H!M : O P E N : He is the one who was pushed through the portal just a year ago, the one who was left to fend on his own for almost a month before the Lux got a hold of him. He was the one who always lead the group around, always Mr. Big-shot with the ladies and gents. The one who could talk his way out of any situation when needed to. Ultimate wit. His life on Earth was nothing to brag about though, life had its ups and down like normal. But in this new realm, he's at a god level. People respect him because he is from somewhere new, somewhere most have never heard of. Has all this power gone to his head? A little, oh, just a little. He still does miss home though, he misses his relationships with his friends and his special someone. He isn't really looking for a way back though, he holds someone everyone wants and he's planning to keep it that way. What is his gift though? It's the ability to see through lies.
HER : O P E N : She's an interesting character, always the one to ruffle feathers in order to get what she wants. Spoiled. Arrogant. Crude. All of those apply to her. She isn't afraid to step on toes nor push a few people onto the tracks if it gets her ahead of the game. She is hiding something though, hiding that she lives alone. All of her life she has really been alone though, parents were never home to read her bedtime stories or kiss her goodnight. They travel non-stop and often push their daughter out of their mind. Does she push everyone else away from her to be like her parents, or is it just the way she is? What is her gift though? The gift of insight. There is something up with her, when someone else is calling the shots of the group will she rebel and take actions in the other realm? Or will she happily go along with it, psh, ya right.
H!M : O P E N : He is H!S best friend, someone who he has known since he was just an infant. He has always been the shy sort of boy, always the one in the back of the class reading away at his books. He is brilliant, but often not seen as anything special. Most don't even notice he's there, often sinking into the background. He finds that fine though, at least his girlfriend notices him. He secretly wishes that his life could be different though, full of action and himself leading the way like most boys do in fairy tales. He doesn't know it yet, but he will be leading the revolution with his best friend at his side. What is this young man's power? It's invisibility. Something he often uses in real life, not literally. The odd thing is, he won't seem to like his power at first, will he ever some to terms that his power is to not be seen? Or will he not use it and be cut down by an enemy that isn't teenage girls.
HER: T A K E N by Porcelain Nightmare : A radical dreamer. The one who takes two classes of art instead of having science. She loves to be out and about, her brain always thinking of new stories that she'll probably forget in another hour or so. A quirky young lady who loves nothing more than sitting alone for hours upon hours painting or doodling. Her personality is one to be reckoned with, often bubbly and sarcastic, always wanting people around her to laugh. Underneath this exciting top layer, she is quite compassionate. Her ego can get bruised easily, always thinking that what she does is never good enough. She is her own toughest critic. She is currently going out with H!M, she seems how soft he is and can't help but swoon at it. Her power is of the imagination, the ability to tell lies. She doesn't lie often, but will know how to weave stories that anyone will believe, human or not.
H!M : O P E N : The serious sort of teen, one who knows what he wants and will do anything to get it. He is possibly the hardest working individual out there, always competing for first place. He becomes jealous easily, even over the simplest of things. He's athletic and was always popular in high school, many loving the rough attitude that he has acquired over the years. He was always jealous of H!M, but always seemed to think of him as a brother. Over the last year he seems to be the only one to see the change in his rivaling friend, something he just can't seem to place. His life hasn't exactly been a pleasant one, living only with his father now. He doesn't really speak of his past, but everyone knows that whatever it was made him so rough around the edges. What may this young man's gift be, no it's not inhuman strength, it's the ability to forgive.
HER: O P E N : The over-acting girl who always wants attention. She's going to major in drama once she gets to college, if she makes it through this insane dimensional war. Through out her life she has been over dramatic, her parents once thought she had a chemical imbalance in her brain. She constantly cries over the stupidest of things and is always seeking attention from everyone around her. She is even surprised that her friends stick around her. It's true that everyone is getting sick of her, but they can't find it in their hearts to tell her to get lost. She hates being alone, hence her constant need for attention. She wants to be stronger, since she is afraid of many things. Her power is courage, the heart of a lion. Her power will take other's help and will take longer than her friend's. Will she give up in waiting for it to arise?
H!M : O P E N : He would be the impostor, the one who shoved H!M into the portal, creating all that havoc. He hates lying, but will do it to save his life. His past lays in the fields of his dimension, ones that he loves to speak of to HER, since she's so artsy-fartsy she think they're just made up fairy tales. Unlike H!M, the one whose space he is taking, he prefers the serenity of his friends more than the lime light of popularity. It seems like he has many personalities, they often reflect the moods of those around him. He might seem like he knows everything, but most of it is just random knowledge he'll spew at random moments. He often sets a wall around him though, never really willing to get close to anyone. He does feel guilty for taking someone Else's place, but deep down knows it's for the good of both dimensions.
HER: O P E N : The escort of Lux, the countess held highest in her place. She radiates elegance in every which, way, and form. Manners are impounded into her head and she behave the way she is supposed to, like a lady. She fights, literally, for everything right and just. Her personality is kind and soft, that of a mother. Though she is young, before the age of twenty in Earth dimension years, she seems to know everything there is. Her ways through out the years have been dedicated to gaining knowledge and becoming more and more elegant, your teeth could practically etch away with her sweetness. She is constantly biting her tongue at what she should say next though, but her greatest challenge is up next. She has been paired with someone from the other court, someone she has known for a very long time. Will this new distraction take her mind off of her true duty, the duty to protect who ever enters the land. Will it become just another day where she says no to doing something? Will she stand up for herself?
H!M : T A K E N by Spifftastic Boom. : The object of lust from the Tenebris court. He is the lusting want of many women in the Tenebris court, all eyes on his. An attention whore of sorts, always looking for someone to play with. Hearts, he has broken them. Lives, he has taken them. Money, he has stolen that. Whatever he wants people will easily give to him. He is selfish, anyone can see that. He lives for himself and doesn't want anyone in his way. He lets off steam by escorting ladies to his room, of course they want to go. This knight is one of a kind, possibly the only one that anyone will let get away with these actions. Sly and agile. Will the temptations of newcomers take him off his quest to find the key?
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