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Today, some things happened.
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The Egg, the mysterious Egg. The secrets it holds. Knowing these things is Dromeism. Dromeism is the following of the Egg.

The Egg has been sent to us for reason. That reason is not known. However undeveloped, the Egg has already taught us much.

- Always charge your MP3 player, so that you may have music with you to guide your spirit.

- Do not make loud noises where it is not appropriate.

- If you believe someone should change their ways for their betterment and the betterment of others, make sure to inform them, but do not force them.

- Remember the dinosaurs.

- Be respectful of people in the stairwell. Both of you could easily fall.

- Respect nature.

- Occasiontally, try to think of yourself as something other than human.

These, and more, are the words of the Egg. Carry out the Egg's teachings, and carry the Egg itself on your back. Entrust your soul to it, and there shall be retribution and cupcakes for all.

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