unlike Kikyo who had stepped over the line…
Inuyasha had always been the poor kid, or the scum bag. He always longed to have the right to be born into a rich family, but never got what he desired. So he lived for what he could get instead, which at the moment was the married Kagura, with her huge breasts falling out of the front of her black dress.
Kagome sighed longingly at Inuyasha. She felt someone tap her shoulder so she turned to see who it was…Hojo. ‘Why is he always showing up EVERYWHERE I go?’ Kagome thought to herself, but hid her exasperation by smiling sweetly at him.
“Would you like to take a walk with me?” Hojo asked. Kagome looked around to see where Sango had gone and didn’t see her anywhere. She was about to make up an excuse not to go but took one look at Inuyasha dancing with Kagura and nodded instead. She let him take her hand and drag her away from the other guests.
Inuyasha had heard what Hojo had asked with his keen ears, and growled deep in his throat. He watched as Kagome nodded her head and let the a*****e take her hand and drag her into the forest. Inuyasha very much wanted to be in Hojo’s place, jealousy overtaking him.
“Is there something the matter, Inuyasha?” Kagura asked throatily, trying to sound seductive but failing miserably to heat Inuyasha up.
“Your hair looks so beautiful in the moonlight…” Hojo said stroking Kagome’s raven hair that cascaded down to her mid back, trying to heat Kagome up by being romantic. Kagome just wanted to gag thinking he sounded like a pervert or rapist. Kagome never did like the romantic type of guys because they always embarrassed her. Also, she thought that whatever came out of their mouths sounded just too corny for her.
Just then, Kagome saw Sango walking away from Naraku in a hurried pace while fixing her dress. Kagome didn’t remember Sango walking off with Naraku…
“Naraku… I don’t hear an apology.” Sango said, tripping a little on her high heels.
“Go back to mommy and daddy, and keep listening, Sango. Maybe you’ll hear one in your dreams.” Naraku replied back, walking ahead of her, neither one of them noticing Hojo or Kagome.
Once Sango and Naraku were out of sight Hojo says, “I’m sorry you had to see that, Kagome.” He takes a deep breath and continues. “Sometimes, in this world, you see things you don’t want to see.” Hojo said looking deep into Kagome’s eyes. Kagome inwardly rolls her eyes thinking to herself,
‘No ******** duh, do you think I’m a retard or something?!’ Instead of voicing what she was thinking she looks away from Hojo’s gaze.
“You hungry…?” Hojo asked, thinking of something to take her mind off of what had happened.
“Eh…” Kagome said, for she wasn’t really hungry, just not full.
“Come on…” Hojo said putting a grin on his face while wrapping his arm around her shoulder and leading her to one of the buildings. Once they were in the kitchen section where many fridges were located, Hojo asks, “So, what do you want, Kagome? You can have anything you want.” Hojo opens the closest fridge and starts naming off some foods. “Brownie, milk, leftover rice pudding, meat…” While Hojo was preoccupied with naming off many foods, Kagome looked around. Out of the corner of her eye she sees Kikyo, the female dancer, huddled in the corner with her make-up smeared from crying and shaking real bad.
Kagome reacts immediately and grabs onto Hojo’s arm so he wasn’t facing Kikyo. “Ah, Hojo, I think I better go check on Sango.”
“Really…?” Hojo asks a little disappointed that she didn’t want to stay alone with him.
“Yeah…” Kagome said leading him out of the kitchens.
After departing from Hojo, Kagome quickly informs Miroku of what she had witnesses in the kitchen. Miroku cuts into Inuyasha and Kagura’s dancing and Inuyasha excuses himself from the dance after Miroku’s short explaining.
Miroku and Inuyasha both run off and Kagome follows not knowing what else to do.
“Why is she here?” Inuyasha asks Miroku, after noticing that she had followed.
“I brought her along incase Hojo comes back.” Miroku explains trying not to get on Inuyasha’s bad side, plus he had taking a liking to Kagome.
“Kikyo just doesn’t think!” Inuyasha exclaimed.
“She wouldn’t hurt herself, would she?” Miroku asks, worried for Kikyo’s welfare. Inuyasha just glares at him, his only answer.
“Wh-what’s wrong-what’s wrong with her?” Kagome stutters, trying to keep up with Inuyasha and Miroku’s fast pace.
“She-she’s knocked up, Kagome.” Miroku explains.
“Miroku…!” Inuyasha yells at him for spilling the beans.
Kagome pauses in her walking, “What’s he going to do about it?” Kagome asks Miroku then continues on walking.
“What’s he going to do about it?” Inuyasha says turning around to look at her. “Oh it’s mine, right? Right away, you think its mine.” Inuyasha said turning back around angrily for being accused of sleeping with Kikyo and having him the cause of the pain she was feeling now.
“But I thought…” Kagome trails off, trying to explain but stopping herself. They finally made it into the kitchen to where Kikyo was located. Inuyasha climbs over the counter that had kept Kikyo away from others’ eyes. Inuyasha pulls Kikyo into an embrace, stroking her hair and whispering comforting words in her ear.
Inuyasha picks her up bridal style and all four of them head to another lodge, somewhere where people won’t walk in on them. He wraps her in a blanket and sits her down on the beat up brown sofa.
“You should have come to me in the first place.” Inuyasha said to Kikyo.
“Forget it, Inuyasha. I’m not taking what’s left of your salary!” Kikyo replies back.
“Kikyo, that’s my business!” Inuyasha says, pointing at himself.
“And besides…it wouldn’t be enough…” Kikyo looks down at the ground along with Inuyasha showing their distress. Kikyo starts rubbing her eyes and sobbing. “Oh god, it’s hopeless…”
Kagome steps up and tries to comfort her worries by saying, “Don’t say that. There got to be a way to work it out.”
Kikyo looks up at Kagome, tears still falling down her face. “Kagome, is that your name? …well Kagome, you don’t know s**t about my problems.”
“I told her…” Miroku says.
“Jesus, Miroku! Now she’s going to run and tell her little management boyfriend and we’ll all get fired! Why not just sky rocket ‘Kikyo got knocked up by Naraku the creep’!” Kikyo exclaims.
“Naraku…?” Kagome exclaims surprised, thinking how wrong she was to think it was Inuyasha who had gotten her pregnant.
Inuyasha jumps up from his seat, “Look-”
“Kagome, Kagome…” Miroku interrupts Inuyasha, jumping from his seat on the couch. “We can get her an appointment for next week but it will cost $250.00.”
“But if it’s Naraku there’s no problem. I’m sure if you just tell him…” Kagome says trying to think optimistic.
“He knows…” Kikyo says, looking up at Kagome to see her surprised expression, Kikyo chuckles. “Go back to your playpen, Kagome…” Kikyo said insulting her. Kagome leaves the lodge and heads back to her hotel room; hoping to talk to Naraku in the morning about all of this.
Sorry this chapter took so long. It is a little longer then the rest though so be happy! Anyway…I’m sorry that a lot of the main characters aren’t in this… I just don’t have a place for EVERYONE. This is starting to become more and more like the movie…plus I have the movie playing while I write this. I want to give a big thank you to my reviewers as well as my friend here who cheers me on to write more! Well here is to my reviewers at Mediaminer and Fanfiction from chapter 2:
Chikyo-sama: I’m glad you like my fics and I’m sorry this chapter took SO long! You are mucho loved!
lady KCassandra: lol, yes…it was hot…I just love dancing scenes where it’s all hot and heavy! -. Thank you so much for reviewing!
BerryBlossomWHite: I’m glad you like chapter 2! I hope this chapter didn’t disappoint you! Thank you so much for being my fan!!! Woot! I have a fan!!! You are very mucho loved!!!
KandieCraze16: I’m also glad you like my fanfic!!! Thank you so much for reviewing!
Maloy: Thank you for reviewing again and I hope to read some of your stories! I actually have spell check on my computer so it’s not grammar that needs checking its just it needs to be proofread… I tend to not read over my work…sweat drop But it’s all good!
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