dark-OMG HOW LONG WAS IT...I DIDN'T EVEN CELEBRATE NEW YEARS AND CHRISTMAS!!! me-deal with it dark-NO!!! me-..*sigh*....fine fine...here

 me-u happy dark-...ya...better have something or... me-JUST SHUT UP AND LET ME TYPE dark-fine fine.. me-SHUT UP...
-dark-....no....just no shady -cena-wtf happened? -shady-..*looks scared* -redwing-...nothing too special.. -dark-.... -cena-... -dark-....im gonna let that slide...so shadyness...how's that ship going? -shady-...what ship... -dark-the ship i told u the build.. -shady-..what build..? -dark-....someone give me something hard.. -cena-..will this work?.*gives me a bag full of rocks* -dark-..ehh better than nothing... -shady-OKOK IM SORRY....THE SHIP IS RIGHT THERE.. -dark-...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO -all by dark-..what? -dark-..IT'S ******** PINK...
-cross-man...how r we gonna do this..? -yosh-....umm.....we can shoot air missles in the air and then lick them -mogs-and then kill u for thinking that -cross-..domestic violence is bad when there is no weapons -mogs-look around ya... -cross-*looks around*...GET HIM.... -random man-..deal or no deal?.. -mogs-DEAL DEAL DEAL -yosh-NO DEAL NO DEAL.. -cross-BUT WHAT ABOUT SPRATA!!!?
.....yes i stole it......what they gonna do?
-ray-......... -janu-......... -gaara-........ -ray-....TIME TO ROCK THE SHOW!!!
wait wait....messed up....reverse...
-ray-......... -janu-..... -gaara-....... -ray-......this place is so damn HOTT!!! -janu-..in which way? -ray-as in steaming hot sauna way -gaara-...oh well i like it because.. -ray and janu-..yes ur gaara wife.. -gaara-is it really that obvious..? -ray-OOO AN BUTTON!!!!
 -janu-...it's the same button...
wait sorry....interuption has got me to stop for a the day....till tomorrow!!!
and the writer is back!!!
-kimmi-...we will we will.. -anu-ROCK U!!! -moon-..we will we will -anu-ROCK U!! -kimmi-..umm...what's after that...? -anu-.....YAOI YAOI...YAOI.. -moon-..YAOI YAOI YAOI.. *someoone throw's a rock at them* -me FROM THE HEAVENS!!-NEVER AGAIN......NEVER AGAIN!!! -all-...anyway.....the planes... -me FROM THE HEAVENS!!-THANK U....
-dark-U BUILD A ******** PINK BOAT....WHAT WAS U THINKING!!? -shady-...uhh...umm...a kite....some chicken...and a barbie doll... -cena and redwing-..why was u thinking of a barbie doll? -shady-i like breaking them in half and putting tomato soup on them to seem like the was chopped by a chainsaw... sweatdrop -dark-....BUT U REALLY JUST LIKE THE LITTLE SKIRTS AND U.. -cena-*closes my mouth*..we don't need to know anymore... -redwing-..... -shady-....see now look.....it's green... -dark-...ur head? -cena-..no ur mom... -dark-man shut up cena -cena-..u shut up loser.. -dark-..*to himself*...b***h.. -cena-*slaps me*.. -shady-..OOOOOOOOOOOOOHH OHHH OHO HOO OH OH OH OH OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHOOOHHH -dark-...yeah show ur retardnerdness..(RE-TAR-D-NER-D-NE-SS) -redwing-.R WE GONNA USE THAT DAMN BOAT OR NOT?? -dark-..just get on the damn boat...
-cross-DARKNESS!!! -mogs and yosh-AHHHH U SCARED ME -cross-I WIN
that was random...(and i know daniel laughed off of that) REVERSE!!!
-cross-....dammit man....i need to find that girl who attacked me.. -mogs-...actually u attacked her.. -cross-...dammit women...im trying to think -mogs-..*gets up,picks up a rock,and drops it on cross's stomach* -cross-OUCH!!!...OH WAIT....I GOT AN IDEA.. -mogs-...oh great surlock what!!!? -cross-...LET'S SHOOT A DIAL UP MODEM!!! -yosh-..HELLZ YEAH...LET'S DO IT!!! -shadow-......
-ray-*presses the button*....nothing is happenin..YEPP!! -janu-..ray...RA..AGH!! -gaara-...hu..AHH!! *they all fell down a hole and landed in a gold mine* -ray-...oww....where r we..? -janu-...look..like...GOLD!!! -gaara-GOLD!!!!OH FU*K YEAH -someone-DO NOT TOUCH THE GOLD!!!! -all-...O.o;
-kimmi-FLYING IS THE S.H.I.T....*wakes up from a dream*....did i say that!!? -anu-...yes....yes u did... -moon-..well..we got to fix the planes -me FROM THE HEAVENS-..WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT NOW U ALL NEED SOME ACTING SKILLS... -anu-..*shoot him* -kimmi-what was that for.. -anu-he went too far...and he is annoying..
MY EYES.....WHAT WAS THAT......MACE!!!? .....AGH......*beeP*...*beep beep beep*....that's kinda fun..*beep beep beep beep beep beep*.... Mother:..STEPHEN UR GROUNDED FOR CUSSING....PREPAIR TO GET 40 LASHES.. me:...this is not the passion of the Christ mom..
sorry who thought that was offensive..
-dark-....*looks at the sea*.. -cena-...100 miles from home......genius... -dark-...who forgot that map..? -shady-....FOR THE LAST TIME IT WAS.. -redwing-u shady... -shady-........NO...DARK... -dark-..no...be quiet..... -shady-..man...this is worse than standing in a open movie theater full of sharks...
 -dark-...IS THAT A ISLAND...!!? -shady-....wait........IT'S CROSS!!
-dark-....welcome to the spot..im the darkone15... -shady-and im shady54 trying to open this bottle.. -dark-...shady....ur twisting it the wrong way... -shady-....oh.. -dark-now for the weather...cena? -cena-IT'S HOT!! -dark-and for the wind report.. -cross-DAMN THE COYOTES AND THEIR ROADRUNNERS.. -dark-and the sports.. -TOSH-...WHO CARE....WAIT IS THAT A TYPO..? -dark-..yes....mogs is handle the typing...thing -mogs-....tosh...funny... -tosh/king of weirdos-...b***h I KILL U....*runs up there* -shady-...anyway.....we just heard some news....kelp ur on the spotlight.. -kelp-..thanks...look at this....a nerd named Corrupt told me that someone stloe he yugi cards.. -corrupt-..it's dual monster cards!!! -kelp-...anyway back to u -dark-...and r specail guest...SAY HELLO TO ORLANDO BLOOM.. -shady-...known as.....orlando bloomIN ONION!!! -dark-....he ran away......use a spike this time... -HULK-HULK SMASH.. -dark-shut up hulk....ur not strong... -shady-....HOCUS POCUS!!! -dark-...and ur not harry potter...know as harry backside...(i made that up)..well it's time to go....goodnight everybody!!! -shady-...REMEMBER...TIME IS ESSENCE!!!
shady-.....BOOTY BUTT BOOTY BUTT BOOTY BUTT CHEEKS!!! dark-....oh u r in so much trouble...
thedarkone15 · Wed Jan 16, 2008 @ 12:35am · 9 Comments |